• Related Print Services

  • "Related Print Services" comprises further services for pre- and post-processing of print media, which SCC offers as part of the central print service "Print&Plot". These services are only available at Campus South. Some services are free of charge, others are subject to charges and/or limited to certain KIT groups.

Please note...

  • Unfortunately, at present not all services listed here can be used by all KIT member groups (students (S), employees (M), "guests & partners" (G)*) (see below).
    * "Guests & Partners" only as far as they have printing permission for the central printers of the SCC.
  • For some services an appointment (TV) is necessary, other services are only offered on a certain weekday (WT). Please inquire in good time by telephone (0721-608-43344) or by e-mail: printundplot-cs∂scc kit edu


Folding (S,M,G,TV) Falzen/Falten von Papierformaten A3 - A5 in vielfältigen Faltungen
Lamination (M,G,TV/WT) Formats A3 - A7 (TV) and large formats (WT) up to 1,040 mm short edge
Scanning (S,M,G,TV) A4 flatbed scanner (-) and large format scanner (TV) up to 914 mm width
Cutting board (S,M,G) for large format posters up to 1.800 mm cutting length