Simulation Lab Klima und Umwelt
Das Scientific Computing Center (SCC) am KIT und das Jülich Supercomuting Centre (JSC) am Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) haben die Simulation Laboratories (SimLabs) als Teil des POF-Programms Supercomputing gegründet. Die SimLabs verstehen sich als Schnittstelle zwischen den Experten der Großrechenzentren und den Mitgliedern der entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Communities. Das SimLab Klima und Umwelt ist für den Bereich der Atmosphären- und Geowissenschaften zuständig und arbeitet eng zusammen mit dem SimLab Climate Science am JSC.
Das SimLab Klima und Umwelt versteht sich als integraler Bestandteil des KIT Zentrums Klima und Umwelt und unterstützt atmosphärische und geowissenschaftliche Modellsysteme welche auf Großrechnern, insbesondere am SCC und JSC betrieben werden. Der Schwerpunkt des SimLabs liegt dabei im Bereich des High Performance Computing (HPC) und in der Erstellung von eigenständigen Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich der Atmosphären- und Umweltwissenschaft. Diese Arbeiten werden in der Regel in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den wissenschaftlichen Instituten in Form von gemeinsamen Projekte durchgeführt.
Die Aufgaben des SimLab Klima und Umwelt unterteilen sich in
High Level Support:
- Unterstützung bezüglich Zugang und Rechenzeit an unterschiedlichen HPC Systeme am SCC, JSC und anderen Großrechenzentren
- Hilfestellung bei Portierung, Installierung und Simulation auf diesen HPC Systemen
- Optimierung der Modelle hinsichtlich Performance, Skalierbarkeit, Lastenverteilung oder parallelem In- und Output
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten:
- Eigenständige Modellentwicklungen (z.B. Erstellung von Modulen oder Updates von Modellsystemen)
- Durchführung von wissenschaftliche Arbeiten im Bereich der Atmosphären- und Umweltwissenschaft
Name | Tel. | |
Dr. Kirner, Oliver | +49 721 608-25698 | ole kirner ∂ kit edu |
Title | Autors | Source | Year |
Inter-model comparison of global hydroxyl radical (OH) distributions and their impact on atmospheric methane over the 2000–2016 period | Zhao, Y., Saunois, M., Bousquet, P., Lin, X., Berchet, A., Hegglin, M. I., Canadell, J. G., Jackson, R. B., Hauglustaine, D. A., Szopa, S., Stavert, A. R., Abraham, N. L., Archibald, A. T., Bekki, S., Deushi, M., Jöckel, P., Josse, B., Kinnison, D., Kirner, O., Marécal, V., O'Connor, F. M., Plummer, D. A., Revell, L. E., Rozanov, E., Stenke, A., Strode, S., Tilmes, S., Dlugokencky, E. J., and Zheng, B. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13701–13723, |
2019 |
On the role of trend and variability in the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the global methane budget | Zhao, Y., Saunois, M., Bousquet, P., Lin, X., Berchet, A., Hegglin, M. I., Canadell, J. G., Jackson, R. B., Deushi, M., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D., Kirner, O., Strode, S., Tilmes, S., Dlugokencky, E. J., and Zheng, B. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 13011–13022, |
2020 |
Stratospheric Ozone Loss over the Eurasian Continent Induced by the Polar Vortex Shift | Zhang, J., Tian, W., Xie, F., Chipperfield, M. P., Feng, W., Son, S.-W., Abraham, N. L., Archibald, A. T., Bekki, S., Butchart, N., Deushi, M., Dhomse, S., Han, Y., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D., Kirner, O., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., O’Connor, F. M., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Revell, L. E., Rozanov, E., Visioni, D., Wang, W., and Zeng, G. |
Nature Communications, 9, 206, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02565-2 |
2018 |
