• Webpage for KIT institutions

  • Operation of an intranet/internet website for organizational/service units of the KIT.

Webpage for KIT institutions

General information

KIT websites are generally created using the OpenText web site management system. OpenText makes it easy to create and edit websites without programming knowledge and provides templates in the KIT corporate design.

First of all, the address, i.e. the URL, of the website must be defined. If the URL is to be of the type abc.kit.edu, it must be applied for from the KNN (Karlsruhe Names and Numbers) committee.

In order for the web pages to be accessible on the Internet under the URL, you need a virtual web server. A web service account is required to create this.

Additional information

  • When using OpenText, the web server must also be operated by the SCC, no external/own web servers are supported.
  • If the URL is managed at the SCC, it is necessary that the web server is also operated at the KIT.
  • The virtual web server are operated at the SCC in a fail-safe cluster.
  • The use of the SCC file systems is mandatory (i.e. no own NFS servers are supported).
  • The Apache configuration of the virtual web server can be adapted as required with access via the web service account.
  • It is also possible to install your own applications.

How to proceed

Collect the following information and send it to the KIT webmaster.

URL: Address via which the website is accessed

URL is a new subdomain, a new external domain or a domain that is to be moved to KIT.

  • www.subdomain.kit.edu
  • own-second-level-domain

Submit an application to the KNN

URL is a subdirectory of an existing website.

  • <existing website>/<abc>

Info in mail to the KIT webmaster

URL is a sub-subdomain.

  • <abc>.subdomain.kit.edu with subdomain.kit.edu available
  • <abc>.own-second-level-domain with own-second-level-domain available

Info in mail to the KIT webmaster
Web service account: an existing or a new one can be used

Web service accounts combine virtual web servers according to organizational area of responsibility. As many web service accounts as necessary and as few as possible should be created.


Use existing web service account.

  • Information can be obtained from your ITB (IT representative)

Info in mail to the KIT webmaster
Apply for a new web service account.Submit application (ITB)
OpenText project: Entering website content

Please also refer to the OpenText documentation.

Initial setup/deletionInfo in mail to the KIT webmaster

Language variants

  • Information on language variants (monolingual/bilingual, main language in case of bilingualism)

Info in mail to the KIT webmaster

OpenText contact person

  • Contact persons maintain an overview of the OpenText project and can add/remove editorial members

Info in mail to the KIT webmaster
Ein virtueller Webserver entspricht einem Webauftritt unter einer bestimmten URL.

Requesting a web presence/virtual web server

A virtual web server corresponds to a web presence under a specific URL

To have a virtual web server set up, send an e-mail to webmaster does-not-exist.kit edu with the following details

  • Subject: Web presence <URL>
  • Desired URL:
  • Web service account:
  • OpenText project: yes/no, if yes:
    • Information on language variants
    • Contact person(s) of the OpenText project
    • Initial editorial members

Overview of contact persons and their responsibilities

Different contact persons are entered/created for the KIT webmasters in the context of their KIT website. They are listed below with their respective responsibilities.

Reachable via

webmaster@subdomain.kit.edu, webmaster@own-second-level-domain

  • The currently registered persons can be viewed in the OpenText project on the SmartEdit start page under "Registered webmasters".
Responsibilities of the registered contact personReceives mails and takes care of mails concerning the domain.
Initial allocationKNN request
updateService desk
CancellationDeleted when the virtual web server is deleted.
Person responsible for the account ("Owner")
Person responsible for the account

Personal KIT account

Responsibility of the registered contact person
  • Receives access data, may pass on access data.
  • Has access to all virtual web servers and all other files stored in the HOME directory of the web service account.
  • Maintains an overview of the virtual web servers operated under this web service account and knows the contact persons. They are responsible for operating and updating their own applications (if available).
  • Knows whether own applications are operated on the virtual web servers and if so, which ones.
  • Responsible for keeping the person assigned to the web service account up to date.
  • Responsible for deprovisioning the web account.
Initial allocationWeb service account application
updateService desk

Mail to the KIT webmaster

Prerequisite: Home directory of the web service account is empty.

Additional receiving address
account does-not-exist.sysmail kit edu

Any address can be entered, including a PO box.

Responsibility of the stored contact personReceives and deals with mails relating to one of the virtual web servers of the web service account.
Initial allocationWeb service account request
UpdateService desk
CancellationAutomatically when the web service account is deleted.
Reachable via
  • Default: webmaster∂subdomain kit edu, webmaster@eigene-second-level-domain
  • Optional: can be assigned for each virtual web server, e.g. webmaster-virtual-webserver@(sub)domain. This e-mail address must be requested at postmaster does-not-exist.scc kit edu.
  • Any e-mail address can be stored.
Responsibilities of the stored contact personReceives and deals with mails concerning the virtual web server.
Initial allocationKIT webmaster
UpdateKIT webmaster
Responsibility of the stored contact personMaintains an overview of the OpenText project and can add/remove editorial members.
Initial assignmentKIT webmaster
updateKIT webmaster
Reachable viaImprint
Responsibility of the stored contact personPerson responsible for the content of the website, usually the OU management.
Initial assignmentOpenText editorial team member
UpdateOpenText editorial member


The individual packages must be canceled by the IT representative/OE manager by e-mail to webmaster does-not-exist.kit edu.


Advice is provided via webmaster does-not-exist.kit edu.

Services included

Virtual web server

  • Access via SSH login to Linux-based server
  • Customization and extension of the Apache configuration
  • Access and authorization of additional users via Windows CIFS with KIT account
  • Secure operation
  • Backup of documents
  • Multiple redundant web servers with load balancing

OpenText project

  • Access to KIT CMS OpenText with personal KIT account
  • Authorization of individual authors for different areas
  • Templates in the KIT corporate design
  • Permanent provision and development of templates for integration into KIT systems and third-party systems
    • Course catalog
    • Personalized communication directory
    • Publications
    • Data protection-compliant integration of social media elements
  • Custom extensibility through PHP applications
  • Connection to common databases (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL)
  • Secure operation including backup of project data
  • Regular training and introductory events
  • Concept consulting

Domain name service

  • Implementation of domain registration for domains approved by KNN.

Services not included

  • Individual development of templates and web applications