News archive
Here you will find older news articles. The News list shows the latest 52 articles, all older articles are listed here.
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News archive

KIT/SCC, FZJ, DKFZ and University of Duisburg/Essen develop a self-adapting variant of dynamic particle swarm optimization of biomolecule simulations - Paper published in nature machine intelligence.
Life functions on the molecular scale through a complex interplay of biomolecules, for which the structure of the biomolecules involved plays a central role. Experimental methods can determine such structures and are based on the evaluation of primary data, but their interpretation is not always unambiguous. Molecular simulations are a powerful tool to evaluate such ambiguous experimental data.
An essential challenge is to weight the experimental interformation against the underlying physical simulation model. In a collaboration of FZJ, KIT, DKFZ and the University of Duisburg/Essen, a self-adaptive variant of the dynamic particle swarm optimization was developed to solve this weighting problem. Each individual parameter is learned at runtime, resulting in a dynamically evolving and iteratively refined search space topology. It has been shown for several biomolecular systems that the method makes very efficient use of computation time while yielding highly accurate structures. Since such parameter problems are common in molecular simulations, applications such as material simulations are conceivable in addition to biomolecular simulations.
To the paper: Dynamic particle swarm optimization of biomolecular simulation parameters with flexible objective functions
Contact person at SCC: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schug
(translated wirh

Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin and SCC are developing a novel intelligent battery management system in the i2Batman project that optimizes charging cycles based on an AI and a digital twin of the battery.
Fast charging and the service life of electric batteries are important prerequisites for the wider application of electric vehicles. For this purpose, the so-called battery management system offers great potential for optimization. Since too little is known about the interrelationships between these two requirements and the internal battery parameters, the battery management systems currently in use "play it safe" and often impose unnecessarily strict safety restrictions on the operation of the batteries.
Together with partners at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, we have set ourselves the goal of developing a novel intelligent battery management system that can make better decisions about battery charging cycles using a detailed surrogate model ("digital twin") of the battery and artificial intelligence (AI). Our task in the project is to develop this battery replacement model at the level of the individual battery cells using the Gaussian process method. In doing so, the model is parameterized with parameters of different equivalent circuits and the state of charge of each cell. The model is trained using both experimental spectroscopy data and data from physical equivalent circuit models. In addition, the use of the Gaussian process allows for a determination of the model uncertainty (Uncertainty Quantification), which is required for the AI to function.
In a first test phase, the battery management system equipped with the AI will be implemented on simple hardware. During this process, data will still be collected and stored during operation so that the AI can continue to improve. In the final phase, the AI battery management system will be tested with a fully characterized battery.
The i2Batman project is one of 19 funded projects of the Helmholtz Artificial Intelligence Cooperation Unit.
Contact at the SCC: Dr. Ivan Kondov
(Translated with

NFDI-MatWerk: Networked research data infrastructure for materials science receives five-year funding within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
The NFDI-MatWerk consortium receives a five-year grant within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure(NFDI) for the development of a joint materials research data space. NFDI-MatWerk stands for Materials Science and Engineering to characterize the physical mechanisms in materials and develop resource-efficient high-performance materials with the most ideal properties for the respective application.
Data from scientific groups distributed across Germany are to be addressed via a knowledge-graph-based infrastructure in such a way that fast and complex search queries and evaluations become possible.
At KIT, the Scientific Computing Center and the Institute for Applied Materials(IAM) are involved. In the SCC, we will establish the Digital Materials Environment with the infrastructure services for research data and their metadata together with the partners.
Contact: Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

From July 2021, the new KIT-IoT WLAN with WPA-PSK and individual key per device will be available for IoT devices at KIT.
In the past, it was not possible at KIT to connect IoT devices that do not support authentication via WPA-Enterprise to the WLAN. This is now made possible by the KIT "KIT-IoT" WLAN introduced in July 2021 using Multi Pre-Shared Key (MPSK) technology. For this purpose, each device receives its own WPA key, which is assigned to the MAC address and VLAN.
IT administrators can now also register wireless clients with their MAC address via the NETVS network services portal using the "MACAuth" menu item and generate a WPA key.
The clients are thereby - comparable to WiFi2VLAN - hung in the VLAN in which they were entered.
To use the service, the corresponding VLAN must be enabled.

The Karlsruhe HoreKa high-performance computer is one of the fastest computers in Europe. On the TOP500 list, the HPC system is ranked 52nd. In terms of energy efficiency, it is in an excellent 13th place in the international ranking.
On June 1, KIT, as the National High Performance Computing Center(NHR@KIT), started scientific operation of the new high-performance computer "HoreKa". In the current Top 500 Spring List, the system is among the fifteen fastest computers in Europe; in a worldwide comparison, it ranks 52nd. In terms of energy efficiency, HoreKa reaches 13th place in the international ranking.
The hybrid system consists of a computing accelerator based on graphics processing units (GPUs) and a partition equipped with standard processors (CPUs). The GPUs from NVIDIA guarantee extremely high performance, which is required for certain computing operations such as equation system solvers or algorithms for applications in artificial intelligence. The latest generation of Intel CPUs, which were only officially introduced with the start of the HoreKa test run, are also optimized for certain operations. HoreKa cleverly combines the strengths of both architectures so that maximum performance is achieved. Overall, the system achieves a peak performance of 17 PetaFlop/s. The ThinkSystem from Lenovo was supplied by pro-com Datensysteme GmbH.
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Buchmüller
Further information:
Achim Grindler

New supercomputer goes into operation for research purposes after succesful pilot phase
The National High Performance Computing Center at KIT (NHR@KIT) has put the new "HoreKa" supercomputer into operation for research purposes today after successful completion of the trial operations. The system is now available to scientists from all over Germany for research projects.
Thanks to the new supercomputer, researchers will be able to gain a more detailed understanding of highly complex natural and technical processes, particularly in materials science, earth system science, energy and mobility research in engineering, and particle and astroparticle physics.
Innovative high-performance system with a big hunger for data
HoreKa is an innovative hybrid system with nearly 60,000 Intel processor cores, more than 220 terabytes of main memory and 668 NVDIA A100 GPUs. A 200 GBit/s non-blocking InfiniBand HDR network is used as the communication network, and two parallel Spectrum Scale file systems with a total capacity of more than 15 petabytes are used for data storage.
A key consideration during the design of the system were also the enormous amounts of data generated by scientific research projects. To keep up with the growing needs, HoreKa's compute nodes, InfiniBand network and parallel file systems each deliver up to four times the storage throughput of its predecessor ForHLR. A multi-level data storage architecture will additionally guarantee further high-throughput processing on external storage systems.
HoreKa is housed in a dedicated computer building on KIT's North Campus, which was newly constructed in 2015 for its predecessor ForHLR. The award-winning, energy-efficient hot water cooling concept is continued with the new system.
New platform for project applications
The application for computing time projects on HoreKa is now possible via the digital application platform. In addition, the new NHR Support Portal provides an integrated platform for all questions related to application submission as well as technical and professional support. Organizational questions about HoreKa can also be sent to
The official inauguration ceremony of HoreKa will take place in mid-July. An invitation will follow.
_ _ _
More information about HoreKa:
With bwUniCluster 2.0, KIT operates a second supercomputer in state service:
Dr. Jennifer Buchmüller

Druva Insync, the tool for backing up data on mobile devices, has been disabled. IBM Spectrum Protect can be used as an alternative.
Druva Insync has discontinued on-premises operation. The cloud variant of Druva Insync can no longer be used at KIT for data protection reasons. Therefore, Druva Insync, the tool for backing up data on mobile devices (laptop and notebook) has been shut down on 20.05.2021.
Thus, data backups with Druva Insync are no longer possible.
As an alternative, mobile devices can be used with the backup and archiving tool IBM Spectrum Protect (formerly TSM), which is already in use.
Interested users register their device via the registration website using the online form valid for their operating system.
Afterwards, the registered users - or one of the contact persons named in the form (ITB/IT administrators) - receive all necessary installation instructions for securing the specified device by e-mail.
The SCC had tested many alternative tools in advance. But unfortunately none of these tools proved to be an applicable alternative.
However, the SCC will investigate other possible solutions for backing up mobile devices.
If you have any questions about our "Backup & Archive" service, please contact the SCC's backup team directly.

Possibility for collaborative projects within the framework of NHR@KIT
Within the scope of National High Performance Computing (NHR) at KIT, research activities of PhD students and postdocs can be funded in collaborative research projects. In these projects, scientists from NHR@KIT and from the fields of Earth System Science, Materials Science, Engineering in Energy and Mobility, and Particle and Astroparticle Physics collaborate. We are opening a call for project proposals from researchers in these fields.
For more information and the call for proposals, please visit
Contact: René Caspart

The Helmholtz Association honors Achim Streit for his continuous involvement in the Helmholtz Incubator - an initiative to bring together and further develop the community's expertise in the thematic field of Information & Data Science.
Otmar Wiestler, Präsident der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, ehrt Achim Streit, Direktor am SCC, für sein nun fünf Jahre kontinuierliches und herausragendes Engagement im Helmholtz-Inkubator mit der Incubator Honorary Needle. Neben Achim Streit erhielt auch Uwe Konrad vom Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) diese Auszeichnung im Rahmen des 10. Inkubator-Workshops (s. Bild).
Vor fünf Jahren wurde der Inkubator ins Leben gerufen, um die Expertise der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft im Themenfeld Information & Data Science zusammenzuführen und weiterzuentwickeln. Besonders die Stärken der Gemeinschaft sollten in diesem Think-Tank weiter ausgebaut, ihre ambitionierte Digitalisierungsstrategie mit Leben gefüllt und Anknüpfungspunkte für nationale und internationale Partner im genannten Themenfeld geschaffen werden.
Zum Auftakt des zehnten Workshops, der am 28.04. stattfand, dankt Otmar Wiestler Achim Streit in einem Brief: "Sie waren von Anfang an dabei, haben in sehr prominenter Rolle am Erfolg des Inkubators mitgewirkt und unter anderem die Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy aus der Taufe gehoben." Darüber hinaus konnten durch die Inkubator-Plattformen Helmholtz AI, HIFIS und HMC signifikante zusätzliche Erstmittel ans KIT geholt werden.
Achim Grindler

Startup of HoreKa also marks the beginning of the shutdown of predecessor ForHLR II
Karlsruhe - SCC has started pilot operation of the new supercomputer "Hochleistungsrechner Karlsruhe" (High Performance Computer Karlsruhe), or “HoreKa” for short. While HoreKa will be ramped up to its full capacity in the coming weeks, this also marks the beginning of the shutdown of its predecessor, ForHLR II, after five years of successful operation.
When KIT's “Forschungshochleistungsrechner II” (High Performance Research Computer II, short ForHLR II) was commissioned in March 2016, it was one of the few computers in the world that could reach a computing power of more than one PetaFLOPS - i.e. one quadrillion computing operations per second. More than 1150 compute nodes with almost 24,000 CPU cores and 74 terabytes of main memory in total were required to achieve this level of performance.
KIT was not only at the forefront in terms of computing power with ForHLR II, though: The system was not cooled with cold water, but used “hot” water at temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius. This was a novelty in the field of High-Performance Computing and also the reason for the construction of a new data center building for the supercomputer at KIT's Campus North. The SCC was awarded with the German Data Center Award in 2017 for the energy-efficient overall concept.
Three years of preparations for HoreKa
The planning for a successor system to ForHLR II already started in 2018. In 2019, the project was named "High Performance Computer Karlsruhe" - HoreKa for short - and the procurement process was started. But HoreKa will not just be a worthy successor to ForHLR II. With 769 compute nodes, nearly 60,000 CPU cores, more than 220 terabytes of main memory and 668 GPUs, the system will achieve a theoretical peak performance of more than 17 petaFLOPS, making it 17 times faster than its predecessor. The system is thus expected to be among the ten fastest computers in Europe in mid-2021.
Thanks to the new supercomputer, researchers will be able to gain a more detailed understanding of highly complex natural and technical processes, particularly in materials sciences, earth system sciences, energy and mobility research in engineering, and particle- and astroparticle physics. Of course HoreKa can also be used by scientists conducting research to understand the SARS-CoV-2 virus, helping to combat the COVID-19 disease.
Computing and storage go hand in hand
A key consideration in the design of the system were the enormous amounts of data created by scientific research projects. Depending on the application, several hundreds of terabytes can be generated from a single simulation. To keep up with the growing needs, HoreKa's compute nodes, InfiniBand network and parallel file systems each deliver up to four times the throughput of the previous ForHLR II system.
A Multi-level data storage concept also guarantees fast data processing on external storage systems. HoreKa is connected with speeds of up to 45 gigabytes per second to the "Large Scale Data Facility" (LSDF) at SCC, which has been providing a modern infrastructure for the storage, management, archiving and analysis of research data since 2010.
Full operation of HoreKa begins on June 1, 2021
HoreKa was built up alongside ForHLR II over the past months. The first user groups have already been granted access to be able to port and optimize their applications. Over the next few weeks, the system will be ramped up to its full capabilities and pilot operation is expected to seamlessly transition into full operation. Starting on June 1, 2021, HoreKa will then be available to scientists from all over Germany. Applications for computing time can already be submitted right now.
Since the data center building at Campus North cannot supply both systems at the same time, ForHLR II has to be gradually shut down in parallel. By mid-April, the system will no longer be available. The record after five years of operation is extremely positive: almost one billion CPU hours of computing time have been provided to more than 140 different research projects.
More Information about HoreKa and how to file applications for computing time on the new system:
More information on COVID-19 research at KIT: (in German)
With bwUniCluster 2.0, KIT operates a second supercomputer as a state service:
Jennifer Buchmüller
Simon Raffeiner

Hartwig Anzt, head of the Helmholtz junior research group FiNE, presents first experiences in software porting for Intel Xe GPUs.
In the article "Preparing for the Arrival of Intel's Discrete High-Performance GPUs" published on HPCwire, Hartwig Anzt, head of the Helmholtz junior research group FiNE, presents first experiences in software porting for Intel's new Xe GPUs.
Hartwig Anzt 's team is one of the first worldwide to develop software for the expected discrete Intel High-performance GPUs. In close collaboration with Intel and Argonne National Lab, which is planning the first exascale supercomputer based on these GPUs, the research team has developed a backend for the open-source software library Ginkgo in the programming language DPC++, which is already capable of executing numerical methods entirely on Intel GPUs.
The obove mentioned HPCwire article discusses a workflow to convert CUDA code to DPC++ code and the challenges involved. Even though Intel's GPUs and the oneAPI ecosystem are still struggling with various teething problems, the open source strategy Intel has chosen could succeed in bringing the scientific community along.