Partitioning and budget of inorganic and organic chlorine species observed by MIPAS-B and TELIS in the Arctic in March 2011 | Wetzel, G., Oelhaf, H., Birk, M., de Lange, A., Engel, A., Friedl-Vallon, F., Kirner, O., Kleinert, A., Maucher, G., Nordmeyer, H., Orphal, J., Ruhnke, R., Sinnhuber, B.-M., and Vogt, P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 8065-8076, doi:10.5194/acp-15-8065-2015 |
2015 |
Diurnal variations of BrONO2 observed by MIPAS-B at midlatitudes and in the Arctic | Wetzel, G., Oelhaf, H., Höpfner, M., Friedl-Vallon, F., Ebersoldt, A., Gulde, T., Kazarski, S., Kirner, O., Kleinert, A., Maucher, G., Nordmeyer, H., Orphal, J., Ruhnke, R., and Sinnhuber, B.-M. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 14631-14643, |
2017 |
Diurnal variations of reactive chlorine and nitrogen oxides observed by MIPAS-B inside the January 2010 Arctic vortex |
Wetzel, G., Oelhaf, H., Friedl-Vallon, F., Kirner, O., Kleinert, A., Maucher, G., Nordmeyer, H., Orphal, J., and Ruhnke, R. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 6581-6592, doi:10.5194/acp-12-6581-2012 |
2012 |
Pollution trace gases C2H6, C2H2, HCOOH, and PAN in the North Atlantic UTLS: observations and simulations | Wetzel, G., Friedl-Vallon, F., Glatthor, N., Grooß, J.-U., Gulde, T., Höpfner, M., Johansson, S., Khosrawi, F., Kirner, O., Kleinert, A., Kretschmer, E., Maucher, G., Nordmeyer, H., Oelhaf, H., Orphal, J., Piesch, C., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Ungermann, J., and Vogel, B. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 8213–8232, |
2021 |
An emission module for ICON-ART 2.0: implementation and simulations of acetone | Weimer, M., Schröter, J., Eckstein, J., Deetz, K., Neumaier, M., Fischbeck, G., Hu, L., Millet, D. B., Rieger, D., Vogel, H., Vogel, B., Reddmann, T., Kirner, O., Ruhnke, R., and Braesicke, P. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2471-2494, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-2471-2017 |
2017 |
Mountain-wave-induced polar stratospheric clouds and their representation in the global chemistry model ICON-ART | Weimer, M., Buchmüller, J., Hoffmann, L., Kirner, O., Luo, B., Ruhnke, R., Steiner, M., Tritscher, I., and Braesicke, P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 9515–9543, |
2021 |
The MIPAS HOCl climatology |
Von Clarmann, T., Funke, B., Glatthor, N., Kellmann, S., Kiefer, M., Kirner, O., Sinnhuber, B.-M., and Stiller, G. P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 12, 1965-1977, doi:10.5194/acp-12-1965-2012 |
2012 |
Study of Ozone Layer Variability near St. Petersburg on the Basis of SBUV Satellite Measurements and Numerical Simulation (2000–2014) | Virolainen, Y.A., Timofeyev, Y.M., Smyshlyaev, S.P., Motsakov, M.A., and Kirner, O. |
Izvestiya, Atmosperic and Oceanic Physics, 53, 9, 911-917, doi: 10.1134/S0001433817090328 |
2017 |
Comparing Data Obtained from Ground Based Measurements of the Total Contents of O3, HNO3, HCl, and NO2 and from Their Numerical Simulation | Virolainen, Y.A., Timofeyev, Y.M., Polyakov, A.V., Ionov, D.V., Kirner, O., Poberovskii, A.V., Imhasin, H.Kh. |
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 52, 57-65, doi: 10.1134/S0001433815060146 |
2016 |
Chlorine nitrate in the atmosphere over St. Petersburg | Virolainen, Y.A., Timofeyev, Y.M., Poberovskii, A.V., Kirner, O., and Hoepfner, M. |
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 51, 49-56, doi: 10.1134/S0001433815010119 |
2015 |
Validation of Atmospheric Numerical Models Based on Satellite Measurements of Ozone Columns | Virolainen, Y.A., Timofeev, Y.M., Berezin, I.A., Smyshlyaev, S.P., Motsakov, M.A., and Kirner, O. |
Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., 43, 161, |
2018 |
