SCC manages the KIT account for publishing Android apps in the Google Play Store. The DE RECHT of the KIT uses a small list of questions to check beforehand whether apps should be published under this KIT account as so-called KIT apps. For approved KIT apps, DE RECHT gives the SCC the order to grant the developer's e-mail address to access the KIT Google-Play-Account.
The Federated Login Services, FeLS for short, provide a secure, central access point (single sign-on) for services that are also used by members of other research institutions. Using the federated open-source identity management system RegApp, registered users from the different institutions are enabled to securely log on to various services. The persons can use the account provided by their home institution.
Allows ITBs to manage the groups of their OU. |
The SCC provides the KIT organizational units with a Microsoft Active Directory based on Windows Server 2016. The organizational units (KIT-OEs) receive access to an OU provided for them in the KIT-AD, in which they can manage their AD objects independently.
A KIT Admin account is used for unique identification of a neutral administration account in the IT environment of an organizational unit (OU). |
A KIT service account is used to uniquely identify a service in the IT environment of an organizational unit (OU). |
The KIT user account, also known as the KIT account, is the basis for many IT services in the KIT network for all KIT members. It provides access to systems and services and is generally used as a "login" in the KIT environment. |
Access to the KIT-AD via LDAP |
The OpenID Connect Provider provides authentication and authorization services for web-based single sign-on and for distributed API integration. A self-service web portal for session and token management is also provided.
Self-service portal for students, employees, and guests and partners (GuP). This includes functions related to the personal KIT account, such as password change. |
The Shibboleth Identity Provider provides authentication and authorization with single sign on of users for participating service providers. |
Various services at KIT have increased IT security requirements that go beyond a simple login with user name and password. These include in particular the SAP system and various VPN accesses. |
The designated IT officers (ITB) of a KIT OU have the possibility via this service, among other things, to have a new password randomly generated for accounts of their supervised OU. It is not possible to specify a password yourself. Furthermore, accounts can be removed from groups that are also managed by the group administration for ITB. |
This service enables the IT representative to create temporary WLAN accounts for guests at KIT. These accounts are valid for a maximum of two months and allow guests to get internet access in WLAN and LTA. Note: Self-service is currently not available. Please contact the service desk. |
The SCC offers a file transfer service ftp.scc.kit.edu for use at KIT. |
The backup service IBM SP (Spectrum Protect) provides KIT employees with the possibility of regular, automatic backup of Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers.
The federal state service bwDataArchive offers a solution for long-term data archiving, which is especially available for employees of universities and public research institutions in Baden-Württemberg. Data archiving is carried out at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and includes reliable storage of even large data sets for a period of ten or more years. The service enables a qualified implementation of the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the securing and storage of research data. |
The state service bwSync&Share is an online storage service for employees and students of universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg. It has been operated at KIT since January 1, 2014 and enables users to synchronize or exchange their data between different computers, mobile devices, and users.
The OU directory is a centrally broad-based, highly available data repository for OU-specific data for an organizational unit (OU) of KIT.
The personal directory is a highly available and central data storage for personal data and documents. The repository is available to all KIT employees, but cannot be shared with other users. |
Hosting of databases or applications on the basis of MS SQL Server |
MySQL Databases for KIT Applications and Students MySQL is a popular open source database system, especially in the web environment. |
Hosting of Oracle databases and applications |
PostgreSQL is a widely used, object-relational database management system (DBMS). The SCC operates the open source product on its own server systems and offers KIT employees the possibility to use PostgreSQL databases for official purposes. |
The RDM@KIT service team sees itself as a partner of science and research. We support you at KIT with services for sustainable research data management, starting with the application of scientific projects up to publication and archiving. |
KIT students and staff can print A3 and A4 documents as well as large formats up to a maximum of 89cm on the short side on the central printers and plotters. |
For cutting large-format print media, the SCC provides a professional cutting table with a cutting width of 1,800 mm. It is located in the basement of the SCC directly next to the elevator shaft and can be used by all KIT members free of charge and without registration. |
The folding machine performs all common single, wrapping, Z and double parallel, altar, drawing and cross folds for flyers in A3 - B7 formats and grammages from 50 - 160 g/m². |
Bereitstellung eines Großformatscanners für Mitarbeiter und Studierende des KIT.
Laminate sind Schutzfolien, in die der Ausdruck durch Hitzebehandlung eingeklebt wird.
Der Ausdruck wird durch die Laminierung wasserbeständig und abwaschbar. |
Das SCC stellt den organisatorischen Einheiten des KIT den Druckerserver "scc-print-oe.scc.kit.edu" zur Verfügung, über den Bürodrucker in den OEs eingerichtet werden können. Die Einrichtung erfolgt durch Print & Plot, die Drucker selber werden von der jeweiligen OE betrieben und von deren Mitarbeitern/IT-Beauftragten versorgt (Verbrauchsmaterialien, Wartung, Ersatz). Die Druckausgabe ist an die Öffnungszeiten der OEs gebunden. |
This service provides all users of the DFN (German Research Network) scientific network with distribution lists for e-mails for operating their own lists. |
This service is used by KIT employees and students to compile and administer their own mailing lists. These lists can be configured for different applications e.g., as moderated lists, discussion forums, or newsletters. |
Anti-Virus Protection for mail servers at KIT |
Information and interaction portal for IT officers at KIT. Informations and tools (e.g. SCC ticket system and SCC change calendar) are provided here by the SCC in to support the partnership cooperation between the SCC and the IT officers at KIT. |
The ticket system of the SCC is used to record and process all requests to the SCC. In addition, organizational units of the KIT (OU) can use the SCC ticket system to manage OU-specific support processes.