PostgreSQL will complement the range of database systems at KIT. From March 2021, employees will be able to use this new service.
The SCC has decided to add PostgreSQL to its portfolio of database systems, in addition to the database systems already offered, such as Microsoft SQL, MySQL und Oracle. Since March 1, 2021, PostgreSQL has been available to all KIT employees as an additional database management system.
A description of what is behind the open source product PostgreSQL and how it has evolved is explained in the excerpt from the book PostgreSQL 10 by Lutz Fröhlich
The PostgreSQL system operated at the SCC is used in version 13 and runs on a virtual machine. This means that, if necessary, it can be adapted to the requirements that arise at short notice in terms of memory or CPU load. Furthermore, a hardware failure is almost unlikely, so that a master-slave concept is currently not used.
Regular backups of the system as well as the prompt elimination of security gaps by applying current patches contribute to a secure and stable operation. However, short downtimes are required on a regular basis, which will be announced in advance and will usually be outside KIT's core working hours.
For further information please refer to the service description of PostgreSQL databases.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the database team of the SCC -
German Source: Lutz Fröhlich, PostgreSQL 10, Hanser-Verlag; Translation:
The open-source product PostgreSQL has grown considerably in popularity in recent years. The permanent expansion with new features and the adaptation to the needs of the users have contributed to this to a considerable extent. PostgreSQL is proof that open source software can not only keep up with commercial products, but is even superior in many areas. The commercial pressure is not in the foreground and lets the developer community work freely and implement innovations.
In addition to a robust transaction core and high reliability, PostgreSQL offers many features of a modern database system and can be easily integrated into an existing IT infrastructure. Due to the high degree of compatibility with Oracle, the migration effort is manageable and mixed operation is easy to implement.
PostgreSQL can be used on all popular platforms such as Linux, MacOS, Solaris or Windows. Although it is an open source product, there are now many commercial applications that use and support the product.
PostgreSQL traces its origins to the POSTGRES project, based at the University of California at Berkley in the 1980s. The first presentable version appeared in 1987 as Postgres version 1. In response to the first criticisms, the rule system still present in PostgreSQL was developed. Version 3 appeared in 1991 with a further development of the query unit. In 1993, the University of California ended the project with version 4.2 to avoid having to carry the rapidly growing support requirements.
After adding an SQL query interpreter in 1995, the software was put on the Web under the name Postgres95, with the source code of the original Berkley Postgres. At the time, the product was written entirely in ANSI C. By improving in the areas of maintainability and performance, it eventually ran 50% faster than the original.
The decision to remove the year from the product name was made in 1996, making Postgres95 PostgreSQL, and beginning the steady evolution of PostgreSQL as an open source product. Although the latter led a shadowy existence for many years in the light of the large commercial databases, but also the rapidly spreading open source database MySQL due to the Internet boom, its consistent further development was carried out by the community.
Today PostgreSQL presents itself as mature and stable. It fulfills (almost) all requirements of a modern relational database system. Surprising for many: The performance is comparable to some commercial products.
(German Source: Lutz Fröhlich, PostgreSQL 10, Hanser-Verlag; Translation: )

Das SCC betreibt ein Videokonferenzsystem auf Basis von BigBlueButton, das eine sichere Online-Kommunikation bietet. Ab Mitte Dezember 2021 steht der Dienst auch für Einrichtungen und Fakultäten des KIT allgemein zur Verfügung.
Das SCC betreibt ein Videokonferenzsystem auf Basis der Software BigBlueButton (BBB), das von Anwenderinnen und Anwendern, die dem KIT angehören, auf den lokalen Rechnern mittels Webbrowser nutzbar ist. Dieses Videokonfrenzsystem stand zunächst für Gremien, nun auch anderen Einrichtungen und Fakultäten des KIT zur Verfügung.
Die Verfügbarkeit des Dienstes auf einen Blick:
KIT-Gremien ab 16.11.2020
KIT-Einrichtungen (16.12.2020)
Lehrveranstaltungen (voraussichtlich ab SoSe 2021)
Weitere Informationen in der Servicebeschreibung

From 1.3.2021, the EU will fund the “NFFA (Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis) Europe Pilot” (NEP) project for a period of five years. At KIT, the SCC and the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi) are involved.
From 1.3.2021, the EU will fund the “NFFA (Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis) Europe Pilot” (NEP) project for a period of five years. At KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) and the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi) are involved.
NEP is the continuation of the successful NFFA-Europe project, with 23 partners who provide important resources for nanoscientific research and develop new cooperative working methods. The use of innovative research data and metadata management technologies is becoming increasingly important.
In the NEP project, the SCC Department Data Explotation Methods (DEM) will contribute with new methods for metadata enrichment, development of large data collections, and the provision of virtual services to the establishment of a joint research data infrastructure.
Contact: Rossella Aversa

SCC operates a video conferencing system based on BigBlueButton that provides secure online communication for KIT committees but will also be available for KIT institutions and faculties in general in the near future.
The SCC operates a video conferencing system based on the BigBlueButton (BBB) software, which can be used by users belonging to the KIT on local computers via web browser. This video conferencing system is initially available for committees, in the near future also for other KIT institutions and faculties.
The availability of the service is planned in three stages:
KIT committees from 16.11.2020
KIT facilities (expected from December 8, 2020)
Courses (probably from Summer Term 2021)
Further information in the service description

With JupyterLab, KIT researchers can now very easily interact with the SCC's high-performance computers directly from any workstation using a web browser. This also opens up new possibilities for courses.
The project Jupyter [1] started some years ago. It evolved into a project that today represents a complete open source ecosystem for programming, data exploration and code execution. Most importantly, Jupyter offers a new way of supercomputing that allows interactive work with kernels, text editors and data visualization on HPC systems.
Since the end of October, SCC offers Jupyter as a service [2]. In addition to the classic access via SSH, interactive access via web browser to all HPC systems of the SCC is now also possible. For the Tier-3 system, bwUniCluster2.0 + GFB-HPC, the new AI/ML-GPUs of the HAICORE partition and the Tier-2 inventory system ForHLR II, dedicated queues are reserved for Jupyter.
This minimizes waiting times and allows especially new users of our HPC systems a low entry threshold.
To use Jupyter on the HPC resources of the SCC the respective access requirements apply. Registration of access via is required. The Jupyter service is only available within the KIT network. If the service is to be used from outside, a VPN connection to the KIT network must first be established.
[1] A detailed documentation of the Jupyter project can be found at
[2] Further information on the Jupyter service can be found in the service description
Contact at SCC: Jennifer Buchmüller, Samuel Braun
Achim Grindler

The Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS) confirms the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group "Fixed-Point Methods for Numerics at Exascale" (FiNE) "outstanding success" for its research work.
Leading a junior research group offers outstanding young scientists the opportunity to conduct independent and financially autonomous research at an early stage.
In order to assess the quality of the research work, some junior research groups are evaluated at KIT about one and a half years before the respective funding ends. The evaluations determine in a regulated and transparent procedure whether the group leaders have developed an independent scientific profile. The evaluation is carried out by the Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS) and accompanied by the Research Funding Service Unit (FOR). CRYS prepares a recommendation for the Presidential Board, which decides on this basis whether the funded project has met expectations.
Recently, the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group "Fixed-Point Methods for Numerics at Exascale"(FiNE) headed by Dr. Hartwig Anzt was evaluated with "outstanding success". The group, which is based at the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), develops and tests numerical algorithms and makes these available to computer science researchers in easy-to-use and sustainable software libraries. The researchers' research goal is to develop algorithms that can efficiently exploit highly parallel computer systems. In addition to scalability, reduced communication and synchronization, and a certain resilience to errors play an important role. The Helmholtz Group is funded until 2022.
Source: News of the KIT Press
Translated with

The HelmholtzAI Local Energy Consulting Team is as of October 1st running at full power. The team is now supporting AI applications in energy research and beyond.
The HelmholtzAI Local Energy Consulting Team at SCC is complete since October 1st! We are pleased that Charlotte Debus, James Kahn, Daniel Coquelin and group leader Markus Götz are now supporting AI applications in energy research (and beyond) with their expertise.
James Kahn previously worked at KIT at the Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe (GridKa). There he supported the data management for the Belle-II experiment at the Japanese research centre KEK for particle physics. Charlotte <Charlie> Debus was previously at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne and worked on high-performance data analytics in the field of rocket propulsion. In this context, she has already contributed to the HeAT toolkit - a novel, easy-to-use software library to enable scaling methods for analyzing large amounts of data on HPC systems, which is also being co-developed by SCC. Daniel Coquelin, the fourth in the group, moved to us from Forschungszentrum Jülich in March 2020. As already there, he will continue to work on the optimization of computing and communication operations for AI algorithms on high-performance computers. His focus is mainly on data and model parallel neural networks.
The Helmholtz AI Consultants Team of the Local Unit Energy will deal with a variety of issues from the Energy Research Field. However, the four of them are particularly well versed in image, time series and graph processing, the estimation of uncertainties and the use of parallel hardware for the processing of large-scale data sets.
Further information:
Contact at SCC: Markus Götz
Achim Grindler

A large-scale IT security incident forced many operators, including the KIT, to take their HPC system offline in mid-May. With the introduction of a 2-factor authentication scheme the systems can now be made available without restrictions again.
In mid-May, an IT security incident became known that affected a large number of HPC systems worldwide. It took several weeks until the systems could be made available to users again, often only with significant restrictions. The two high-performance computers ForHLR II (Tier-2) and bwUniCluster 2.0 (Tier-3) at KIT were put back into operation in mid-June. During the first out of three phases of the recommissioning process coordinated with the other operators in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the use of SSH keys was no longer possible. This caused severe restrictions for the scientific communities, especially on the Tier-2 system, since the HPC systems could no longer be integrated into automated scientific workflows.
Within just a few weeks, the SCC has now successfully introduced 2-factor authentication (2FA) for all HPC systems using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP). So-called hardware or software tokens can be used to generate the one-time passwords. KIT employees already receive a hardware token for access to critical services such as the SAP portal or campus management. These can now also be used to access the HPC systems. A wide range of software token solutions, including apps for mobile devices, is available to users from other institutions. Registration and management of the tokens is handled by the web portal of the federal identity management system bwIDM.
In combination with the 2FA, the use of SSH keys is now possible again. These keys must also be managed via bwIDM. There are two types of SSH keys: those for interactive use and those for workflow automation (so-called “command keys”). SSH keys registered for interactive use allow the execution of any commands and require additional authentication with a time-based one-time password as a second factor. The second factor has to be entered once per hour at maximum. Command keys can be used without 2FA and thus in an automated fashion. However, they must be restricted to a single command and have to be cleared by the HPC operations team.
Other operators from the bwHPC project are planning to introduce 2-factor authentication based on the new components developed for bwIDM. The source code is available to interested parties under an open source license.
Further information on 2-factor authentication for the HPC systems can be found in the user documentations for ForHLR II and bwUniCluster 2.0.
The SCC provides the KIT organizational units and their support teams with the SCC ticket system to support their own support processes for efficient and convenient request processing.
Requests addressed to a KIT service provider that cannot be answered or solved immediately can be recorded as a process (ticket) in the ticket system offered by SCC and, if necessary, passed on to other teams and persons for further processing. The forwarding is done via so-called ticket queues (queues for processes), which are created for specific topics.
The SCC ticket system provides all persons involved in the support process with an overview of the requests they have submitted to a service provider or the service provider with an overview of the processes to be processed and completed.
Access to these recorded processes is defined via an authorization concept at team level. For each queue it can be defined which support team is allowed to create, move, read or edit new requests.
For the use of the SCC ticket system in an organizational unit, a service agreement was concluded at KIT. This agreement regulates the introduction and application of the system in the service unit, as well as the purpose, the description of procedures and roles, and the admissibility of a possible performance and behavior control.
If you are interested in using the SCC ticket system in your organizational or service unit, please contact us by e-mail at We will be happy to advise you and show you the possibilities that the OTRS-based ticket system offers you in processing your transactions.
Birgit Junker

Services that require the presence of persons or the appearance on site are back in operation. In both campus sites, south and north, the buildings are open again to the public.
Theire are no restrictions to presence services of SCC:
The SCC buildings on the north (442, 449) and south campus (20.21) are open to the public again.
Service Desk, Print&Plot services and the certification authority KIT-CA for personal certificates are available again.
The computer pools at SCC are still closed, access to the pool computers for students is possible via remote access: see: Remote access to centrally managed pool computers

The first nine National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) consortia have now been announced. KIT is involved in three consortia. SCC will take over tasks in the NFDI for chemistry and engineering sciences.
In the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), data stocks are to be systematically developed, secured in the long term and made accessible. In the consortia now announced and funded by the NFDI, users and providers of research data work together with information infrastructure institutions. KIT scientists are involved in the consortia for chemistry, engineering, and catalysis research.
Together with the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC) and the Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (IBCS), the SCC is responsible for the design of the NFDI for Chemistry (NFDI4Chem), whose vision is the digitization of all important steps in chemical research.
In NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Ing, which unites engineering research communities and promotes the management of their research data, the SCC has a co-spokesperson role and is therefore also looking for interested employees.
Contact persons at SCC: Felix Bach, Rainer totzka, Achim Streit
Detailed information in the KIT press release of June 29, 2020
Further information on NFDI consortia with KIT participation is available at: and (KIT Intranet)
Achim Grindler

Missing a lot of conferences on research software engineering this year? You've come to the right SORSE, be part of it – and participate or contribute to our series of weekly events.
Yesterday, SORSE (Series of Online Research Software Events, pronounced source) was launched. SORSE is our international answer to the COVID-19-induced cancellation of many national Research Software Engineering (RSE) conferences. Get involved in this new initiative created by a truly international committee of members from RSE communities from Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Nordic countries, United States as well as Australia and New Zealand!
To keep us all connected, collaborating and learning until the 2021 RSE Conferences, a wonderful group of volunteers has created this new series that aims to deliver a weekly event, either a talk, a workshop, a panel, a poster session, a software demo etc from the community. This is an open call to all RSEs and anyone involved with research software, worldwide, to submit an abstract. The contribution can be delivered in various languages – including German, so do not hesitate to take part!
The call will be open continuously with rolling deadlines. The first deadline is soon (12th July) and then again on the 31st July, followed by the end of each month after that. Apply at any time to be included in the next review.
Have an idea and want to collaborate on it? - Go to the Topic Bazaar – The topic bazaar is a place to encourage and create collaborations that can then be presented in a variety of formats within the conference. You can also search for existing ideas to establish new collaborations.
Want to have a say on the conference content? Go to the Wishlist – and tell us what events and guest speakers you'd like to see.
Eileen Kühn

Great joy in knowledge research: The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has approved the renewed extension of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 980.
The concept of disciplinary diversity and interdisciplinary openness, which has been practised for eight years now, convinces not only the participants but also the funding bodies, so that the CRC "Episteme in Motion" has secured the (quite rare) maximum funding period of 12 years.
The Collaborative Research Center, located at Freie Universität Berlin, investigates processes of knowledge change in European and non-European cultures in the pre-modern era. In currently 19 subprojects, around 55 employees conduct interdisciplinary research on transfer processes in the period from antiquity to early modern times, making it one of the most comprehensive CRCs in the humanities.
SCC-DEM is leading the information infrastructure project "Corpora in Motion" in the Collaborative Research Centre, in which a digital data infrastructure is being developed for all sub-projects of the CRC. The central component is the "Episteme Repository" with state-of-the-art analysis and visualization tools for the heterogeneous humanities data.
Contact persons at SCC: Danah Tonne and Germaine Götzelmann
For the central administration of files and directories, the SCC previously used the Apache Subversion (SVN) software. But the trend is moving towards Git & Co. SCC offers a GitLab instance and will shut down the SVN server at the end of June 2020.
For a long time, Subversion was the version control system of choice, but just as Subversion inherited the RCS (Revision Control System) and CVS (Concurrent Versions System) systems, the trend is now toward Git & Co.
SCC also runs a GitLab instance at, which now hosts almost 99% of all projects.
As a result, SCC will no longer migrate the Subversion server, for which support will expire in mid-year, to a new platform and will phase out the SVN service with the underlying operating system.
We recommend that all SVN users get involved with Git or GitLab ( and move their remaining SVN projects by the end of June 2020.
If you have questions about using Git, please contact the Git team directly at .