Optimization of Procedure for Determining Chlorine Nitrate in the Atmosphere from Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements | Virolainen, Y.A., Polyakov, A.V., and Kirner, O. |
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 87, 2, doi: 10.1007/s10812-020-01002-5 |
2020 |
Global stratospheric hydrogen peroxide distribution from MIPAS-Envisat full resolution spectra compared to KASIMA model results |
Versick, S., Stiller, G. P., von Clarmann, T., Reddmann, T., Glatthor, N., Grabowski, U., Höpfner, M., Kellmann, S., Kiefer, M., Linden, A., Ruhnke, R., and Fischer, H. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 4923-4933, doi:10.5194/acp-12-4923-2012 |
2012 |
Case study of ozone anomalies over northern Russia in the 2015/2016 winter: measurements and numerical modelling | Timofeyev, Y. M., Smyshlyaev, S. P., Virolainen, Y. A., Garkusha, A. S., Polyakov, A. V., Motsakov, M. A., and Kirner, O. |
Ann. Geophys., 36, 1495-1505, |
2018 |
Ozone temporal variability in the subarctic region: comparison of satellite measurements with numerical simulations | Shved, G. M., Virolainen, Ya. A., Timofeyev, Yu. M., Ermolenko, S. I., Smyshlyaev, S. P., Motsakov, M. A., and Kirner, O. |
Izvestiya, Atmospheric Oceanic Physics, 54, 32-38, doi: 10.1134/S0001433817060111 |
2018 |
ICON-ART 2.1: a flexible tracer framework and its application for composition studies in numerical weather forecasting and climate simulations | Schröter, J., Rieger, D., Stassen, C., Vogel, H., Weimer, M., Werchner, S., Förstner, J., Prill, F., Reinert, D., Zängl, G., Giorgetta, M., Ruhnke, R., Vogel, B., and Braesicke, P. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 4043-4068, |
2018 |
The photolysis module JVAL-14, compatible with the MESSy standard, and the JVal PreProcessor (JVPP) | Sander, R., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Kunert, A. T., Landgraf, J., and Pozzer, A. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2653-2662, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2653-2014 |
2014 |
ICON–ART 1.0 – a new online-coupled model system from the global to regional scale | Rieger, D., Bangert, M., Bischoff-Gauss, I., Förstner, J., Lundgren, K., Reinert, D., Schröter, J., Vogel, H., Zängl, G., Ruhnke, R., and Vogel, B. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 1659-1676, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1659-2015 |
2015 |
Modeling haboob dust storms in large-scale weather and climate models | Pantillon, F., Knippertz, P., Marsham, J. H., Panitz, H.-J., and Bischoff-Gauss, I. |
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024349 |
2016 |
Impact of acetone (photo)oxidation on HOx production in the UT/LMS based on CARIBIC passenger aircraft observations and EMAC simulations |
Neumaier, M., Ruhnke, R., Kirner, O., Ziereis, H., Stratmann, G., Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M., and Zahn, A. |
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/ 2014GL059480 |
2014 |
Revisiting the mystery of recent stratospheric temperature trends | Maycock, A., Randel, W., Steiner, A., Karpechko, A. Y., Christy, J., Saunders, R., Thompson, D. W., Zou, C.-Z., Chrysanthou, A., Abraham, N. L., Akiyoshi, H., Archibald, A., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M., Dameris, M., Deushi, M., Dhomse, S., Di Genova, G., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D., Kirner, O., Ladstaedter, F., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., O´Connor, F., Oman, L., Pitari, G., Plummer, D., Revell, L., Rozanov, E., Stenke, A., Visioni, D., Yamashita, Y., and Zeng, G. |
Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, |
2018 |