Technical Client Support (TCS) is in charge of the centrally managed IT workstations at KIT. TCS sets up the workstation computers as well as connected components and configures them for centrally managed operation in the service units at KIT. |
Provides session-based Windows desktops with installed standard software for KIT staff. |
The SCC provides operators of an OPSI server with a repository of "standard software" for their daily use, as well as the software which is covered by the campus license. |
The IT workstations of KIT should, on the one hand, ensure secure operation within the KIT infrastructure and, on the other hand, support the employees in research, teaching, and administration in their work in the best possible way. In order to fulfill this task for all areas, the SCC has worked out different operating models for workstation end devices. The two operating models that support decentrally organized operation are the modular model and the policy model. |
The service "External IT support for workstations" is the contract for IT support for IT workstations at KIT. This can be used to cover peak loads in the support of workstation computers in the organisational units at KIT. This work can be assigned to the framework agreement partner (RVP) via individual orders in the ticket system by IT representatives. |
Application installation and updating on local PCs is done at the SCC via Open PC Server Integration (OPSI). OPSI is used for the centralized management of software at the SCC.
This service is not yet offered for the KIT facilities. However, the SCC is prepared to provide consulting support and provides OPSI operators with a central repository for OPSI packages. |
The KMS service enables the automatic allocation and activation of Windows and Office volume licenses. |
Protection against unauthorized access to network segments inside the KIT (firewall). |
The time service ensures synchronized time on distributed computer systems. Various other services require a synchronized time. |
For communication and for the use of services in the Internet and Intranet, each computer connected to KITnet requires a registration in the DNS (Domain Name Service). The DNS data is kept in a central DNS database and transferred on a regular base to the domain name server of the SCC. Registered DNS representatives can use the DNSVS to manage the DNS database. |
The Domain Name Service for KIT includes the operation of the DNS-Server, the provision of the self-service portal DNSVS and the execution of domain registration for domains approved by KNN. |
This service makes it possible to transfer exactly the same WLAN conditions that apply on campus to the home office. The service is currently still in the pilot phase. Interested IT officers (ITB) should contact the WLAN support. |
NAT is short for Network Address Translation, NATVS is the associated central administration system at KIT. Prerequisite for the NATVS access is the registration as DNSVS supervisor. |
With the use of the web proxy service happens a call from information from the internet via a KIT server (the web proxy) which is put in between. |
Direct WiFi access in the institute’s own networks. |
The consulting includes planning, conception, if necessary application and procurement of IT equipment and software. The SCC often also takes over the complete financial processing of major projects in the IT environment. |
Das SCC betreibt Umgebungen am KIT-Campus Nord und KIT-Campus Süd, die es KIT-Einrichtungen (KIT-OEs) ermöglichen, dort virtualisierte Serversysteme vServer), zu betreiben.
Beratung bzgl. Ausstattung/Umfang/Management eines vServers oder eines Ressourcenpools innerhalb der Virtualisierungsumgebung. |
The state service bwCloud SCOPE (Science, Operations and Education) provides virtualized server and application infrastructures as a cloud service for employees, scientists and students at universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg. bwCloud can operate over 1,000 virtual machines with individual operating systems and software at each operating location. The service runs on dedicated server systems at the four operating sites in Mannheim, Ulm, Freiburg and Karlsruhe - that is a total of at least 4,000 virtual machines for the distributed operation of servers and applications, enough resources for numerous projects. |
Das SCC stellt einen zentralen Verzeichnisdienst auf LDAP (OpenLDAP) Basis zur Verfügung. Er kann von anderen Organisationseinheiten als Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungsdienst auf Basis zentraler Identitätsdaten für eigene Applikationen genutzt werden.
The server housing service provides data center space for KIT organisational units to operate servers. Cabinets are provided for this purpose, which can be rented. Power, cooling, network bandwith and physical security are included. The cabinets are available in two different sizes and are offered with different network equipment. This results in four different packages that can be booked.
The server housing service is currently only available at Campus South. The service is currently in pilot operation and will be reviewed after one year. |
Accession agreement to the Microsoft Higher Education Framework Agreement |
Microsoft's licensing program for the purchase of licenses at university conditions. |
Operation of a virtual web server for own developments and web applications |
The SCC is running the web content management system Open Text Website Management (formerly RedDot) for websites of KIT institutions. The term Content Management System (CMS) describes systems that allow the separation of editorial content, i.e. texts and images, and their presentation in the form of a layout and navigation structure.
The CMS Open Text Website Management enables easy creation and editing of web pages without programming knowledge and provides templates (standard frames) for this purpose. The templates can be changed in parts and thus form an individual appearance in KIT's corporate design. |