In fall 2020, KIT will make available the 1st stage of a new supercomputer for many scientific fields. The full system will be handed over to the scientific communities by summer 2021. The procurement that has now been signed is in the order of 15 mio. €
“Research using supercomputers contributes to a modern and sus-tainable society,” explained Professor Holger Hanselka, President of KIT. “With the help of supercomputers, research in key areas, such as energy, environment, mobility, and medicine, will find new solu-tions faster. HoreKa thus fits perfectly into KIT's strategy to make significant contributions to managing the challenges facing society.”
“High-performance computing stands for rapid developments. With their ever increasing peak performances, supercomputers are crucial to both leading-edge research and the development of innovative products and processes in key economic areas. Thanks to institutions like KIT, Baden-Württemberg is a European leader in supercomputing and internationally competitive in this area. It is not only the impressive computing power of the machines, but also the concentrated methodological expertise that enables our computer-assisted top-level research to achieve breathtaking results,” said Baden-Wuerttemberg Science Minister Theresia Bauer.
The new “Hochleistungrechner Karlsruhe” (German for Karlsruhe high-performance computer), HoreKa for short, is expected to be one of the ten most powerful computers in Europe in 2021 and will have a computing power of more than 17 PetaFLOPS - 17 quadrillion computing operations per second, which corresponds to the performance of more than 150,000 laptops.
The system will be available to scientists from all over Germany. Thanks to the new supercomputer, researchers in the areas of materials sciences, earth system science, energy and mobility research in engineering, life sciences and particle and astroparticle physics will be able to gain a more detailed understanding of highly complex natural and technical processes. Of course, HoreKa can also be used by scientists studying the SARS-CoV-2 virus and, thus, will contribute to fighting the COVID-19 disease.
Computing and Storage Go Hand in Hand
With HoreKa, researchers can analyze far more details in larger systems, thereby extending normal simulations to so-called multiscale simulations. “Climate simulations and Earth system models, for example, will achieve much finer resolutions and, thus, a higher level of detail,” explains Professor Martin Frank, Director of the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) of KIT. “However, in addition to pure computing power, the demands on file systems are also increasing in terms of both capacity and latency. With HoreKa, we are consistently continuing the strategic orientation of SCC towards data-intensive computing”.
“Currently, highly diverse technical developments are taking place on the hardware market,” says Dr. Jennifer Schröter, Head of the High-performance Computing Group of SCC. “Our technical requirements were demanding, but the tendering process was deliberately kept open with respect to the exact technologies used to give our bidders the opportunity to design the most powerful systems possible.”
Two Innovative Chip Technologies – One High-Performance System
The result is an innovative hybrid system with almost 60.000 next-generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processor cores and 220 terabytes of main memory as well as 740 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs. A non-blocking NVIDIA Mellanox InfiniBand HDR network with 200 GBit/s per port is used for communication between the nodes. Two Spectrum Scale parallel file systems offer a total storage capacity of more than 15 petabytes. The computer systems are made by Lenovo, while general contractor pro-com Datensysteme GmbH from Eislingen near Stuttgart is responsible for project coordination, system integration, delivery, and customer support.
“We are looking forward to putting this system into operation to-gether with our partners Lenovo and KIT and to handing it over to the users,” says Oliver Kill, Managing Director of pro-com. With HoreKa, pro-com is not only celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2020, but also the largest order in the company's history.
Machine Learning Supports Human Researchers
"Artificial intelligence and machine learning can dramatically accelerate scientific computations in the most significant areas of research, where the world’s problems are being solved,” says Marc Hamilton, Vice-President of Solutions Architecture and Engineering at NVIDIA. “NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs further support this accelerated research, and together with NVIDIA Mellanox InfiniBand technology, KIT’s new supercomputer will speed up scientific discovery for a broad range of important research."
Another central aspect in the system design has been the enormous amount of data generated by scientific research projects. Depending on the application, several hundred terabytes of data can be generated by a single simulation. To keep up with the growing amounts of data, the computing nodes, the InfiniBand network, and the parallel file systems of HoreKa each will provide up to four times the throughput of its predecessor system, ForHLR.
A multi-level data storage concept will guarantee high-throughput processing of data on external storage systems. With a data rate of up to 45 GByte/s, HoreKa will also be connected to the “Large Scale Data Facility” (LSDF) of the SCC which has been providing a modern infrastructure for the storage, administration, archiving, and analysis of research data since 2010.
Award-winning Energy Efficiency
HoreKa will be installed in a state-of-the-art data center constructed for its predecessor ForHLR on KIT‘s Campus North in 2015. The award-winning, energy-efficient hot water cooling concept based on the Lenovo Neptune Direct Water Cooling (DWC) technology will also be used for the new system.
The SCC employees chose the name HoreKa in reference to “GridKa”, the “Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe”. It is also located at SCC and has successfully provided data storage and analysis capacities for large-scale experiments all over the world, including the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland, for more than 15 years. One of GridKa's greatest successes is its participation in the discovery of the Higgs particle in July 2012. GridKa is the largest and most powerful data center of its kind.
More information about HoreKa:
More information on COVID-19 research at KIT: (in German)
With bwUniCluster 2.0, KIT operates a second supercomputer as a state service:
KIT Press Release:
Achim Grindler

During the existing corona protection measures, the SCC provides remote access to the centrally managed pool computers. This functionality created by the bwLehrpool team is now also used at KIT.
For the duration of the protection measures during the corona crisis, the SCC provides remote access to the centrally managed pool computers. For this purpose, the bwLehrpool team in Offenburg and Freiburg has created a possibility that is now also used at KIT.
The access takes place via A VPN connection to KIT is required. When dialing in via the above mentioned page, a connection to a free pool computer is automatically established.
Information about bwLehrpool can be found at: A large amount of software similar to the local Windows PC can be found at the bwLehrpool event "General Windows".
Instructions on how instructors can create the virtual machine themselves can be found at the following link:
Contact at SCC: Ulrike Rogge
(Text translated with
Achim Grindler

The SCC provides the web application Jitsi Meet for conducting oral examinations via video conference. In conjunction with an examination administration system, a virtual examination room is made available to examiners on the examination date.
KIT recommends the use of this service for conducting oral examinations via video conference.
The service description at provides examiners and students with a quick start and information on the course of an examination as well as on the technical and organizational requirements.
In addition, a test environment is provided to test the functionality of camera and microphone in advance. Furthermore, it is possible to test the screen-sharing function with other persons or additional devices.
The service is based on Jitsi (, an open-source video conferencing system, in conjunction with a examine management system developed by SCC. Authorised examiners receive a URL for the exam room via this exam management system, specifying an exam date, in order to be able to pass it on to the participants of the exam.
Basic technical and organizational information regarding oral video conferencing exams is provided by ZML at These must be observed!
Birgit Junker

First results from the survey on open science and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) have been presented in a webinar.
In a survey to gain better insight on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) the EOSC-Pillar project contacted over 2000 scientific organisations and research funders in Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Belgium.
The gathered information will help to guide further development of the pan European data infrastructure. SCC carried out the German part of the survey which returned information from all large scientific organisations, research infrastructures and research funders in Germany.
The size of the survey allows statistically valid assumptions on such different subjects as the status of open science, access to scientific services, maturity of FAIR data and more. The study team presented the preliminary results in a webinar which can be viewed here:
Jos van Wezel
The central e-mail service at KIT was converted to Microsoft Exchange 2019. With the renewed software and hardware, the SCC offers all employees and students an up-to-date communication platform with extended storage capacity.
The migration of the central e-mail service at KIT from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 was completed at the end of March 2020. By renewing software and hardware components, employees and students now have an up-to-date and expanded communication platform at their disposal.
In addition to the expansion of storage capacities, there were of course also safety-related improvements.
Only TLS 1.2
The TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 protocols have long been considered unsafe. Exchange 2019 therefore only supports TLS 1.2.
Older clients that do not meet these requirements can no longer access the system. This concerns for example:
Windows 7 computer: Outlook does not use TLS 1.2 by default
MacOS computers older than Sierra 10.12: Mac Mail does not support TLS 1.2
Android older than 4.2: Mail App does not support TLS 1.2
More storage for the users mailbox
The standard quota of mailboxes has been increased to 2 gigabytes for students and to 8 gigabytes for employees, guests and partners, as well as functional mailboxes.
60,000 mailboxes moved
A total of almost 60,000 mailboxes were moved, which currently occupy an (active) data volume of about 48 terabytes.

All students at KIT will be able to use the customer interface of the SCC ticket system to submit user requests regarding central IT services of SCC.
The SCC uses a web-based ticket system to efficiently process service requests.
From now on, not only KIT employees but also all KIT students have the possibility to post their requests concerning the IT services of the SCC in the SCC ticket system.
The SCC recommends all students with a valid KIT account to use this communication interface!
The associated authentication saves the service desk from having to check the status of the requesting persons with regard to the student status. In addition, students can independently track the requests made in the ticket system and continue to communicate with the SCC using the ticket they have entered.
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the ticket system, please contact the
SCC Service Desk, Tel. -8000, mailto: servicedesk∂
Service description: SCC Ticket System
Customer interface: Login
Birgit Junker

Resources of the Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe and the HPC systems of KIT support the distributed computing projects Folding@Home and Rosetta@home, which help to improve the understanding of proteins, including those of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Since the end of March, computers of the Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe (GridKa) and the HPC systems of KIT are supporting the distributed computing projects Folding@Home and Rosetta@home, for example, to improve the understanding of the proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In close cooperation with the Institute for Experimental Particle Physics (ETP) at KIT, the CPU resources of GridKa were integrated into the Cobald/Tardis system that is used otherwise to dynamically manage the opportunistic provision of resources for research in high-energy physics. Up to 10,000 logical CPU cores of GridKa are now made available for Covid-19 research.
The department Scientific Computing and Simulation (SCS) has recently put the new HPC system bwUniCluster 2.0+GFB-HPC into operation. Folding@Home could serve as a useful example for a so-called "burn-in" process and the opportunistic provision of resources that would otherwise be temporarily not used due to the regular scheduling mechanisms in an HPC system. In addition to the CPU resources, up to 132 energy-efficient NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU accelerators are included in the calculations.
The teams "KIT-ETP" with GridKa and "KIT-SCS" already occupy ranks among the first 1000 of the more than 250.000 teams of Folding@Home.
In the short term, these resources will also be made available to the WeNMR project. Via the HADDOCK portal operated there, individual research groups can now also use GridKa resources for calculations to combat Covid-19.
Contact SCS: Jennifer Schröter
Contact GridKa: Andreas Petzold
Achim Grindler
The service for the exchange of files between various users in Baden-Württemberg "bwSync&Share" is converted. The previous basic software Powerfolder is replaced by Nextcloud.
The service "File Exchange and Online Storage for Desktop Data (bwSync&Share)" was successfully switched from Powerfolder to Nextcloud at the end of March 2020. The service can be accessed with the new "Nextcloud" software at the familiar URL Information on how to use the renewed service can be found on the website The previous Powerfolder instance will be available in read-only mode under the URL until 30.4.2020.
Service description
bwSync&Share -

In order to limit the spread of COVID-19, the SCC is closing its buildings to the public. Various services that require the presence of people or their presence on site are severely restricted.
Until further notice, there are restrictions on public access to the SCC. This means concretely:
The SCC buildings at Campus North and Campus South are closed to the public.
The counters of the service desk are closed, the service desk can be contacted via telephone number -8000, via the SCC ticketing system and via e-mail (
The Print&Plot services are closed, see
limited operation of the certification body KIT-CA for new personal certificates, as personal identification is currently difficult
Computer Pools at SCC are closed.
Achim Grindler

The EU project EOSC-Synergy together with the project partners has launched a cloud computing service based on Galaxy to facilitate researchers' access to data sets relevant to the ongoing research on COVID-19.
With the novel COVID-19 Coronavirus, the world is experiencing a variety of challenges. Researchers are working day and night, analysing the outbreak. Open Science, as a whole, has never been more relevant. Nor has the collaborative spirit that persistently remains amongst all of us.
In EOSC-synergy we want to do as much as we can to cooperate in this global endeavour.
Therefore we are proud to announce the deployment of a Cloud Computing Service based on Galaxy to support researchers access to datasets relevant to the ongoing investigations on the COVID19. We are connecting those datasets with the most advanced computing infrastructures available in the computing centers of the EOSC-synergy consortium. More information on the available datasets and tools is here
This initiative benefits from the services provided by the so-called “COVID-19” Virtual Organisation, supported by the EGI Cloud Federation. EOSC-synergy is particularly thankful to the EGI Foundation for the swift and smooth support received in the past 24 hours to set up the user community support tools.
We are proud of the dedicated effort demonstrated by the members of the consortium to set up this service in less than 24 hours. Special thanks go to the project members at CSIC, LIP, UPV, INCD, KIT, IISAS and the EGI Foundation.
In EOSC-synergy we put at the service of society our expertise in software, computing and data services. Learn more about it at:
Contact at SCC: Dr. Marcus Hardt

On 03 March 2020 the KickOff Workshop of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform (HMC) took place in Berlin. At KIT, SCC and the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) are involved in the development of the platform.
On 03 March 2020 the KickOff Workshop of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform (HMC) took place in Berlin. At KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) and the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) are involved in the development of the platform.
HMC is an incubator of the new research field "Information & Data Science" of the Helmholtz Association.
In a Community-wide process, the Community's diverse expertise in this future-oriented field is being pooled, to create innovative, interdisciplinary networks for future topics and technologies. HMC in particular will be responsible for Research processes and tools that standardize, create and establish the handling of metadata.
In HMC, SCC-DEM is responsible for the development of metadata services, which technically implement the FAIR principles and will serve as the basis for the entire platform. The results will be integrated into the scientific research data management of the KIT and many international research projects directly.
Contact at SCC: Thomas Jejkal

The SCC provides services and tools to enable mobile work.
In view of the current situation, there are more and more questions regarding the establishment of home office and mobile work. The SCC services support access to the KIT network, access to central applications and the KIT mailbox.
The SCC has bundled current information and instructions on relevant tools: more
Karin Schäufele

Due to the corona epidemic, events in science and research are also cancelled to protect the health of participants and the local population. An alternative for online events is the service DFNConf.
DFN-Verein answers frequently asked questions and gives recommendations on how to use the online services.
1. what situation is DFNconf currently confronted with?
In the current situation around the COVID-19 epidemic, various events are cancelled, also in the field of science and research, in order to protect the health of participants and the local population. In many cases, alternative, usually online-based formats are now being considered or have already been actively planned. We are already seeing a significant increase in the use of the service.
Can courses be held via DFNconf?
Yes, this is still possible.
Please use the streaming module of DFNconf (streaming of conferences) for courses and conference presentations that do not necessarily require two-way communication with audio and video.The streaming module allows a larger number of users (listeners) than the meeting modules of DFNconf (Pexip or AdobeConnect).The streaming module includes a text-based two-way communication (chat), so that interactions between presenters and viewers are still possible.
Can meetings be conducted via DFNconf?
Yes, this is still possible.
To be able to handle more meetings with the existing technical infrastructure, we have reduced the maximum video quality of all Pexip meetings from FullHD (1080p) to HD (720p) since 04.03.2020 until further notice.In our experience, this will not significantly reduce the user experience, except for the transmission of slides in lectures and conference presentations, which can still be transmitted in FullHD.
How many users can participate in my online event?
Pexip meetings: maximum 23 users
Adobe Connect meetings: 200 participants maximum
Streaming of courses/conference lectures: unlimited number of viewers.
Is the DFNconf service prepared for a sudden increase in usage?
Only to a limited extent. We are working with a multi-stage plan to set up the service as far as possible. There is no guarantee that we can cope with any kind of jump.
Our preparations are divided into short-term, medium-term and perspective measures.
Short-term measures are: Increasing the number of licenses, reducing the maximum video quality for meetings (see above) and installing a software upgrade to reduce the utilization of the conference platform.
Medium-term measures are: reactivation of reserve hardware, procurement of new servers for the conference platform.
Prospective measures: Monitoring the situation and the concrete effects on DFNconf, addressing the issue at the level of decision-makers in DFN-Verein.
Does DFNconf have the necessary reserves to stream all courses in Germany?
No, not at the moment, nor is it foreseeable whether this scenario will happen. If this request were to be made to DFN-Verein, this would go far beyond the scope of the current service from various points of view.
Are there bottlenecks and what can be done to avoid them?
It cannot be ruled out that the COVID 19 epidemic may cause the use of DFNconf to increase faster than we can control. In case of bottlenecks, it is possible that users will only be able to participate in events with restrictions (e.g. only via audio) or not at all.
In order to avoid this, events/meetings should take place outside of the current peak hours of 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-15:00 p.m. If you have the possibility to hold a meeting outside of these time windows, you relieve the infrastructure and thus increase the availability of the service.
Further information on video conferencing and teleteaching
Contact person at SCC: Rolf Mayer
Translated with
Achim Grindler

In mid-April 2020, the HPC system "Research High-Performance Computer Phase I" (ForHLR I for short) will be shut down after more than five years of operation.
The HPC system "Research High-Performance Computer Phase I" (ForHLR I for short) will be finally shut down after more than five years of operation on 14 April 2020 and will no longer be available after that date.
The file systems of ForHLR I will remain in operation until 12.05.2020, after which they will also be shut down and their contents deleted. There will be no automatic migration of data to other storage systems, this must be carried out by the users themselves.
To enable this migration, the login and data mover nodes of the former cluster will also remain in operation until 12.05.2020.
As replacement systems, the Forschungshochleistungsrechner II (ForHLR II), the bwUniCluster 2.0+GFB or the bwForCluster operated within the bwHPC initiative are possible.
The SCC asks for timely application of possibly required access rights and - depending on the system - for the submission of requests for computing time.

