Introduction to MSC/PATRAN Command Language (PCL)-PAT304

Table of Contents

Lesson Title

1. Write Number Function: Learn how to write data to an ASCII file by using PCL.

2. Read Text Record: Learn how to read data from an ASCII file by using PCL.

3. Process Status: Learn how to spawn a UNIX command, and read the results into PCL.

4. Create Lug Geometry: Create a parametrized Geometry with PCL.


5. Mesh Lug Model: Mesh the parametrized geometry created in ex4.


6. Load Lug Model: Load the parametrized geometry meshed in ex5.


7. Put Elements In Groups: Write a PCL function to create a group of elements based on the shape of the elements.


8. Apply Load to Selected Nodes: Write a PCL function to apply a force (LBC) to a set of nodes. The amount of force and the targeting nodes are both input arguments to the function.


9. Move Mid-side Node to the Quarter Point: Write a function to modify an element by moving the mid-size node from the middle of an element edge to its quarter point (for crack growth analysis).


10. Training Pull Down Menu: Basics of MSC/PATRAN GUI. Creating a Pull-down Menu.


11. Create a Simple Form: Basics of MSC/PATRAN GUI. Creating a simple form.


12. Group Elements: Learning how to apply code written in ex7. to a from you build.


13. Apply Load Function Graphical User Interface: Learn to interpret data that a user inputs on a form you build. Pass this data to the function you wrote in ex8.


14. Properties Form: Learn some of MSC/PATRAN's style.


15. Lug Model: Build a GUI for exercises 4, 5, 6. Learn how to have forms working together.


16. Clevis Icon: Add an Icon to your forms.


17. The Select Files Form: Learn how to work with a File Widget. In addition, learn techniques to communicate and shear data between classes/forms.


18. Customizing Shareware: Learn how to create a menu of shareware functions and edit the PCL code.


19. Creating Nodal Results: Adding results to the MSC/PATRAN Database from PCL.



A. MSC/PATRAN Settings Listed By Category: Define and learn how to use each terminology in MSC/PATRAN.

B. Unix Quick Reference: Learn the commands used in UNIX.

C. Icon and Text Editors: Learn Icon Editors for different UNIX platforms.

D. PCL Example: The following produces a form which does nothing but gives you
a good example about how to build forms in PATRAN.

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