Outlook 2021 KIT mailbox

Add another account in Outlook:

"File - Account Settings - Account Settings - New".

Create new Outlook profile in Windows:

  • In the search box on the taskbar, type "Control Panel" and then select Control Panel App.
  • In the Control Panel search box, type "Mail" and then select "Mail (Microsoft Outlook)".
  • Click "View Profiles".

If you have multiple Outlook profiles, pay attention to which profile is used when Outlook starts or enable profile selection.

When adding a new profile, the old account wizard may be used, see Outlook 2016.


  • The first time you start Outlook, you will be greeted by a wizard to set up your account, which you should follow.
  • Enter the following data:
    • Email address: <ab1234>∂kit.edu as employee.
      (Students: <ab1234>∂student.kit.edu; Guests and Partners: <ab1234>∂partner.kit.edu).
      • Note: If you are logged on to Windows as a KIT domain user, your sender address (e.g. firstname.last name∂kit edu) is automatically entered. This also works and can be left as it is.
    • Advanced options - I want to set up my account manually: Yes
  • Connect
  • Select "Exchange" as the account type
  • You may need to log in with your KIT account, e.g. if you are not logged on to Windows as a KIT domain user.
    • Username: <ab1234>∂kit.edu as employee.
      (Students: <uxxxx>∂student.kit.edu; Guests and Partners: <ab1234>∂partner.kit.edu)
    • Password: your corresponding password.
  • Adjust the cache settings to make sure everything is synced.
  • Next
  • Done
  • Note: The sender address of your mailbox is specified by the Exchange server.

Outlook configuration is successfully completed.