The representation of solar cycle signals in stratospheric ozone – Part 2: Analysis of global models | Maycock, A. C., Matthes, K., Tegtmeier, S., Schmidt, H., Thiéblemont, R., Hood, L., Akiyoshi, H., Bekki, S., Deushi, M., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Kunze, M., Marchand, M., Marsh, D. R., Michou, M., Plummer, D., Revell, L. E., Rozanov, E., Stenke, A., Yamashita, Y., and Yoshida, K. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 11323-11343, |
2018 |
Initiation of deep convection in the Sahel in a convection-permitting climate simulation for northern Africa | Maurer, V., Bischoff-Gauß, I., Kalthoff, N., Gantner, L., Roca, R. and Panitz, H.-J. |
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 143, 806–816, doi:10.1002/qj.2966 |
2017 |
Solar forcing for CMIP6 (v3.2) | Matthes, K., Funke, B., Andersson, M. E., Barnard, L., Beer, J., Charbonneau, P., Clilverd, M. A., Dudok de Wit, T., Haberreiter, M., Hendry, A., Jackman, C. H., Kretzschmar, M., Kruschke, T., Kunze, M., Langematz, U., Marsh, D. R., Maycock, A. C., Misios, S., Rodger, C. J., Scaife, A. A., Seppälä, A., Shangguan, M., Sinnhuber, M., Tourpali, K., Usoskin, I., van de Kamp, M., Verronen, P. T., and Versick, S. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2247-2302, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-2247-2017 |
2017 |
Annual cycle and long-term trend of the methane total column in the atmosphere over the St. Petersburg region | Makarova, M.V., Kirner, O., Timofeev, Yu.M., Poberovskii, A.V., Imkhasin, Kh.Kh., Osipov, S.I., and Makarov, B.K. |
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 51, 4, 431-438, doi: 10.1134/S0001433815040088 |
2015 |
Analysis of Methane Total Column Variations in the Atmosphere near St. Petersburg using Ground Based Measurements and Simulation | Makarova, M.V., Kirner, O., Timofeev, Yu.M., Poberovskii, A.V., Imkhasin, Kh.Kh., Osipov, S.I., Makarov, B.K |
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 51, 2, 201-209, doi: 10.1134/S0001433815010089 |
2015 |
Clear-sky ultraviolet radiation modelling using output from the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative | Lamy, K., Portafaix, T., Josse, B., Brogniez, C., Godin-Beekmann, S., Bencherif, H., Revell, L., Akiyoshi, H., Bekki, S., Hegglin, M. I., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Liley, B., Marecal, V., Morgenstern, O., Stenke, A., Zeng, G., Abraham, N. L., Archibald, A. T., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M. P., Di Genova, G., Deushi, M., Dhomse, S. S., Hu, R.-M., Kinnison, D., Kotkamp, M., McKenzie, R., Michou, M., O'Connor, F. M., Oman, L. D., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Pyle, J. A., Rozanov, E., Saint-Martin, D., Sudo, K., Tanaka, T. Y., Visioni, D., and Yoshida, K. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10087–10110, |
2019 |
Observed and simulated time evolution of HCl, ClONO2, and HF total column abundances |
Kohlhepp, R., Ruhnke, R., Chipperfield, M. P., De Mazière, M., Notholt, J., Barthlott, S., Batchelor, R. L., Blatherwick, R. D., Blumenstock, Th., Coffey, M. T., Demoulin, P., Fast, H., Feng, W., Goldman, A., Griffith, D. W. T., Hamann, K., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Jones, N. B., Kagawa, A., Kaiser, I., Kasai, Y., Kirner, O., Kouker, W., Lindenmaier, R., Mahieu, E., Mittermeier, R. L., Monge-Sanz, B., Morino, I., Murata, I., Nakajima, H., Palm, M., Paton-Walsh, C., Raffalski, U., Reddmann, Th., Rettinger, M., Rinsland, C. P., Rozanov, E., Schneider, M., Senten, C., Servais, C., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Smale, D., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Taylor, J. R., Vanhaelewyn, G., Warneke, T., Whaley, C., Wiehle, M., and Wood, S. W. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 3527-3556, doi:10.5194/acp-12-3527-2012 |