As part of the Initiative for High Performance Computing, Data Intensive Computing and Large Scale Scientific Data Management in Baden-Württemberg (bwHPC) the SCC will put the new parallel computer system bwUniCluster 2.0 into operation 17.03.2020.
As part of the Initiative for High Performance Computing, Data Intensive Computing and Large Scale Scientific Data Management in Baden-Württemberg (bwHPC) the SCC will put the new parallel computer system "bwUniCluster 2.0+GFB-HPC" (bwUniCluster 2.0) into operation as a federated service on 17.03.2020.
The bwUniCluster 2.0 replaces the predecessor system "bwUniCluster" and also includes the extension of the predecessor system procured in November 2016. The modern, advanced HPC system consists of more than 840 SMP nodes with 64-bit Xeon processors from Intel. It provides the universities of the state of Baden-Württemberg with basic computing power and can be used free of charge by the staff of all universities in Baden-Württemberg.
Access is granted via the bwIDM federal identity management, regulated by each university individually. Users who currently have access to bwUniCluster 1 will automatically also have access to bwUniCluster 2.0. There is no need to apply for new entitlements or re-register.
Further information:
Technical description of bwUniCluster 2.0
Details to registration and access at

The easy-to-use, collaborative, online LaTeX editor Overleaf has been available to all KIT staff and students in the new KIT Overleaf Portal since December 2019.
A connection to the Shibboleth Identity Provider of KIT (SSO Integration) enables the use of the KIT Overleaf Portal by logging in with the KIT Account
Overleaf enables the collaborative editing of documents with LaTeX directly, without further software installations, via any web browser!
Templates in the template gallery make it easy to get started with LaTeX and all LaTeX features like inserting images, equations or bibliographies are supported by Overleaf.
Collaboration is done via only one master version for each document, which can be accessed by any authorized person.
Several people can work on a document at the same time, the changes of other people are displayed directly.
The document history also shows which changes were added or removed by whom. Furthermore, it is easy to return to previous versions.
You can also find this cloud service in the service catalogue of the SCC under Collaboration (Groupware) -> Overleaf - Working with LaTeX

Get to know our IT centre. Meet us. Have a drink. Start your career.
The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) will present itself on February 6, 2020, starting at 14:00 in the KIT Campus North.
Are you looking for an IT challenge as a research assistant, IT specialist, or student assistant at the KIT Information Technology Center?
Come on over:
For the get-together, short overview lectures on selected topics of the SCC and the guided tours to our supercomputer ForHLR and to the data centre for international high energy physics GridKa. Get to know the different topics of SCC and possibilities for collaboration (also bachelor, master or doctoral thesis).
Registration required via:
Achim Grindler

Die neue SCC-News u. a. mit diesen Themen: IT-Landkarte der KIT-Software-Anwendungen; DEEP Hybrid DataCloud; MathSEE Modeling Week.
Dear reader,
for orientation, maps made of paper usually provide a better overview of a large area than digital map apps on smartphones. These develop their strengths only with the help of integrated information services and show nearby open restaurants, the traffic situation along the route or how to reach your destination by public transport. Likewise, a new interactive IT map (page 4) collects and integ-rates information about distributed services and applications at KIT, putting the associated data flows and objects into context. As a result, an overarching data base for the management of services and applications at KIT is gradually being created.
Similarly, researchers want to find their way around scientific tools and services in the ever-growing IT landscape. Among other things, the project DEEP Hybrid DataCloud provides a remedy. Specially tailored apps and services as well as a variety of supporting services enable scientists to address a wide variety of issues using deep learning methods. All of these services are available within a flexible cloud infrastructure, complemented even with high-performance computing resources (page14).
Another form of orientation is provided by the project group CAMMP at the SCC in the large field of modeling and simulation. For the first time, the KIT Center MathSEE hosted a modeling week to introduce students from disciplines that use mathematical methods to the modeling of real problems using high-performance computers (page 21).Together with the researchers who just obtained their doctoral degree at SCC (see title photo) we wish you a good orientation through this new edition of the SCC News.
Enjoy reading!
Martin Frank, Bernhard Neumair, Martin Nußbaumer, Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

In the podcast "Let's talk Exascale" of the American Exascale-portal Hartwig Anzt, head of the Helmholtz junior research group FiNE, talks about the Ginkgo software and the visionary research on multiprecision algorithms.
Hartwig Anzt, Head of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group FiNE — Fixed-Point Methods for Numerics at Exascale — and his team develop and test efficient numerical algorithms and make them available to computer science researchers in easy-to-use and sustainable software libraries. What is new is that these algorithms use different floating-point formats (multiprecision) to benefit from higher computing power and faster communication in lower floating-point formats.
In particular, the algorithms are able to compute on low-precision special function units such as tensor cores in NVIDIA's GPUs. Although there has been research in the direction of multiprecision algorithms for many years, there is no production-ready software technology.
Hartwig Anzt succeeded in making the first algorithms "exascale-capable" and his software library Gingko is now part of the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK), which was presented at the Supercomputing Conference 2019 in Denver. In the podcast Let's talk Exascale of the American Exascale-portal Anzt talks about the Ginkgo software and the visionary research on Multiprecision Algorithms in episode 47.
Achim Grindler

Viele Clients unterschiedlicher Betriebssysteme erlauben den Zugriff auf Speicherdaten über HTTPS/WebDAV. Ab sofort sind auch die Daten des Dienstes LSDF Online Storage über HTTPS/WebDAV verfügbar.
Der Zugriff auf Speicherprojekte in der LSDF ist ab sofort über die Protokolle HTTPS bzw. WebDAV möglich. Für diese Protokolle existieren eine große Anzahl an Clients für unterschiedliche Betriebssysteme sowie eine gute Integration in diverse Dateimanager.
Der lesende Zugriff auf Daten im LSDF Online Storage ist somit über Webbrowser möglich.
Details und Hinweise zur Benutzung werden im Dokumentationssystem (Wiki) und im Nutzerhandbuch des Dienstes bereit gestellt.
Der Daten-Zugriff mittels HTTPS/WebDAV erfolgt über die
Fragen zum Zugriff oder Probleme beim Zugriff auf die LSDF Daten über HTTPS/WebDAV können jederzeit über das bwSupport-Portal unter an das LSDF Online Storage-Team gemeldet werden.

In an American competition on chemical databases, an innovation team from KIT has won a prize with the idea of a synthetic chemistry portal as an information system for storing, sharing, searching and analyzing chemical data.
The innovation team of KIT, consisting of Nicole Jung, Stefan Bräse, Pierre Tremouilhac, Felix Bach and Ravindra Peravali, was able to convince in an international competition of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an authority of the US Department of Health, and won a prize in the category "Challenge 2".
In the tender entitled "A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE)", concepts were sought which point to possibilities for establishing a modern research infrastructure.
In category 2, proposals for the development of an electronic synthesis portal were sought. The goal of the US National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) call, part of the NIH, is to reward and advance innovative approaches to solving the opioid crisis in the US through the development of (1) novel chemical compounds, (2) data mining, analytical tools and technologies, and (3) biological assays. The aim is to promote the discovery and development of next-generation preclinical tests of safe and non-addictive painkillers. The aim is to identify new therapeutic options for opioid dependence and overdose.
The KIT team was awarded the prize for "Electronic Synthetic Chemistry Portal for Translational Innovation in Pain, Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose". The Electronic Synthetic Chemistry Portal (eSCP) proposed by the Innovation Team is an information system for storing, collecting, sharing, searching and analysing data - specifically for synthetic and medical chemists and biologists. The portal is based on the laboratory application software Chemotion, which includes an electronic laboratory book (ELN) and a repository for chemists. Chemotion is a joint DFG-funded project of the SCC, the library and the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the KIT.
Further information: aspire/2018ChallengeWinners
translated with
Achim Grindler

KIT participated in the European Cybersecurity Month 2019 with an information booth and up-to-date materials. The focus was on practical tips for IT security and the detection of fraudulent messages as well as the secure handling of these.
Das KIT beteiligte sich am 23. Oktober 2019 am diesjährigen European Cybersecurity Month 2019. Dieser findet seit 2012 jährlich statt und ist eine Aktion der EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter Federführung der ENISA[1], um das Bewusstsein für Cybersicherheit zu fördern.
Der Fokus am KIT lag in diesem Jahr auf Praxistipps zur IT-Sicherheit und der Erkennung von betrügerischen Nachrichten sowie dem sicheren Umgang mit diesen. Die Beschäftigten und Studierenden wurden mit einer Rundmail sowie zwischen 11 und 14 Uhr mit einem Info-Stand im Casino des Campus Nord auf das Thema „Betrügerische Nachrichten“ und entsprechende IT-Sicherheitstipps aufmerksam gemacht.
Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der beteiligten Einrichtungen und Forschungsgruppen des KIT (AIFB, KASTEL, SECUSO, DO, SCC und ZML) erläuterten in vielen Gesprächen mit Praxisbeispielen in Flyern, Postern, Infokarten und zwei Videos die anschaulich, wie betrügerischen Nachrichten zu erkennen sind und wie man diese meldet. Die Online-Schulung „NoPhish“ für die Beschäftigten und Studierenden wurde überarbeitet und auf der Lernplattform des KIT bereitgestellt. Alle Dokumente und Materialien sind über die Aktionswebseite oder den Servicedesk des SCC verfügbar.
[1] Europäische Agentur für Netz- und Informationssicherheit
Achim Grindler

The SCC welcomes first semester students. SCC presented itself during the orientation phase and the welcome ceremony as a central scientific institution as well as the IT service provider at KIT.
In der Orientierungsphase zum Wintersemester 2019/20 - vom 8.-11. Oktober - präsentierte sich das SCC mit 16 Vorträgen und 27 Führungen über 600 Studierenden als zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung sowie als der IT-Serviceprovider am KIT. Zum Studienstart erhielten sie Infos zu KIT-Benutzerkonto, Organisation & E-Learning, Netzzugänge am KIT, E-Mail, Sichere Kommunikation mit Zertifikaten, bwSync&Share, Drucken, Poolräume, Hochleistungsrechner, ServiceDesk und Techpoint. Zum Kennenlernen der Lernplattform ILIAS gab es ein Quiz, an dem über 700 Studierende teilnahmen.
Rund 5 000 neue Studentinnen und Studenten starten im Wintersemester in ihr Studium am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Das KIT heißt sie mit ihren Familien traditionell bei einer Festveranstaltung willkommen: Auch das SCC stand bei dieser traditionellen Erstsemesterbegrüßung in der Karlsruher Schwarzwaldhalle am 18. Oktober für eine erste Kontaktaufnahme bereit.
Der Ausgabeprozess der KIT-Card hat diesen Ansturm ebenfalls bestens überstanden. Reibungslos und ohne nennenswerte Probleme konnten 4600 Karten ausgestellt und registriert werden.
Wir wünschen allen Studierenden alles Gute für ihr Studium und unterstützen sie jederzeit bei allen Fragen rund um die SCC-Services.
Karin Schäufele

The EOSC Synergy project to expand the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) started in Spain at the end of September.
The project had its kickoff from Sep 23rd - 27th 2019 in Santiago de Compostela in Spain and has a duration of two and a half years. A team of 25 engineers and scientists will work on the expansion of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by integrating National and Scientific Infrastructures.
EOSC-Synergy is one of the EOSC regional projects that aim to coordinate national efforts to build an IT platform for research with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines.
The project is coordinated by the Spanish National Science Council and partners with
the Laboratory for Instrumentation in Physics LIP,
the INCD Association and LNEC in Lisbon,
the polish national supercomputing centre PSNC in Posnan,
the Czech national research network provider CESNET in Prague and Brno,
the Slovak Academy of science IISAS in Bratislava,
KNAW-DANS in the Netherlands,
JISC in the UK,
IRD/LEGOS in France,
the University of Valencia in Valencia,
ACK CYFRONET from Krakow,
the Portuguese national network provider FCT,
the European Grid Initiative EGI,
the company INDRA Sistemas in Spain
and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
KIT is also partner in the complementary EOSC-Pillar project with focus on the national activities in Italy, France, Belgium and Austria and in the EOSC-hub and EOSC-secretariat projects that respectively build the federating technical core and governmental structure of EOSC.
Dr. Marcus Hardt

The policies of the service for securing mobile devices with the tool "Druva inSync" will be adapted to the policies of the service for securing file servers and desktop computers with the tool "ISP" (formerly TSM) as of 01.09.2019.
Since 01.05.2006, the following policies have been in effect for data backups of file servers and desktop computers with the tool ISP (formerly TSM):
No hard disk images of the end devices.
Devices that have not been backed up for 180 days will be completely deleted, including all backup data. One week before the deletion, an e-mail is sent with a warning that the data will be deleted. If this device is the last of the user, the user will also be removed from the backup system.
If a user has not performed a backup 30 days after registration, this user will be removed from the backup system.
As of 01.09.2019, these policies also apply to data backups of mobile devices via "Druva inSync".
Data backup for mobile devices with "Druva inSync" is connected to the KIT Active Directory service, so access depends on a valid KIT user account. This means that as soon as a KIT user account is deactivated, even the Druva administrators no longer have access to the user's data secured with "Druva inSync".
Therefore the SCC additionally introduces the following policy:
If a KIT user account is deactivated, this account will also be disabled in the Druva inSync server. Access to the backup data is then no longer possible. Such blocked accounts - including the corresponding backup data - are removed from the Druva inSync system after 60 days.
Service Descriptions
Backup & Archive

All KIT employees as well as "guests and partners" will be able to use the customer interface of the SCC ticket system from 5 August 2019 in order to submit user enquiries.
The SCC uses a ticket system based on Open Technology Real Services (OTRS) to manage user requests.
All IT officers of the KIT have already been granted access via a customer interface in order to directly post and track requests to the SCC.
As of August 5, 2019, the SCC will also make this customer interface available to all KIT employees, partners and guests as a further way of communication.
All KIT members with a valid KIT account in the form "ab1234" will thus have the opportunity to submit requests to the SCC in addition to the previously known communication channels such as e-mail, telephone or personal contact at the Service Desk.
At a later date, this communication option will also be made available to KIT students.
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the ticket system, please contact the
SCC Servicedesk, Tel. -8000, mailto:
Service description: SCC ticket system
Custom interface: Login
Birgit Junker

Officially kicked off on 5 July 2019, for the next 3 years, EOSC-Pillar will coordinate national Open Science efforts across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, and ensure their contribution and readiness for the implementation of the EOSC.
EOSC-Pillar is one of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) regional projects such as EOSC Nordic, NI4OS-Europe, EOSC Synergy and ExPaNDS. These projects aim to coordinate the efforts of the national and thematic initiatives in making a coherent contribution to EOSC, a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines.
Diversity in policy, and differences in technological and infrastructural maturity among European Union member states still remains a barrier to the transnational nature of EOSC and research in general. But what unites European countries is the value that they see the EOSC will bring to their own research capabilities. This is why the EOSC-Pillar was established.
The project is coordinated by GARR, Italy’s national research and education network (NREN) and involves the following organisations: University of Vienna from Austria, Ghent University from Belgium, CINES, CNRS, IFREMER, INRA, INRIA and INSERM from France, DKRZ, Fraunhofer, GFZ and KIT from Germany, and CINECA, CMCC, CNR, INFN and Trust-IT from Italy.
These organisations are already key players in their own countries and have extensively contributed to the development of Open Science and FAIR data initiatives in their fields. The project benefits also from SCC's many years of data management, AAI and IT-services know-how".
(Text excerpts from official press release)
Contact persons at SCC: Achim Streit, Jos van Wezel
EOSC-Pillar Website:
Achim Grindler

Get to know our IT centre. Meet us. Have a drink. Start your career. Scientific Computing Center (SCC) will present itself on 24. July 2019, 14:30 at KIT Campus South, Bldg.. 20.21 / UG
Das Scientific Computing Center (SCC) präsentiert sich am 24. Juli 2019, 14:30 Uhr im KIT Campus Süd.
SCC - Gebäude 20.21 - UG
Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer IT-Herausforderung als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, IT-Spezialist oder als studentische Hilfskraft im Informationstechnologiezentrum des KIT?
Treffen Sie uns, lernen Sie uns kennen, werden Sie Teil des SCC: Wir präsentieren die Arbeitsbereiche im SCC in einer Poster-Session, zeigen Ihnen die IT-Infrastruktur des SCC in Führungen und stehen Ihnen bei Drinks und Snacks für Ihre Fragen zur Verfügung. Lernen Sie die verschiedenen Themen des SCC und Möglichkeiten einer Mitarbeit (auch Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorarbeit) kennen.
Karin Schäufele

