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Departments & Research Groups

Departments & Research Groups
AMA - Applications, Middleware, IT-Architecture
The majority of modern business processes are IT or softwarebased. Different software systems
provides a secure and well-monitored groupware environment based on Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint. While Exchange, in addition to providing email services, focusses on mobile communication and calendar applications, SharePoint enables KIT institutions to use web-based team portals for the exchange
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups

KIT - SCC - Scientific Computing Center (SCC) - Homepage

Symbolbild mit Lupe und Schriftzügen Incidents / Maintenance / Störungen / Wartungen
will launch the pilot phase of the new JupyterHub service for teaching. The aim of the project is to strengthen research-oriented teaching, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, simulation and modeling.
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) →

RAI - Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI

RAI - Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI
The research group emerges from the BMBF project EQUIPE, which has successfully attracted funding in a call for proposals on AI junior
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups → Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI

UQ - Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification

UQ - Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification
The junior research group Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) develops advanced mathematical and numerical techniques for the treatment and quantification of uncertainties in complex computational
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups → Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification

RAI - Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI

RAI - Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI
The research group emerges from the BMBF project EQUIPE, which has successfully attracted funding in a call for proposals on AI junior
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups → Junior Research Group Robust and Efficient AI

UQ - Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification

UQ - Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification
The junior research group Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) develops advanced mathematical and numerical techniques for the treatment and quantification of uncertainties in complex computational
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups → Junior Research Group Uncertainty Quantification

MBS - Research Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation

MBS - Research Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation
The tremendous growth of high-performance computational (HPC) resources in the last decades has enabled the use
 Scientific Computing Center (SCC) → About us → Organisation → Departments & Research Groups → Research Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation

Treffer: 1-10 von 1171