2012 |
Simulation of polar stratospheric clouds in the chemistry-climate-model EMAC via the submodel PSC |
Kirner, O., Ruhnke, R., Buchholz-Dietsch, J., Jöckel, P., Brühl, C., and Steil, B. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 4, 169-182, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-169-2011 |
2011 |
Chemistry–Climate Interactions of Stratospheric and Mesospheric Ozone in EMAC Long-Term Simulations with Different Boundary Conditions for CO2, CH4, N2O, and ODS | Kirner, O., Ruhnke R., and Sinnhuber, B.-M. |
Atmosphere-Ocean, 53, 140-152, doi: 10.1080/07055900.2014.980718 |
2015 |
Contribution of liquid, NAT and ice particles to Antarctic stratospheric chlorine activation |
Kirner, O., Mueller, R., Ruhnke, R., and Fischer H. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2019-2030, doi:10.5194/acp-15-2019-2015 |
2015 |
Comparison of XCO abundances from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network and the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change measured in Karlsruhe | Kiel, M., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., and Kirner, O. |
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2223-2239, doi:10.5194/amt-9-2223-2016 |
2016 |
Comparison of ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) simulations of the Arctic winter 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 with Envisat/MIPAS and Aura/MLS observations | Khosrawi, F., Kirner, O., Stiller, G., Höpfner, M., Santee, M. L., Kellmann, S., and Braesicke, P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 8873-8892, |
2018 |
Denitrification, dehydration and ozone loss during the 2015/2016 Arctic winter | Khosrawi, F., Kirner, O., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Johansson, S., Höpfner, M., Santee, M. L., Froidevaux, L., Ungermann, J., Ruhnke, R., Woiwode, W., Oelhaf, H., and Braesicke, P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12893-12910, |
2017 |
On the climatological probability of the vertical propagation of stationary planetary waves | Karami, K., Braesicke, P., Sinnhuber, M., and Versick, S. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8447-8460, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8447-2016 |
2016 |
Spatio-temporal Structure of the Boundary Layer under the Impact of Mountain Waves | Kalthoff, N., Adler, B., and Bischoff-Gauss, I. |
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, doi: 10.1127/metz/2020/1033 |
2020 |
Unusual chlorine partitioning in the 2015/16 Arctic winter lowermost stratosphere: observations and simulations | Johansson, S., Santee, M. L., Grooß, J.-U., Höpfner, M., Braun, M., Friedl-Vallon, F., Khosrawi, F., Kirner, O., Kretschmer, E., Oelhaf, H., Orphal, J., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Tritscher, I., Ungermann, J., Walker, K. A., and Woiwode, W. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 8311-8338, |
2019 |
Pollution trace gas distributions and their transport in the Asian monsoon upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere during the StratoClim campaign 2017 | Johansson, S., Höpfner, M., Kirner, O., Wohltmann, I., Bucci, S., Legras, B., Friedl-Vallon, F., Glatthor, N., Kretschmer, E., Ungermann, J., and Wetzel, G. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 14695–14715, |
2020 |
Evaluation of windenergy potential over Thailand by using an atmospheric mesoscale model and a GIS approach |
Janjai, S., Masiri, I., Promsen, W., Pattarapanitchai, S., Pankaew, P., Laksanaboonsong, J., Bischoff-Gauss, I., Kalthoff, N. |
J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 129, 1–10, doi: 10.1016/ j.jweia.2014.03.010 |
2014 |