With the project HAICU (Helmholtz Artifical Intelligence Cooperation Unit) of the Helmholtz Association, in which SCC and IAI are also collaborating, KIT is further expanding its outstanding research competence in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Ausbau und Verstetigung seiner herausragenden Forschungskompetenz in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind ein strategisches Forschungsziel des KIT. Mit dem Projekt HAICU (Helmholtz Artifical Intelligence Cooperation Unit) konnte das KIT als Lokaleinheit für Energie zwei Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen einwerben.
Am Institut für Automation und angewandte Informatik (IAI) wird eine Juniorprofessur KI-Methoden für das Energiesystem der Zukunft entwickeln, anwenden und im Energy Lab 2.0 demonstrieren. Das umfasst z.B. Reinforcement Learning, evolutionäre Algorithmen, agentenbasierte Systeme und modellprädiktive Optimierungsmethoden. Der Focus liegt auf autonomen Entscheidungen auf verschiedenen Aggregationsebenen (z.B. Gebäude, Industriecampus als lokale Zelle, Versorgungsgebiet) mit Aspekten des optimalen Agierens von Prosumern sowie des optimalen Betriebs von Netzen.
Am Scientific Computing Center (SCC) wird u.a. ein High Level Support Team die Erforschung von KI-Algorithmen und die Entwicklung skalierbarer KI-Software ebenso adressieren, wie das KI-Consulting für den Forschungsbereich Energie der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft sowie die Bereitstellung von spezialisierter Infrastruktur für KI-Anwendungen.
Kontakt: Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

With the new projects EOSC-synergy and EOSC-Pillar, KIT is further expanding its contribution to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Both projects benefit from SCC's many years of data management know-how.
Mit der European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) entsteht eine europaweite Cloud-Plattform, auf der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Forschungsdaten speichern, teilen, nutzen und wiederverwenden können. Seine langjährige, einschlägige Expertise bringt das KIT nun in insgesamt fünf Projekte ein. Die zwei aktuellsten Projekte, die nun im Sommer starten werden, sind EOSC-synergy und EOSC-Pillar.
Die Projekte überbrücken die „digitale Kluft“ zwischen EU-Ländern mit unterschiedlichen informationstechnischen Voraussetzungen. Das Projekt EOSC-synergy schafft mehr Möglichkeiten für die Forschende insbesondere der Klima-, Umwelt-, Erdbeobachtungs- und Lebenswissenschaften, indem es das Angebot an Tools, Rechenleistung und Speicherplatz länderübergreifend koordiniert. Ein Teilprojekt ist eine Online-Schulungsplattform, um den Zugang von Selbstlernenden zu qualitativ hochwertigen Schulungsmaterialien und Online-Kursen sicherzustellen. EOSC-synergy startet mit 16 Partnern aus Südwesteuropa und einem Budget von 5,6 Millionen Euro.
EOSC-Pillar integriert nationale Projekte und Dateninfrastrukturen, um ein international abgestimmtes Dienstleistungsspektrum für Forschende anzubieten. Es werden Standards gesetzt, bei denen die Nutzerfreundlichkeit im Vordergrund steht. Dazu werden neun exemplarische Anwendungsfälle ausgesucht und unter den Aspekten Koordination, Forschung, Lehre und Dienstleistungen entwickelt. EOSC-Pillar startet mit 17 Partnern aus Zentraleuropa und einem Budget von 6,9 Millionen Euro.
Schon länger trägt das KIT maßgeblich zu den EOSC-Projekten EOSCpilot, EOSC-hub und EOSCsecretariat (jeweils in Eigenschreibweise) bei . Das Scientific Computing Center des KIT gestaltet EOSC mit und bringt seine langjährige Expertise in der Verwaltung großer Datenmengen aus Projekten wie SDIL, LSDF und GridKa ein. European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) wird wissenschaftliche Forschung effizienter machen, Verknüpfungen zwischen verschiedenen europäischen Institutionen und Organisationen schaffen und Digitalisierungsprojekte in der Wissenschaft beschleunigen.
Contact person International Projects and Open Science at SCC:
Jos van Wezel
Author: Kosta Schinarakis

The paper entitled "OCR-D: An End-to-end Open-source OCR Framework for Historical Documents" won the Best Paper Award at the international conference "Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage 2019" (DATeCH2019).
OCR-D is a coordination project of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the further development of Optical Character Recognition techniques for German-language prints of the 16th-19th century. The main goal is the full text capture of the cultural heritage printed in German-language of this period.
In OCR-D, SCC-DEM is responsible for the software technology topic in order to ensure the technical feasibility of the complex workflows created for full-text capture and their applicability.
Link to publication:
Volker Hartmann, Rainer Stotzka

Since May 2019 the LSDF Online Storage is directly available on the HPC-Cluster ForHLR I and II. The connection was realized using InfiniBand technology and IBM Spectrum Scale.
Mit dieser Erweiterung können die Benutzer der Hochleistungsrechner ForHLR I + II nun direkt auf den Loginnodes Daten aus dem LSDF Online Speicher bearbeiten. Auf Wunsch ist zusätzlich per Anforderung eine Nutzung im Batchbetrieb möglich.
Die Anbindung über IBM Spectrum Scale bringt einen Performancegewinn für den Datentransfer zum LSDF Online Speicher mit sich. Die direkte Anbindung der LSDF-Speichersysteme an die HPC-Cluster erleichtert den Nutzern den Umgang mit darin gespeicherten großen Datenmengen.
Wer ein Speicherprojekt beantragen möchte, wende sich bitte an das LSDF-Team.
Ihr HPC- und LSDF-Team

First release of Ginkgo now available. Ginkgo is the next-generation high-performance, on-node, sparse linear algebra library. The software leverages the features of modern C++ to give you a tool for the iterative solution of linear systems.
The Ginkgo team is proud to announce the first release of Ginkgo, the next-generation high-performance on-node sparse linear algebra library. Ginkgo leverages the features of modern C++ to give you a tool for the iterative solution of linear systems that is:
Easy to use. Interfaces with cryptic naming schemes and dozens of parameters are a thing of the past. Ginkgo was built with good software design in mind, making simple things simple to express.
High performance. Our optimized CUDA kernels ensure you are reaching the potential of today's GPU-accelerated high-end systems, while Ginkgo's open design allows extension to future hardware architectures.
Controllable. While Ginkgo can automatically move your data when needed, you remain in control by optionally specifying when the data is moved and what is its ownership scheme.
Composable. Iterative solution of linear systems is an extremely versatile field, where effective methods are built by mixing and matching various components. Need a GMRES solver preconditioned with a block-Jacobi enhanced BiCGSTAB? Thanks to its novel linear operator abstraction, Ginkgo can do it!
Extensible. Did not find a component you were looking for? Ginkgo is designed to be easily extended in various ways. You can provide your own loggers, stopping criteria, matrix formats, preconditioners and solvers to Ginkgo and have them integrate as well as the natively supported ones, without the need to modify or recompile the library.
Click here <> to download the source tarball or clone the source.
More and detailed information about Ginkgo concepts you'll find in SCC-News, Edition 2/2018 at page 24 ff.
Contact at SCC: Hartwig Anzt
Achim Grindler

SCC is a prominent partner in the, supporting governance for EOSC while working with communities towards an all-encompassing European Open Science Cloud.
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is the vision of the future federated European data infrastructure for open science and FAIR data. With the objective to further develop the EOSC by marketing its goals and building the EOSC office the project, that kicked off on 1.1.2019, will also assist the recently nominated EOSC executive board in their task to answer questions regarding the organizational and governmental implementation of the EOSC. SCC contributes to multiple tasks in the 2-year project and has reached an excellent position helping to shape the prospective European science infrastructure. In, SCC works in close cooperation with our Helmholtz colleagues from linked partner Forschungszentrum-Juelich.
Contact: Dr. Netsanet Haile Gebreyesus
Jos van Wezel

Ten girls from classes 6 to 10 visited SCC as participants of Girls'Day. The varied program gave the students interesting insights into the diverse work of a scientific computing and data center.
Im Rahmen des „Girls‘Day“ besuchten am 28. März 2019 zehn interessierte Mädchen der Klassenstufen 6 bis 10 das Scientific Computing Center (SCC). An diesem besonderen Tag haben Schülerinnen weiterführender Schulen die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Berufe in den Bereichen Forschung und Technik am KIT kennenzulernen. Am SCC stand der Girls‘Day unter dem Motto „Mit Computersimulationen die Welt besser verstehen“.
Auch dieses Jahr gab das abwechslungsreiche Programm des SCC den Schülerinnen interessante Einblicke in die vielfältige Arbeit eines wissenschaftlichen Rechen- und Datenzentrums.
Wozu brauchen wir Computersimulationen und wie können sie zu einem besseren Verständnis der Welt beitragen? Diesen Fragen gingen Samuel Braun (Abteilung Scientific Computing und Simulation, SCS) und Marie Weiel-Potyagaylo (Junior Research Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation) in ihrem Einführungsvortrag mit anschaulichen Beispielen aus der eigenen Forschung auf den Grund. Um die Simulationen auf der 15,4 m2 großen Projektionswand des Visualisierungsraums zu verfolgen, wurden alle Mädchen mit 3D-Brillen ausgestattet. Anschließend besichtigten sie gemeinsam mit Frauke Bösert, Mitarbeiterin des SCS, den am SCC betriebenen Supercomputer ForHLR. Im Praxis-Hardwarelabor durften die Schülerinnen dann selbst aktiv werden und einen Rechner zusammenbauen. Nach dem Mittagessen folgte ein Programmierworkshop. Mithilfe des Computerspiels „Laby“ schrieben die Mädchen kurze python-Skripte, um einer Roboter-Ameise den Weg durch ein mit Hindernissen gespicktes Labyrinth zu bahnen. Einen Ausflug in die Virtuelle Realität unternahmen die Mädchen mit Hilfe der Virtual Reality Brille Oculus Go. Wahlweise konnten sie in eine Strömungssimulation eintauchen oder das Protein Hämoglobin sowie eine überdimensionale Stubenfliege aus der Nähe betrachten. Nach einer kurzen Einweisung in das Web-Framework A-Frame waren die Mädchen in der Lage, ihre eigenen virtuellen Welten zu erstellen. Besonders der praktische Teil des Girls‘Day-Programms erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit und die Mädchen waren mit Begeisterung bei der Sache.
Text: Marie Weiel-Potyagaylo, Foto: Achim Grindler
Herzlichen Dank an das "Girls'Day 2019 Team" des SCC: Marie Weiel-Potyagaylo, Samuel Braun, Frauke Bösert, Nicole Zolo Ovambe, Arthur Voronin, Ines Reinartz und Sabine Grindler.
Achim Grindler

SCC will be represented with even three contributions at the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Here, researchers from all over the world will present their latest research results on parallel computing.
SCC will be represented with even three contributions at the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2019 (IPDPS) in Rio de Janeiro. In cooperation with the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Tennessee, the Helmholtz Young Investigators Group FiNE (Fixed-Point Algorithms for Numerics at Exascale) has developed the first threshold-based incomplete LU preconditioner [1] for GPUs and will present it in the main track of the conference. A central part of the algorithm is an approximative sorting method for GPUs, which will be presented in the 9th International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) [2].
In the Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing Workshop (PDSEC), the research group around Hartwig Anzt encourages to recognize the development of software patches as a conference contribution and academic achievement and underlines this in a position paper [3].
Contact: Dr. Hartwig Anzt
Contributions to the workshops:
ParILUT - A Parallel Threshold ILU for GPUs
Approximate and Exact Selection on GPUs
Are we doing the right thing? — A Critical Analysis of the Academic HPC Community
Achim Grindler

The use of an additional virus scanner prevents the central mail inbox systems from accepting messages with Office files containing macros or macro-like content.
The SCC uses various mechanisms to minimize the risks of malware transmitted by mail to the KIT. On the one hand a normal virus scanner for mail servers is in use, on the other hand mail attachments with certain file extensions or file names are rejected by the central mail inbox systems of the KIT.
Another special virus scanner has now been set up to detect messages that recognize Office files with macros or macro-like content, because macros can also contain malicious code.
The systems send a permanent error message to the sending mail server so that it does not make any further delivery attempts. The sender receives the following error message:
[EN] Office files containing macros are not allowed on this server. Please use another distribution channel or encryption. See also the recommendations in More security when sending e-mails.
_ _ _
Service: E-Mail at KIT >> Mail Reception
SCC Service Team

Anyone who has used the openSUSE mirror of the SCC (, should switch to the official mirror proxy.
The shutdown of the openSUSE Mirror will take place on 1 May 2019.
The SCC has discovered that the openSUSE mirror for updating generates more external network traffic than it really spares. Also, the update has been disrupted for some time.
If you have used the openSUSE mirror ( of the SCC so far, you should switch to the official mirror proxy:
SCC Service Team

The Adobe Connect Web conferencing service at the SCC is discontinued. An alternative is the DFNconf service.
The Adobe Connect Web Conference service will be discontinued effective August 31, 2019.
The server "" is shut down.
The SCC recommends switching to the DFN videoconferencing service. As part of the DFNconf service, an Adobe Connect Server is also offered there.
Further information on the DFNconf service can be found at SCC under Videoconference and Teleteaching and/or at DFN under Web Conference Service via Adobe Connect.
SCC Service Team

On 26 and 27 February, two teams of students from the project Simulated Worlds at Jugend forscht faced the questions of the jury and an interested public and presented the results of their intensive research work.
Am 26. und 27. Februar stellten sich zwei Schülerteams aus dem Projekt Simulierte Welten bei Jugend forscht[1] den Fragen der Jury und einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit und präsentierten die Ergebnisse ihrer intensiven Forschungsarbeit. Die Forschungsthemen hatten die Schülerteams auf der CAMMP week in Voeren in Belgien kennengelernt und waren nach einer Woche anstrengender Arbeit begeistert in die Schulen zurückgekehrt. „Man hat das Gefühl etwas Sinnvolles mit seinem Wissen zu tun!“, beschrieb Nils Rauscher sein Engagement, das er zusammen mit Moritz Müller, sowie Boyu Wu und Christian Beitzinger im Förderstipendium des Projekts Simulierte Welten betreut von Maren Hattebuhr fortsetzte. Ihre kreativen Ideen wurden bei Jugend forscht gelobt und belohnt. Insgesamt traten fast 100 Schülerinnen und Schüler in sieben verschiedenen Kategorien an.
Gießgerechte Konstruktion
Schon seit langer Zeit werden vielfältigste Produkte durch Gießen hergestellt. Dabei wird flüssiges Metall in eine Form gegossen und abgekühlt. Gerade bei Formen mit großen Wandstärkendifferenzen können Hohlräume entstehen, die die Stabilität des Gusses negativ beeinflussen. Um solche Schwachstellen automatisch erkennen zu können entwickelten Boyu Wu und Christian Beitzinger ein Verfahren, das dem Konstrukteur bereits vor dem Gießen anzeigt, wo die Gussformüberarbeitet werden muss. Zum Testen erhielten die Schüler von der Firma Magma aus Aachen Daten von Gussformen sowie eine Referenzzeit, die die momentan genutzte Software von Magma zur Beurteilung benötigt. Ihre Arbeit reichten die beiden Schüler in der Kategorie Mathematik/Informatik ein. Boyu und Christian wurden mit dem 1. Preis, gestiftet von der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, geehrt und dürfen damit nun am Jugend forscht-Landeswettbewerb Baden-Württemberg teilnehmen. „Ihre Idee ist mathematisch sehr pfiffig. Das Projekt ist praxistauglich und spart viel Arbeit beim Experimentieren.“, lobte der Juror Herr Professor Seiler die beiden Schüler. Wir gratulieren zu ihrem Sieg und wünschen ihnen viel Erfolg in der nächsten Auswahlrunde.
Optimale Verladestrategie
Internetshopping ist weit verbreitet. Allein in Deutschland kaufen 68% Privatkunden online ein[2]. Aber auch Firmen, die im Groß- und Sanitärhandel tätig sind, bestellen Produkte bei Großhändlern, die wiederum Speditionen beauftragen, die Waren auszuliefern. Um die Auslieferung möglichst effizient zu gestalten, werden die Transportwege optimiert und einzelne Kundenbestellungen zu Touren zusammengefasst. Aber passt die Ware überhaupt auf einen Lkw? Unter „passen“ versteht man hier nicht nur, dass die Produkte das zulässige Maximalvolumen und -gewicht nicht überschreiten dürfen, sondern auch, dass die sie in der vorgegebenen Auslieferreihenfolge abgeladen werden können ohne andere später auszuliefernde Waren bewegen zu müssen. Erschwert wird dieses Problem dadurch, dass die Produkte nicht beliebig übereinandergestapelt werden dürfen. Bislang werden die Lkw einfach in entgegengesetzter Auslieferungsreihenfolge beladen. Nicht selten wird dabei festgestellt, dass für die Touren mehrere Fahrzeuge benötigt werden. Moritz Müller und Nils Rauscher kamen zu der Überzeugung, dass dies optimiert werden kann. Sie schrieben ein Programm, in die die Daten der Touren eingelesen werden können und innerhalb weniger Sekunden ausgegeben wird, ob diese Tour möglich ist und wie der Lkw bestmöglich beladen werden sollte. Getestet wurde die Effizienz auf Basis echter Daten, die ihnen von der Firma INFORM aus Aachen zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Die beiden Schüler überzeugten durch ihre kreative Herangehensweise und die Umsetzung. „Das ist ein sehr wichtiges Projekt, was direkt in die Anwendung gehen kann!“, staunte ein Gast, der die beiden Jungforscher am Öffentlichkeitstag kennenlernte. Für ihre Arbeit wurden Moritz und Nils mit dem 2. Preis im Fachgebiet Arbeitswelt geehrt und waren damit das beste Team ihres Fachgebiets. Der Preis wurde vom Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales gestiftet. Wir gratulieren ihnen herzlich!
Kontakt zur Betreuung von „Jugend forscht“-Projekten: Maren Hattebuhr
Autoren: Maren Hattebuhr, Marco Berghoff
[1] Im Februar begannen die Wettbewerbe der 54. Runde von Jugend forscht. Die jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler präsentierten ihre Forschungsprojekte zunächst auf 89 Regionalwettbewerben im ganzen Bundesgebiet einer Jury und der Öffentlichkeit. Für die diesjährige Runde von Deutschlands bekanntestem Nachwuchswettbewerb haben sich insgesamt 12150 junge MINT-Talente angemeldet. Auf Regional-, Landes- und Bundesebene werden die Wettbewerbsveranstaltungen von mehr als 150 Unternehmen sowie öffentlichen und privaten Institutionen ausgerichtet. [Quelle:]
[2] Quelle: Eurostat 2019
Achim Grindler

