RHS_SOLUTION_FILE_FORMAT - explains the fileformat of the right hand side(s), the initial guess(es) and the solution(s) used in LINSOL.


Table of contents


The RHS_SOLUTION_FILE_FORMAT is used within the LINSOL program package to read one or more right hand side(s) and initial guess(es) of the linear equation(s) from a file and to write one or more solution(s) to a file. It is possible to read or write an ASCII- or binary-file. If the INPUT_FORMAT is set to zero, the matrix, the right hand side(s), the initial guess(es) and the solution(s) are read and written as binary-files [see also manual page <linsol>]. The access to the files is always sequential.


The first record consists of the two following parameters:

l, no_of_equations_to_solve

l integer, scalar

Maximal number of unknowns on a processor (it must hold: l = max{lmatbk(i),i=1,..,nproc}).
no_of_equations_to_solve integer, scalar
Number of linear equations that should be solved. The matrix MAT is always the same for different linear equations. If the variable no_of_equations_to_solve in the file for the ride hand side(s) is larger than the same variable in the file for the initial guess(es), the latest linear equations will be solved without use of initial guesses.

SECOND [up to (l+1)th] RECORD

The (i)th record (i=2,3,...,l+1) consists of no_of_equations_to_solve (noe) real values.

rhs1(i-1), rhs2(i-1), ..., rhsnoe(i-1)

rhsj(i-1) real, scalar (j=1,2,...,noe)

rhsj(i-1) is the (i-1)th element of the jth vector of right hand sides, initial guesses or solutions.


H. Haefner 1998-99

     Numerikforschung fuer Supercomputer
     Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Karlsruhe
     Am	Zirkel 2
     D-76128 Karlsruhe
     Tel.      :   (+721) 608/4869
     Fax.      :   (+721) 32550
     e-mail    :   haefner@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de