Northern Hemisphere atmospheric influence of the solar proton events and ground level enhancement in January 2005 |
Jackman, C. H., Marsh, D. R., Vitt, F. M., Roble, R. G., Randall, C. E., Bernath, P. F., Funke, B., López-Puertas, M., Versick, S., Stiller, G. P., Tylka, A. J., and Fleming, E. L. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 6153-6166, doi:10.5194/acp-11-6153-2011 |
2011 |
Earth System Chemistry integrated Modelling (ESCiMo) with the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) version 2.51 | Jöckel, P., Tost, H., Pozzer, A., Kunze, M., Kirner, O., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Brinkop, S., Cai, D. S., Dyroff, C., Eckstein, J., Frank, F., Garny, H., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Graf, P., Grewe, V., Kerkweg, A., Kern, B., Matthes, S., Mertens, M., Meul, S., Neumaier, M., Nützel, M., Oberländer-Hayn, S., Ruhnke, R., Runde, T., Sander, R., Scharffe, D., and Zahn, A. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 1153-1200, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1153-2016 |
2016 |
An evaluation of tropical waves and wave forcing of the QBO in the QBOi models | Holt, L. A., Lott, F., Garcia, R. R., Kiladis, G. N., Cheng, Y.-M., Anstey, J. A., Braesicke, P., Bushell, A. C., Butchart, N., Cagnazzo, C., Chen, C.-C., Chun, H.-Y., Kawatani, Y., Kerzenmacher, T., Kim, Y.-Ha, McLandress, C., Naoe, H., Osprey, S., Richter, J. H., Scaife, A. A., Scinocca, J., Serva, F., Versick, S., Watanabe, S., Yoshida, K., Yukimoto, S. |
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 2020, 1– 27, |
2020 |
Composition changes after the "Halloween" solar proton event: the High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere (HEPPA) model versus MIPAS data intercomparison study |
Funke, B., Baumgaertner, A., Calisto, M., Egorova, T., Jackman, C. H., Kieser, J., Krivolutsky, A., López-Puertas, M., Marsh, D. R., Reddmann, T., Rozanov, E., Salmi, S.-M., Sinnhuber, M., Stiller, G. P., Verronen, P. T., Versick, S., von Clarmann, T., Vyushkova, T. Y., Wieters, N., and Wissing, J. M. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 9089-9139, doi:10.5194/acp-11-9089-2011 |
2011 |
A semi-empirical model for mesospheric and stratospheric NOy produced by energetic particle precipitation | Funke, B., López-Puertas, M., Stiller, G. P., Versick, S., and von Clarmann, T. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8667-8693, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8667-2016 |
2016 |
HEPPA-II model–measurement intercomparison project: EPP indirect effects during the dynamically perturbed NH winter 2008–2009 | Funke, B., Ball, W., Bender, S., Gardini, A., Harvey, V. L., Lambert, A., López-Puertas, M., Marsh, D. R., Meraner, K., Nieder, H., Päivärinta, S.-M., Pérot, K., Randall, C. E., Reddmann, T., Rozanov, E., Schmidt, H., Seppälä, A., Sinnhuber, M., Sukhodolov, T., Stiller, G. P., Tsvetkova, N. D., Verronen, P. T., Versick, S., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., and Yushkov, V. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 3573-3604, doi:10.5194/acp-17-3573-2017 |
2017 |
Tridiagonal Preconditioning for Poisson-like Difference Equations with Flat Grids: Application to Incompressible Atmospheric Flow |
Fiebig-Wittmaak, M., Börsch-Supan, W., Bischoff-Gauss, I., and Astudillo, O. |
J. Comp. Appl. Math., 236, 1435-1441, doi: 10.1016/ |
2011 |
An assessment of the climatological representativeness of IAGOS-CARIBIC trace gas measurements using EMAC model simulations | Eckstein, J., Ruhnke, R., Zahn, A., Neumaier, M., Kirner, O., and Braesicke, P. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 2775-2794, doi:10.5194/acp-17-2775-2017 |
2017 |