The data centers of Hochschule Karlsruhe, the KIT library and the SCC ensure the integration of the new Science Data Center MoMaF into the research and teaching structures of its partners and support it with research data management services.
Der systematische Zugang zu digitalen Datenbeständen wird für neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und damit für Innovationen und Technologietransfer immer wichtiger. Die reine Datengewinnung allein bringt die Wissenschaft allerdings nicht voran. Es geht entscheidend darum, die Nutzbarkeit der Forschungsdaten zu verbessern.
Daher fördert das MWK im Rahmen der Landesdigitalisierungsstrategie digital@bw den Aufbau von vier leistungsstarken Forschungsdatenzentren – Science Data Centers – in Baden-Württemberg. Darunter ist auch das “MoMaF – Science Data Center für Molekulare MaterialForschung” am KIT.
Das MoMaF unterstützt das Forschungsdatenmanagement für die Fachbereiche Chemie, makromolekulare Forschung und Materialwissenschaften über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Daten hinweg, d. h. von der Erzeugung der Daten und ihrer Aufzeichnung in elektronischen Laborjournalen über ihre Aufbereitung und Auswertung mit Zugriff auf die baden-württembergische Infrastruktur für Hochleistungsrechnen und datenintensives Rechnen bis hin zu ihrer Archivierung im Repositorium und ihrer Veröffentlichung. Dies soll den genannten Fachbereichen eine standortübergreifende kollaborative Forschung ermöglichen, die bislang durch heterogene Arbeitsweisen und Werkzeuge erschwert ist.
Das KIT und das FIZ Karlsruhe sind führende Gestalter von innovativen Lösungen für Herausforderungen des Forschungsdatenmanagements und des Aufbaus und Betriebs von Infrastrukturen zur Verwaltung, Archivierung und Analyse von Forschungsdaten auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene.
Das KIT betrachtet den Aufbau von Strukturen zur dauerhaften Bereitstellung qualitätsgesicherter Forschungsdaten als ein wesentliches strategisches Ziel (s.a. KIT-Leitlinien zum Forschungsdatenmanagement). Zur Umsetzung wurde u.a. das Serviceteam RDM@KIT gegründet, das sich als Partner von Wissenschaft und Forschung sieht und das Forschende in allen Phasen des Forschungsdatenmanagements unterstützt. Die KIT-Bibliothek ist seit Beginn Projektpartner bei, einer der umfassendsten Referenzquellen für Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen weltweit.
Ausführliche Informationen zu allen neuen Forschungsdatenzentren des Landes bietet die Pressemitteilung des Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst vom 14.02.2019. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Textes dieser Meldung wurde daraus entnommen.
Presseinformation des KIT:
Konakt am SCC: Felix Bach
Get to know our IT centre. Meet us. Have a drink. Start your career.
The SCC presents itself on February 6, 2019 at 14:00 h in the KIT Campus North as your future workplace. Are you looking for an IT challenge as a scientific employee, IT specialist or assistant (Hiwi)? During a get-together, the 2nd SCC Doctoral Science Slam, guided tours to high-performance computers and GridKa, you will get to know the various aspects and possibilities of how to join the SCC. Meet - Know - Join: SCC
Information and requiered registration:
contact info:
Karin Schäufele

Seit 30. November 2018 ist der neue Dienst MASi (Metadata Management for Applied Sciences) zum metadaten-getriebenen Management von Forschungsdaten online.
Forschungsdaten aus wissenschaftlichen Studien und Projekten der MASi-Projektpartner können so eingespielt, verwaltet und durch eine Suchfunktion abgerufen werden.
MASi wurde gemeinschaftlich von der Abteilung SCC-DEM und den Partnern im Rahmen des gleichnamigen DFG-geförderten Projektes von 2015 bis 2018 entwickelt.
Unter der Maßgabe, dass Metadaten die zentrale Informationsquelle für den Datenlebenszyklus von Anwendungsfällen darstellen, bilden folgende Aspekte die Grundlage für den Dienst: Metadaten können automatisch extrahiert und validiert werden. Eingespielte Daten werden automatisch prozessiert, um beispielsweise Formatkonvertierungen vorzunehmen oder im Falle von Bildern Thumbnails zu erzeugen.
Der Fokus von MASi liegt auf Forschungsdaten in aktiver Nutzung. Alle MASi-Entwicklungen werden als Open Source veröffentlicht, um das Wiederverwendungspotenzial und die Nachhaltigkeit zu erhöhen. Weiterhin wird eine Best-Practice-Implementierungsanleitung zur Verfügung gestellt, um einerseits Adoptionen basierend auf den MASi-Erfahrungen sowie andererseits die Integration neuer Communities in MASi zu fördern.
MASi wird zukünftig vom Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH) betrieben und von der Kontaktstelle Forschungsdaten der Technischen Universität Dresden betreut und gewartet.
Weiterführende Links:
Informationen zum Dienst: MASi
Volker Hartmann, Dr. Rainer Stotzka

Since yesterday, more than 50 petabytes of data from the high-energy physics experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) have been stored on tape cassettes of the Grid Computing Centre Karlsruhe at KIT.
On 16.12.2018, shortly after the end of Run 2 of the particle accelerator LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN, the amount of data stored in the GridKa tape system of the LHC experiments exceeded 50 petabytes (PB). Another approx. 30 PB data are currently stored on disk storage systems.
In total, the four experiments of the LHC ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb generated more than 80 PB data in 2018. As one of the largest Tier 1 centers of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), GridKa is responsible for archiving and processing a significant portion of this data.
For the storage of 50 PB data, around 6300 tape cassettes are required, which, lined up in a shelf, require 160 meters of space. The amount of data stored on tape corresponds to approx. 12.5 billion photos.
Dr. Andreas Heiss

Origin live - Evaluate. Visualize. Effective use.
The Additive GmbH offers a webinar day on 14.11.2018 with many interesting topics. The eight main topics will be dealt with in blocks of 45 minutes each. Further information and the possibility to register directly can be found at:
Rolf Mayer
Pupils conduct research in teams with the help of mathematical methods and the use of computers on research questions from companies and university institutes. They will present their results on September 28, 2018.
CAMMP week 2018
This year's MINT-EC Academy CAMMP week will take place in Karlsruhe from September 23 - 28, 2018. This is a modelling week in which students interested in mathematics, supported by a scientist, spend a week researching a real problem for a real problem. The problems come from the current research of companies or university institutes, which are currently still unsolved. We cordially invite you to be surprised by the results of the pupils at the final event. The presentations will take place on September 28, 2018 at 11 a.m. in lecture hall 140 in building 449 in Campus North of KIT. We are looking forward to your visit!
Registrations (for external/non-KIT members) are possible until 27.09.2018 at
Kirsten Wohak

Migration of the KeyShot License Manager to the by 31.9.2018
The license manager of KeyShot will be migrated to on 9/31/18. Further information can be found at:
Rolf Mayer

Das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst unterstützt mit seiner High Performance Computing (HPC) und Data Intensive Computing (DIC) Strategie den Ausbau und die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Infrastruktur im Land.
Um die Grundlagen für exzellente Forschungsinfrastrukturen zu legen und bestehende Infrastrukturen zu erneuern, hat das Ministerium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Anfang des Jahres ein landesweit abgestimmtes Antragsbündel für HPC- und Daten-Infrastrukturen in Baden-Württemberg vorgelegt. Darunter auch Maßnahmen, die am KIT umgesetzt werden und gemeinsame Projekte, die vom KIT maßgeblich begleitet werden.
Im Juli 2018 hat die DFG alle Anträge auf Forschungsgroßgeräte bewilligt bzw. bei Anträgen im Rahmen des Programms „Großgeräte der Länder“ eine Bewilligung anempfohlen. Zudem hat die DFG übergeordnet das HPC-/DIC-Umsetzungskonzept der Universitäten des Landes Baden-Württemberg sowie das dazugehörige Begleitprojekt zur HPC/DIC-Landesstrategie bwHPC-S5 begutachtet.
Zur Presseinformation des Ministeriums
Achim Grindler

The new SCC News amongst others with these topics: The KIT-Card - Accessibility, Technology, Background; Neoteric Autonomous Stencil code for Jolly Algorithm; Students Research Using Mathematical Modelling.
Dear reader,
10 years of SCC, in addition to the articles on our activities in research, services and teaching this is a good reason in this summer issue to focus on the employees of SCC - active and alumni. These people are the friendly face of SCC and its respectful and appreciative working atmosphere. They are deeply involved in research and teaching, projects, design and operation of infrastructures and basic services, conduct training courses, seminars and workshops, apply for third-party funding for personnel and equipment, support, organise, communicate, train and help. In short, they "are" the success of SCC and for that they deserve a big and warmly thank you!
With barbecue and salad buffet, ice-cream van, paddling pool, lots of sunshine and beverages all of us celebrated the 10th birthday of SCC on July 12th. Wilfried Juling, one of the invited founding directors, gave a speech about the early days of SCC and its positive evolutions at KIT, which was only founded one year later.
Marco Berghoff tests the wetting behaviour of smooth surfaces in the paddling pool together with colleagues (picture page 40). In his article on page 25 you can read how this behavior can be simulated by novel algorithms adapted to HPC systems. Kirsten Wohak and Maren Hattebuhr describe on page 35 how pupils in the new CAMMP project learn to explore everyday problems on the computer using mathematical modelling.
Our daily companion, the KIT-Card, is not new. Or is it? Axel Maurer and colleagues present the news and background on page 21.
Enjoy reading! Martin Frank, Bernhard Neumair, Martin Nußbaumer, Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

The combination of different DNS systems in the GFB and UB to form one naming service for KIT was previously prone to errors. The enhanced network database (NETDB) now ensures data integrity and consistency.
Nach dem Zusammenschluss der Universität und des Forschungszentrums zum KIT mussten auch die unterschiedlichen DNS-Systeme zusammengeführt werden. Man hat zwar ziemlich schnell erreicht, dass ein gemeinsamer Namensdienst angeboten werden konnte, es waren dabei aber noch alle Systeme aus der alten Welt beteiligt, so dass Daten zwischen den Systemen (automatisiert) abgeglichen werden mussten. Dies war fehleranfällig und musste oft manuell nachgebessert werden.
Durch die Weiterentwicklung der selbst entwickelten NETDB (Netzdatenbank) konnte jetzt nach einer langen Migrationsphase das am Campus Nord eingesetzte kommerzielle System abgeschaltet werden. Mit der Datenintegration in einer zentralen Datenbank ist nun die Integrität und Konsistenz der Daten sichergestellt. Das mandantenfähige System NETVS, das eine Webseite und eine WebAPI beinhaltet, stellt für die IT-Beauftragten Tools zur Verwaltung ihrer Daten bereit.
Die geplante Entwicklung im Bereich DNS und DHCP ist aber noch nicht abgeschlossen. Für die Verwaltung der DHCP-Daten werden die Schnittstellen um ein DHCP-Verwaltungssystem (DHCPVS) ergänzt werden. Momentan sind im Bereich DHCP lediglich die statischen MAC-IP-Adress-Zuordnungen unter Nutzung des Info-Felds im DNSVS verwaltbar.
Weiterhin arbeiten wir derzeit daran, dass die DNS-Generierung öfter als zweimal am Tag stattfinden kann. Dies soll in ein paar Monaten möglich sein. Nach der Eliminierung des 1:1 NAT und damit Abschaffung von DNS Split (unterschiedliche Sichten intern und extern) wird dann der letzte Meilenstein realisiert werden: sofortige Live-Schaltung von Änderungen im DNSVS bei Abschicken der Transaktion. Außerdem werden die DNS-Daten mit DNSSEC kryptographisch abgesichert werden.
Kontakt: DNS-Betrieb

1:1 NAT records of the NAT service will no longer be supported as of December 1, 2019. Computers require a public IP address for access from the Internet. The SCC supports the IT officers in the changeover.
The Network Address Translation Service enables computers at KIT with a private IP address to communicate with the Internet. The private IP address of a computer is converted into a public IP address by the NAT service.
For communication from the inside (KIT) to the outside (Internet), 1:N-NAT (many computers use the same public IP address) is used.
This service is not affected.
For communication from the outside (Internet) to the inside (KIT), 1:1 NAT (one dedicated public IP address per computer) is used.
This service is no longer supported as of December 1, 2019!
This means that from this point on, all systems that are to be accessible from outside the Internet must have a public IP address (public IP addresses at KIT have the form 129.13.x.x / 141.52.x.x / 141.3.x.x).
The IT experts had already been informed of this change in July 2018. The presentation will be repeated in one of the next IT expert circles at Campus South.
The SCC will approach the affected organizational units or their IT representatives and will be happy to help with the changeover.
The following timetable is currently planned:
from October 1, 2018: no more new 1:1 NAT entries
December 1, 2019: all remaining 1:1 NAT entries will be deleted
IT representatives are already welcome to take the initiative and contact if they have any questions.
_ _ _
NAT Service:

The new SCC ticket system simplifies communication between KIT employees and students and the service operators of SCC.
Das bisher genutzte Ticketsystem des SCC ist mittlerweile annähernd 20 Jahre alt. Es hat im Laufe seiner Entwicklung viele Änderungen und Anpassungen erfahren, die die Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung des Systems schwierig und zeitaufwändig machen. Daher hat das SCC beschlossen, das System durch ein neues, moderneres zu ersetzen. Es steht seit Anfang Juli für die SCC-Support-Gruppen sowie mit einer Kundenschnittstelle für die IT-Beauftragten des KIT zur Verfügung. Erklärtes Ziel ist dabei, für das neue SCC-Ticketsystem ein Standardsystem zu nutzen und auf Eigenentwicklungen weitestgehend zu verzichten. Dadurch soll der Wartungs- und Pflege-Aufwand möglichst gering gehalten werden.
Ein weiteres Ziel ist es, den Zugang zum SCC-Ticketsystem neben den IT-Beauftragten schrittweise auch für Beschäftigte und Studierende des KIT freizugeben. Dadurch eröffnet sich für alle KIT-Angehörigen neben den bereits vorhandenen Kommunikationswegen Telefon, E-Mail und SCC Service Desk eine weitere Möglichkeit ihr Anliegen bequem über ein Webformular an das SCC zu kommunizieren. Die Freigabe wird erfolgen, sobald sich das neue SCC-Ticketsystem in einem stabilen Regelbetrieb befindet. Der Zugang für Beschäftigte und Studierende wird über das Self-Service Portal des SCC verfügbar sein.
Günter Grein

