
SCC on workshops at IPDPS 2019

SCC will be represented with even three contributions at the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Here, researchers from all over the world will present their latest research results on parallel computing.

ParILUT: The first existing algorithm, which calculates a threshold-ILU pre-conditioner on GPUs.

SCC will be represented with even three contributions at the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2019 (IPDPS) in Rio de Janeiro. In cooperation with the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Tennessee, the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group FiNE (Fixed-Point Algorithms for Numerics at Exascale) has developed the first threshold-based incomplete LU preconditioner [1] for GPUs and will present it in the main track of the conference. A central part of the algorithm is an approximative sorting method for GPUs, which will be presented in the 9th International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) [2].

In the Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing Workshop (PDSEC), the research group around Hartwig Anzt encourages to recognize the development of software patches as a conference contribution and academic achievement and underlines this in a position paper [3].


Contact: Dr. Hartwig Anzt

Contributions to the workshops:

  1. ParILUT - A Parallel Threshold ILU for GPUs
  2. Approximate and Exact Selection on GPUs
  3. Are we doing the right thing? — A Critical Analysis of the Academic HPC Community

Achim Grindler