Estimates of ozone return dates from Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative simulations | Dhomse, S. S., Kinnison, D., Chipperfield, M. P., Salawitch, R. J., Cionni, I., Hegglin, M. I., Abraham, N. L., Akiyoshi, H., Archibald, A. T., Bednarz, E. M., Bekki, S., Braesicke, P., Butchart, N., Dameris, M., Deushi, M., Frith, S., Hardiman, S. C., Hassler, B., Horowitz, L. W., Hu, R.-M., Jöckel, P., Josse, B., Kirner, O., Kremser, S., Langematz, U., Lewis, J., Marchand, M., Lin, M., Mancini, E., Marécal, V., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., O'Connor, F. M., Oman, L., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Pyle, J. A., Revell, L. E., Rozanov, E., Schofield, R., Stenke, A., Stone, K., Sudo, K., Tilmes, S., Visioni, D., Yamashita, Y., and Zeng, G. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 8409-8438, |
2018 |
The effect of atmospheric nudging on the stratospheric residual circulation in chemistry–climate models | Chrysanthou, A., Maycock, A. C., Chipperfield, M. P., Dhomse, S., Garny, H., Kinnison, D., Akiyoshi, H., Deushi, M., Garcia, R. R., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Revell, L., Rozanov, E., Stenke, A., Tanaka, T. Y., Visioni, D., and Yamashita, Y. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 11559–11586, |
2019 |
Errors induced by different approximations in handling horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities in MIPAS/ENVISAT retrievals | Castelli, E., Ridolfi, M., Carlotti, M., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Kirner, O., Kiefer, M., and Dinelli, B. M. |
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5499-5508, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5499-2016 |
2016 |
Overview of experiment design and comparison of models participating in phase 1 of the SPARC Quasi-Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi) | Butchart, N., Anstey, J. A., Hamilton, K., Osprey, S., McLandress, C., Bushell, A. C., Kawatani, Y., Kim, Y.-H., Lott, F., Scinocca, J., Stockdale, T. N., Andrews, M., Bellprat, O., Braesicke, P., Cagnazzo, C., Chen, C.-C., Chun, H.-Y., Dobrynin, M., Garcia, R. R., Garcia-Serrano, J., Gray, L. J., Holt, L., Kerzenmacher, T., Naoe, H., Pohlmann, H., Richter, J. H., Scaife, A. A., Schenzinger, V., Serva, F., Versick, S., Watanabe, S., Yoshida, K., and Yukimoto, S. |
Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1009-1032, |
2018 |
Evaluation of the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation in global climate models for the SPARC QBO‐initiative | Bushell, A. C., Anstey, J. A., Butchart, N., Kawatani, Y., Osprey, S. M., Richter, J. H., Serva, F., Braesicke, P., Cagnazzo, C., Chen, C.-C., Chun, H.-Y., Garcia, R. R., Gray, L. J., Hamilton, K., Kerzenmacher, T., Kim, Y.-H., Lott, F., McLandress, C., Naoe, H., Scinocca, J., Smith, A. K., Stockdale, T. N., Versick, S., Watanabe, S., Yoshida, K., Yukimoto, S. |
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 2020, 1– 31, |
2020 |
Radiative and dynamical contributions to past and future Arctic stratospheric temperature trends |
Bohlinger, P., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Ruhnke, R., and Kirner, O. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1679-1688, doi:10.5194/acp-14-1679-2014 |
2014 |
Projecting ozone hole recovery using an ensemble of chemistry–climate models weighted by model performance and independence | Amos, M., Young, P. J., Hosking, J. S., Lamarque, J.-F., Abraham, N. L., Akiyoshi, H., Archibald, A. T., Bekki, S., Deushi, M., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D., Kirner, O., Kunze, M., Marchand, M., Plummer, D. A., Saint-Martin, D., Sudo, K., Tilmes, S., and Yamashita, Y. |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 9961–9977, |
2020 |