The "bwFileStorage" service for the mass storage of scientific data will be discontinued on 18 November 2018. Migration of data still required is necessary.
The "bwFileStorage" service will be stopped on November 18, 2018.
The service will be phased out:
1. The registration of new users was discontinued in mid-July 2018.
2. From August 24, 2018 it will no longer be possible to write new data to the bwFileStorage, but read access to the data will still be allowed.
3. The service will be terminated definitively on 18 November 2018. Data still in the system and all existing backups of the data are deleted at this point.
Access to the data will no longer be possible from 18 November 2018!
External users (not KIT members) are asked to migrate the required data from the system independently.
The SCC at KIT offers the bwDataArchive service for users in the state of Baden-Württemberg for archiving scientific data.
The SDS@hd service, which is operated at the Computer Center of the University of Heidelberg, is used to store actively scientific data. This service is available to scientists from all Baden-Württemberg universities.
For KIT users, SCC will migrate the user directories to the new LSDF Online Storage service. However, registration for the SCC service "LSDF Online Storage" is mandatory until August 24, 2018! Registration takes place via the bwIDM web interface.
_ _ _
Service description:
Mass storage for scientific data (bwFileStorage) [german]
Mass storage for scientific data (LSDF Online Storage)

Die Wissenschaftsministerinnen Anja Karliczek (BMBF) und Theresia Bauer (MWK) besuchten am 27.07. gemeinsam das KIT. Sie informieren sich u. a. auch in den Räumlichkeiten des SCC zu Zukunftsthemen der Informationstechnologie.
Am 27.7.2018 waren die Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung, Anja Karliczek, und die Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Theresia Bauer, bei einem gemeinsamen Besuch am KIT. Sie informierten sich unter anderem auch in den Räumlichkeiten des SCC zu den Zukunftsthemen der Informationstechnologie wie IT-Sicherheit oder die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in Forschung und Entwicklung.
Ausführliche Informationen zum gemeinsamen Besuch der Ministerinnen in den News des KIT.
Achim Grindler

From September 19 to 21, 2018, DARIAH-DE invites all those interested in digital humanities to a grand tour to Darmstadt.
Mit dieser Veranstaltung werden acht Jahre intensive und produktive Zusammenarbeit im Projekt und mit den Kooperationspartnern gewürdigt, die DARIAH-DE-Infrastruktur und ihr Angebotsportfolio präsentiert und der Entwicklungsstand in den digitalen Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften gemeinsam mit zahlreichen Expertinnen und Experten reflektiert. Auch die DARIAH-DE-DH-Awards 2018 werden im Rahmen der Grand Tour feierlich verliehen. Eine Anmeldung ist noch bis zum 31. August möglich.
DARIAH-DE ist ein vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördertes Projekt zum Aufbau und Betrieb einer digitalen Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften. Mit digitalen Methoden und Verfahren arbeitende Forschende werden in den Bereichen Lehre, Forschung, Forschungsdaten und Technische Komponenten unterstützt. Die SCC-Abteilung Data Exploitation Methods (DEM) ist mit Entwurf und Implementierung von Annotationsdiensten sowie der Entwicklung eines formalen Prozesses zur nachhaltigen Integration von Diensten in eine Forschungsinfrastruktur betraut.
Danah Tonne

In the workshop, 35 participants learned about the central antivirus service and its components. The new Antivirus concept based on BSI IT-Grundschutz was also presented.
Am 14.06.2018 fand zum wiederholten Mal ein Workshop zur McAfee ePO-Verwaltungskonsole im SCC statt. Im Rahmen des Workshops wurde den 35 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der vom SCC für das KIT bereitgestellte zentrale Virenschutzdienst sowie die einzelnen Komponenten (McAfee Verwaltungsagent, Virenschutzsoftware, Verwaltungskonsole Virenschutzdienst) vorgestellt.
Ein weiteres Thema war die Präsentation des Virenschutzkonzeptes für den zentralen Virenschutzdienst. In diesem nach BSI IT-Grundschutz ausgerichteten Konzept werden die vom SCC sowie von den einzelnen OE im Bereich Virenschutz zu regelnden Maßnahmen beschrieben.
Im praktischen Teil wurden typische Arbeiten mit der Verwaltungskonsole des zentralen Virenschutzdienstes demonstriert, z.B. das Ausbringen, Aktualisieren und Überprüfen der Agenten- und Virenschutzsoftware, die Erstellung und Zuweisung von Richtlinien sowie eine Demonstration der Möglichkeiten zur Berichtserstellung.
Helmut Gündert und Ulrich Stadie

On the way to an integrated nationwide computing and data infrastructure, the project will provide first-class and effective support to scientists and users.
In Baden-Württemberg wurde das Projekt bwHPC-S5: Scientific Simulation and Storage Support Services gestartet. Das primäre Ziel des Projektes ist die Etablierung einer integrierten landesweiten Rechen- und Dateninfrastruktur sowie die Steigerung der Effizienz und der Effektivität durch erstklassige Unterstützung der Wissenschaftler und Nutzer. Um gegenüber den Nutzern eine integrierte Sicht zu erreichen, sind alle nutzerbezogenen Aktivitäten und die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit über alle Themen hinweg organsiert und bieten Unterstützung für alle Dienste mit den gleichen Strukturen und Informationsmedien an.
Die Basis für die Nutzerdienste bilden der etablierte föderative Betrieb der HPC-Infrastruktur, der Aufbau der BaWü-Datenföderation und die übergreifenden Basisdienste und Querschnittsaufgaben. Gemeinsame Innovationsaktivitäten zur Untersuchung neuer Hardware, Systemsoftware oder anderen Fragestellungen nutzen die etablierte Zusammenarbeit, um den schnellen Entwicklungen in diesem Umfeld gemeinsam effizient zu begegnen.
Das Projekt wird durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg gefördert. Die Förderung folgt der Landesstrategie zu High Performance Computing und Data Intensive Computing, um ein international konkurrenzfähiges Niveau des Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftsstandortes Baden-Württemberg sicherzustellen. Durch die kooperativen Aktivitäten zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Rechenzentren des Landes Baden-Württemberg können die Herausforderungen bewältigt sowie institutionen- und disziplinübergreifende Mehrwerte erzielt werden.
Weitere Informationen: bwHPC
Kontakt: Dr. Robert Barthel
Das SCC bringt seine langjährigen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen als HPC-Betreiber und im Umgang mit großen und komplexen wissenschaftlichen Daten ein. Mit dem Betrieb des bwUniCluster als Grundversorgungssystem für alle baden-württembergischen Universitäten und Hochschulen liefert das SCC eine wichtige Basis der gesamten bwHPC-Föderation. Zudem trägt das SCC gemeinsam mit der Universität Ulm die Gesamtverantwortung für das Projekt bwHPC-C5 und den aktuell gestarteten Nachfolger bwHPC-S5.
Achim Grindler

Under the title "Knowledge Economies - Order and Transgression in Premodern Cultures" the 6th Annual Meeting of the Sonderforschungsbereich 980 "Episteme in Motion" took place in Berlin from June 28-30, 2018.
Hervorragend besucht war der Workshop "Epistemic Networks", in dem Ergebnisse der Kooperation von Geisteswissenschaft und Informatik vorgestellt und rege diskutiert wurden.
Der an der Freien Universität Berlin ansässige SFB 980 untersucht Prozesse des Wissenswandels in europäischen und nicht-europäischen Kulturen in der Vormoderne. In aktuell 23 Teilprojekten aus 20 geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen forschen rund 80 Mitarbeitende interdisziplinär an Fragestellungen zu Transferprozessen im Zeitraum von Antike bis frühe Neuzeit.
Die SCC-Abteilung Data Exploitation Methods (DEM) leitet im Sonderforschungsbereich das Informationsinfrastrukturprojekt "Bücher auf Reisen", in dem eine digitale Dateninfrastruktur für alle Teilprojekte des SFBs entwickelt wird. Zentrale Komponente ist das Episteme-Repositorium mit angeschlossenen Analysewerkzeugen für die äußerst heterogenen geisteswissenschaftlichen Daten.
Kontakt: Danah Tonne, Germaine Götzelmann

Im ersten OCR-D Entwicklerworkshop trafen sich alle Partner, um Einzelschritte der Optical Character Recognition für historische Drucke zu einem Gesamtablauf zusammenzuführen.
OCR-D ist ein Koordinierungsprojekt der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) zur Weiterentwicklung von Verfahren der Optical Character Recognition für deutschsprachige Drucke aus dem 16.-19. Jahrhundert. Ein wesentliches Ziel ist die Volltexterfassung des gedruckten, deutschen Kulturerbes dieses Zeitraums.
Die SCC-Abteilung Data Exploitation Methods (DEM) wird in diesem Projekt als koordinierender Partner sicherstellen, dass das Zusammenspiel der Projektergebnisse funktioniert und der Gesamtablauf technisch umgesetzt werden kann.
Kontakt: Volker Hartmann, Dr. Rainer Stotzka

Die Abteilung Data Exploitation Methods ist bei NFFA für den Aufbau einer verteilten Dateninfrastruktur verantwortlich, um Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern eine einfache und nachhaltige Datenverwaltung nach FAIR-Prinzipien zu ermöglichen.
NFFA (nanoscience foundries & fine analysis) ist ein EU-Projekt, das im Rahmen des Horizon 2020 Programms gefördert wird. Im Projekt werden Verfahren zur Erstellung und effizienteren Handhabung neuer Nano-Materialien entwickelt. Darüber hinaus werden durch die Förderung des transnationalen Zugriffs auf europäische Forschungseinrichtungen neue Kollaborationen begünstigt, sowie eine bessere Auslastung bestehender Ressourcen erreicht.
Die SCC-Abteilung Data Exploitation Methods (DEM) ist im Projekt NFFA für den Aufbau einer verteilten Dateninfrastruktur verantwortlich, um den Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern eine einfache und nachhaltige Datenverwaltung im Sinne der FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Prinzipien für wissenschaftliches Datenmanagement zu ermöglichen.
Dem wissenschaftliche Datenmanagement ist in diesem Jahr erstmalig ein kompletter Tag im Rahmen der NFFA Summer School gewidmet. Dabei stehen sowohl die theoretische Vermittlung der Notwendigkeit eines nachthaltigen Datenmanagements, als auch die praktische Schulung der Teilnehmer im Umgang mit den existierenden Werkzeugen und Infrastrukturen auf dem Programm.
Thomas Jejkal

15 million for the ForHLR successor system granted. The supercomputer inaugurated in 2016 will be replaced by an even more powerful successor from mid-2019. The new system should be fully operational by 2021.
Der derzeitige Supercomputer des KIT wird durch einen leistungsfähigeren Nachfolger ersetzt. Laut Planung soll das System ab Mitte 2019 in der ersten Stufe durch das Scientific Computing Center in Betrieb genommen werden. Dafür stehen nach Beschluss der Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz in Berlin 15 Millionen Euro bereit. Spitzenforschung produziert enorme Mengen von Daten, nutzt immer komplexere Simulationsmodelle und braucht deshalb höchste Rechenleistung sowie schnelle Datenspeicher. Daher soll der neue Supercomputer mehrere Billiarden Rechenoperationen pro Sekunde und ein Speichersystem bieten, das im Sekundentakt den Inhalt von 20 DVDs aufnehmen kann. Ausgehend von Nutzerbefragungen wird von einer Verdopplung bis Verdreifachung des Bedarfs an Rechenleistung in den nächsten Jahren ausgegangen. Das neue System soll 2021 vollständig betriebsbereit sein.
Weitere Informationen: Presseinfo des KIT
Kontakt: Dr. Olaf Schneider
Achim Grindler

This year's GridKa School teaches modern concepts of data analysis and machine learning as well as management, administration and security in HPC systems and the cloud.
We would like to invite you to the GridKa School 2018 Computing and Science Fair from August 27th to 31st in Karlsruhe. The GridKa School is one of the leading summer schools for scientific computing in Europe and is organized annually by the Scientific Computing Center at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. A mixture of plenary talks, interactive courses and a culinary accompanying programme offers you ideal conditions to apply your newly acquired knowledge in practice and to exchange ideas across disciplinary boundaries. If you are interested in modern concepts of data analysis and machine learning as well as in management, administration and security in HPC systems and the cloud, then register now at
Contact: Dr. Eileen Kühn

Esri has released a patch for a critical vulnerability of the ArcGIS Server software.
Esri has discovered a critical vulnerability in ArcGIS Server causing improper access control validation when specially crafted requests are sent to the server. This results in secured services and their data to be exposed to users when they should not otherwise have access.
This security issue affects all supported versions of ArcGIS Server on both Windows and Linux. As an ArcGIS Enterprise customer, we are personally notifying you about this security vulnerability in addition to regular online notifications on our blog and security site at
What You Need to Do
Patches for all versions of ArcGIS Server from 10.2.1 through 10.6 have been released. Esri strongly recommends installing the relevant patch at your earliest possible opportunity.
All patches can be downloaded from the Esri Support website.
More Information
For more details, please refer to the Knowledge Base article, Problem: Warning of security vulnerability in ArcGIS Server.
We also encourage you to subscribe to the RSS feed on for future updates on this and other security issues.
Dr. Olaf Schneider

Not only the appearance of the "mailing lists" has changed. Encrypted e-mails can now also be sent via the Sympa-based service.
After the conversion of the mailing list software Sympa to version 6.2.16 the website got a new, more modern look.
The functionalities, such as managing mailing lists, managing subscriptions, viewing list archives, have not changed.
Important options for administrators can be found in an administration menu on the main list page of the mailing list.
Via "Administration" in the left navigation menu you will find all available options.
The SCC web pages describing the service with information for list participants and information for list operators have been adapted to the new version.
With the new software version, encrypted e-mails can be sent to the list participants. A certificate for the list must exist and the public key of all list participants must be known to the mailing list server.
The participant without public key on the mailing list server receives an e-mail that the encrypted e-mail could not be delivered. He have to send a signed e-mail to to make his public key known and to receive encrypted e-mails in the future.
Certificates for mailing lists are requested by the SCC Listmaster team and made available on the website. Please contact with the wish to send encrypted e-mails via a mailing list.

Computing time projects can be submitted online at any time. Applications are reviewed by the HLRS Steering Committee within eight weeks.
Scientific Computing Center (SCC) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) operates a high-performance research computer (ForHLR) that enables scientists from all over Germany to solve complex application problems. The ForHLR I (high performance research computer phase I) is suitable for parallel application problems running on several hundred processors, while the ForHLR II (phase II) cluster is ideal for parallel problems that need to be calculated on more than a thousand processors simultaneously.
The duration for computing time projects is between one and a maximum of two years, with the possibility of extension, so that projects can be continued seamlessly. Projects on the ForHLR I can request up to 15 million core hours of computing time and up to 4 terabytes of permanent storage space; projects on the ForHLR II include up to 30 million core hours of computing time and 5 TB of hard disk space.
Applications can be submitted at any time using the web-based online form. The projects submitted will be reviewed by the HLRS Steering Committee within eight weeks. The reports are carried out by experts in the respective scientific field. Besides the scientific relevance of the project, an important criterion for the allocation of computing resources is that the computer is used meaningfully and a large number of processors are used in parallel for the calculations. SCC offers support in several application disciplines already during the application process and also via the Simulation Labs of the SCC during the duration of a project.
Detailed information can be found on the website
Contact: Hartmut Häfner
Achim Grindler

A new state license for the MATLAB/SIMULINK software product family has been valid for all universities and polytechnics in Baden-Württemberg since April 1, 2018. The license agreement has a term of five years.
Seit 1. April 2018 gilt eine neue Landeslizenz für die Softwareproduktfamilie MATLAB/SIMULINK der Firma MathWorks mit einer Laufzeit von fünf Jahren für alle Universitäten und Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg. Koordiniert durch das SCC am KIT beteiligen sich 23 Landeseinrichtungen an der Finanzierung. Das gewählte Lizenzmodell Total Academic Headcount (TAH) Full Suite ermöglicht eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Installationen und schließt alle Toolboxen sowie weitere Mehrwerte wie Online-Kurse ein. Das Land Baden-Württemberg, vertreten durch das Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (MWK) fördert die Landeslizenz mit einer Zuwendung in Höhe von ca. 20% der Kosten aufgrund einer positiven Begutachtung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Weitere Informationen: Softwareprodukt MATLAB
Kontakt am SCC: Dr. Olaf Schneider
Achim Grindler

SCC was officially founded on 22nd February 2008, even before KIT was founded in 2009. It was created as a result of the merger of the data centre of University of Karlsruhe with the Institute for Scientific Computing of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe.
As an innovative and agile institution in central information processing for the KIT, the SCC is used to anticipate and find answers to important future questions of digitization in a globally active scientific institution. At this point, however, a look back is allowed. Ten years ago today, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) was officially founded.
From the very beginning, SCC has consistently combined research and services in such a way that research findings flow into the design and development of its IT services and infrastructure, and vice versa, research benefits from the close interlinking. The founding history, the organizational structure at that time, the tasks and visions are described in detail in the first edition of SCC News 1/2008.
Today, the SCC positions itself as a center for data-intensive computing and the analysis of large scale data with high national and international visibility as well as an innovative and agile IT service provider for the KIT and for external parties. The SCC regularly informs about news on research and projects, services and innovation, studies and knowledge transfer online and in the SCC-News.
Success bears the name Change
The SCC is part of the immense process of change initiated by the foundation of KIT in October 2009 and continues until today. "We at the SCC live a continuous process of renewal and change and are pleased to be able to support the KIT in the best possible way, also through our continuous further development in scientific, technological and organisational terms" is the joint view of the SCC Board of Directors with Martin Frank, Bernhard Neumair, Martin Nussbaumer and Achim Streit. From September 2017, the merger of the Administration IT and SCC took effect, thus broadening the range of tasks to cover other important topics (see online news).
The spectrum of tasks of SCC at KIT and beyond
SCC is a central scientific institution of KIT in connection with tasks in research, teaching and innovation and provides comprehensive services within the KIT and for external parties. These tasks include in detail:
Research and development in the fields of scientific computing and data analysis, management of large-scale research data and data-intensive computing as well as security in IT federations.
Operation of the ICT infrastructure and provision of the basic IT equipment of the KIT in conjunction with other system operators and service providers in the organizational units of the KIT as part of a cooperative supply system.
Development and provision of IT application systems, management of application software, training of users and administrators as well as end device support
Operation of large-scale equipment for scientific high-performance computing and data-intensive sciences within the framework of secure IT federations
A motto of the founding years of the SCC was "coming together first - and then working together"[1]. That this is a good approach has been proven over time. "We are glad that everyone in the SCC lives a respectful, very collegial and honest coexistence. In this way, we can best meet the new and challenging demands of the ongoing digitization process at KIT and science in general. This is a great gift," says the SCC Board of Directors.
The SCC would like to thank colleagues, customer and user groups at KIT and in the state as well as partner institutions from teaching, research and innovation for the pleasant and constructive cooperation over the past ten years.
Achim Grindler
[1] based on the quote from Henry Ford, American carmaker: "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

The EU funds building a pan-European cloud of services for the exchange, use and reuse of research data. The SCC directs the work package "Federation and collaborative services", which focuses on IT service management.
With the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a Europe-wide cloud platform has emerged at the beginning of the year on which researchers can store, share, use and reuse research data. Since scientific datasets are sometimes huge, it is necessary to use special Know-How for building and managing the Big Data Cloud infrastructure. The Scientific Computing Center of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) contributes its many years of expertise in the management of large amounts of data in several places.
In particular, the KIT is responsible for IT service management, i. e. the development of a service catalogue, support processes and tools as well as a service desk, the central contact point for user inquiries.
The associated work package Federation and collaborative Services is directed by the SCC. "We have certified experts and more than 15 years of expertise in the development, construction and operation of federal IT infrastructures and services. We are pleased and proud to have been asked to lead this important work package in the EOSC-hub project," says Professor Achim Streit, Director of SCC.
Further information:
Complete press release of KIT
Brief project description of the EOSC-hub infrastructure project of the European Open Science Cloud
EOSC-News on the launch of EOSC-hub
Achim Grindler

The new SCC News amongst others with these topics: Implementation of a Two-Factor Authentication, Progress in the federal state project bwNET100G+, SCC as central IT service provider of KIT.
Dear reader,
from the very beginning, SCC has been combining IT research and services in such a way that research results are fed into the design and development of our IT services and infrastructure and, conversely, research benefits from the close integration. The report on the progress of the state project bwNET100G+ on page 13 shows that the cooperation between science and data center operation leads to impressive results even beyond the KIT borders.
By merging the SCC with the KIT's administrative IT in summer 2017, the IT-services part was significantly expanded (p. 25 ff.). The SCC is now central service provider for information processing and information delivery in research, teaching, innovation and associated administration of the KIT. The SCC also operates large-scale research IT facilities and conducts its own research and teaching in the field of data-intensive computing.
Dr. Martin Nußbaumer has accompanied the consolidation from the very beginning as Transition Manager. As of August 2017, he was appointed as a new Director of the SCC and is responsible for integrating and optimizing IT services into KIT's business processes. This also includes the introduction of two-factor authentication into the KIT's enterprise applications, which we report on page 8.
Scientific computing plays an important role in the research portfolio of SCC. Professor Dr. Martin Frank, who is strengthening the SCC’s board of directors since September 2017, researches and teaches in precisely this field, focusing his work on computational models and mathematical methods as well as the responsibility for our simulation labs.
We would like to welcome both new colleagues very warmly to the now four-member board of directors. Both of them introduce themselves on page 24.
Enjoy reading. Bernhard Neumair, Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

As of December 18,2017, guest and partner administration (GUP) will be available as a web-based application (WEB-GUP) in the SAP Enterprise Portal.
As of December 18,2017, the guest and partner administration (GUP) will be available as a web-based application (WEB-GUP) in the SAP web portal.
The previous application via the SAP GUI will be available until the end of March 2018, but there are no further modifications.
The use of the Web-based GUP will no longer require an SAP GUI installation, which means that the OpenVPN setup for transport security is no longer necessary.
There are still restrictions regarding the browser used. The SCC recommends using Internet Explorer 11.
The operation of the GUP portal interface is largely self-explanatory. Further explanations can also be accessed via from the application.
Compared to the previous GUP application, there are the following changes and improvements:
Active and deactivated entries are now listed in the guest and partner management under two different tabs.
If a guest or partner changes to another OU, the corresponding entry can now be 'released'. It then remains active for the OU assigned so far. The future OU of the guest or partner now has 7 days to accept the entry. If this transfer has not taken place within the corresponding period, the released entry is automatically deactivated.
In the case of a new creation, the input is now carried out using a 5-step wizard, which splits the data to be entered into several screens and carries out plausibility checks for each screen.
You can now delete GuP entries directly from the dataset.
A GuP entry can now be assigned to a department within an organizational unit. This is useful for larger organizational units.
The' Address type' field can be used to classify an address as a business or private address.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Mr. Pickhardt, SCC-IOR.

The introduction of two-factor authentication at KIT improves the security of sensitive IT applications. In the first step, the business processes in the SAP system are secured with two-factor authentication.
Recently, successful phishing attacks have been repeated in the past, with KIT employees spying out their access data. Due to the increased threat situation, the IT Security Officer (IT-SB) has recommended the introduction of a two-factor authentication for logon operations when application systems are handling data with increased protection needs. Following this recommendation, the KIT Executive Committee mandated the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) to implement and introduce two-factor authentication. This improves the security of sensitive IT applications. The introduction of two-factor authentication first of all concerns the digital business processes in SAP systems.
The two-factor authentication is implemented by means of hardware tokens, which are requested in addition to the KIT user name and KIT password ( during the registration process. All KIT employees will use the SAP systems in the course of the gradual introduction of ESS (Employee Self Services). For this reason, the SCC already distributes the necessary hardware tokens to all employees. The SCC is usually supported by the secretariats and/or IT representatives of the OUs on site.
If you are not currently using SAP applications (such as SRM, BW, Person Days), the introduction of two-factor authentication has no immediate effect for you at present.
If you are already actively using the SAP systems, you will need a hardware token to log on to the SAP Web portals ( from November 13,2017. A step-by-step preview of the planned authentication on the SAP Web Portal can be found at
Information on the planned conversion to KIT authentication with tokens and access to the SAP applications is sent to the employees in a separate mail.
Before using the SAP Web Portal, you must first associate your personal hardware token with your KIT account. Please visit for this purpose. In the second window, enter the value that your token indicates at the push of the button.
More detailed instructions or hints on how to deal with problems can be found at
If you have any questions, please contact the SCC ServiceDesk (tel. 8000).

A publication of the SCC, produced in cooperation with the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-ASF), was honored with the Best Paper Award at the IEEE eScience conference.
A recent publication by the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), produced in cooperation with the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing (IMK-ASF), was given the Best Paper Award at the 13th IEEE eScience Conference.
The main advantage of the method proposed in the paper is that the quality of lossy compression of measured climatic time series data can be increased without significantly increasing the size of the compressed file. This method is to be used in an advanced form in the development of a compression algorithm for climate data. This algorithm aims to reduce the large data volumes of several hundred terabytes by a substantial amount.
In accordance with the position of principle adopted in March 2010 and the subsequent support of the Open Access Conventions, all resources such as data, program code and presentation material are public and freely available.
Adaptive Lossy Compression of Complex Environmental Indices using Seasonal Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Models
Uğur Çayoğlu
Achim Grindler

An explanation of the attacks and an assessment of the resulting vulnerabilities for members of KIT
Wer ist betroffen?
Praktisch alle WLAN-Clients (Handys, Laptops, Fernseher, Kameras, aller Hersteller)
Die meisten Access-Points
Sowohl das WLAN zu Hause als auch die Netze KIT, eduroam sowie alle anderen WLAN-Netze. ('WPA2-PSK' und 'WPA2-Enterprise')
Es müssen alle Clients aktualisiert werden
Was kann passieren?
In letzter Instanz muss man davon ausgehen, dass die im WLAN übertragenen Daten mitgelesen werden können. Damit ist die Situation nicht anders als bei offenen Hot-Spots wie beispielsweise KA-WLAN oder Freifunk.
HTTPS/TLS- und SSH/RDP-verschlüsselte Verbindungen, also der Zugriff auf Online-Banking, E-Mail und co. sowie Serverzugriffe sind natürlich weiterhin in sich selbst abgesichert. Dann kann ein Angreifer zwar fleißig mitlauschen, ggf. auch Daten einfügen, aber durch die eingesetzten Protokolle sind diese Verbindungen trotzdem sicher verschlüsselt; der Inhalt bleibt verborgen und die Veränderung fällt auf. Selbiges gilt für VPN-Verbindungen.
Was kann ich als Anwender tun?
Verwenden Sie nur verschlüsselte Web-Verbindungen, erkennbar am 'Schloss-Symbol' im Browser. Die Verbindung zu den wichtigen KIT-Diensten wie u.a. Mail, ILIAS, Campus-Portal, Content Management System und Shibboleth wird automatisch verschlüsselt und sollte das 'Schloss' in der Adresszeile zeigen.
Achten Sie beim Zugriff auf Server darauf, dass der 'Key' des Servers sich nicht plötzlich ändert.
Installieren Sie schnellstmöglich die zur Verfügung gestellten Aktualisierungen des Herstellers Ihres Gerätes.
Was kann ich als ITB tun?
Betreiben Sie keine eigenen WLAN-Netzwerke.
Informieren Sie Ihre Anwender über Aktualisierungen für deren Geräte und aktualisieren Sie die von Ihnen verwalteten Geräte.
Wo erhalte ich die angesprochenen Aktualisierungen?
Aktivieren Sie die automatischen Updates Ihres Betriebssystems.
Microsoft: Das Update ist Bestandteil des Oktober-Patches vom letzten Donnerstag. Sofern automatische Updates aktiviert sind, sollte er schon installiert sein. Starten Sie ggf. Ihr Gerät einmalig neu.
Apple: Es gibt eine Beta-Version des Updates. Mit einer Auslieferung für iPhone und Laptops ist in den kommenden Wochen zu rechnen.
Android: Google stellt ein Update zur Verfügung, jedoch brauchen die meisten Hersteller Wochen bis Monate, um es auf die Geräte anzupassen. Gerade Mobilgeräte, die nicht zu den Top-Geräten von Google, Samsung, LG, BlackBerry und Nokia gehören, erhalten oft gar keine Updates. AnwenderInnen sollten fortan wohl jedes WLAN als 'offen' betrachten und ggf. dauerhaft auf VPN-Lösungen und verschlüsselte Websiten ausweichen. Erfahrene(!) AnwenderInnen können ggf. Community-gepflegte Android-Versionen wie LineageOS einsetzen. Beachten Sie hierbei jedoch auch die Garantiebedingungen des Herstellers.
Linux: Alle größeren Distributionen stellen bereits aktualisierte Pakete wie das 'wpa_supplicant' zur Verfügung. Diese werden meist auch automatisch eingespielt.
'WLAN-Router' im Heimbereich: Die verwundbare Technik 802.11r ist oft nicht sinnvoll und daher deaktiviert. Viele Hersteller bieten trotzdem bereits Patches an. Eine englische Auflistung findet sich hier:
Der Hersteller der beliebten Fritz!Boxen untersucht das Problem noch:
Eine sehr ausführlich gepflegte Liste mit Updates finden Sie unter:
Wo finde ich weitere Informationen?
Auf der Homepage der Sicherheitslücke:
Einen Einblick in die Sachlage bieten auch die Patches des wpa_supplicant/hostapd-Projektes:
Besteht Grund zur Panik?
Wir können die vom BSI geäußerte Empfehlung, bis auf weiteres auf Online-Banking und Co. im WLAN zu verzichten, nicht vollständig nachvollziehen. HTTPS/TLS-verschlüsselte Verbindungen sind weiterhin sicher. Behandeln Sie jedes WLAN, als wäre es ein offener HotSpot und achten Sie auf 'das grüne Schloss' im Browser und/oder setzen Sie VPN-Lösungen ein.
Lüth, Hendrik (SCC)

Thorsten Zirwes, PhD student at the SCC, wins the Golden Spike Award at the Results and Review Workshop at the HLRS in Stuttgart. With his simulation, a turbulent flame could be investigated in an unprecedented depth of detail.
The Golden Spike Award was presented at the 20th Results and Review Workshop at the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) in October. The prize is awarded to the three best projects, which were calculated on Germany's fastest supercomputer "Hazel Hen" last year. One of the award winners is Thorsten Zirwes, PhD student at the SCC. He presented a direct numerical simulation of a turbulent flame. The experimentally investigated Sydney Burner was successfully examined in a depth of detail that had not previously been possible. In addition to the simulation results, many performance optimizations were presented, which have shown that the simulation program can use the resources of supercomputers efficiently.
The Review and Results Workshop is held once a year at the HLRS. In 2017, 61 participants came to the workshop and took the opportunity to present their research projects and present their results. The HLRS Steering Committee selected three particularly outstanding research projects for the Golden Spike Award. The evaluation included: the scientific relevance, the necessity for the use of a high performance computer as well as the optimizations in the utilization of computing resources.
For further information:
Artikel "Numerische Simulation turbulenter Verbrennung auf Hochleistungsrechnern" S. 18 in den SCC-News 1/2017
HLRS Online News:
Achim Grindler

This book gives an overview of the activities in the Helmholtz Portfolio Theme Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis. Four Helmholtz Centres, six universities and another research institution in Germany joined to enable data-intensive science.
Publication "Helmholtz Portfolio Theme Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA)
Dear Readers,
LSDMA stands for “Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis” and was a portfolio theme funded by the German Helmholtz Association from 2012–2016. Under leadership of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), four Helmholtz centres (KIT, FZ Jülich, DESY, GSI), six universities (University of Hamburg, University of Ulm, Heidelberg University, HTW Berlin, TU Dresden and GU Frankfurt) and the German Climate Computing Centre
(DKRZ) joined to enable data-intensive science by optimising data life cycles in selected scientific communities.
Figure 1: The LSDMA Symposium “The Challenge of Big Data in Science” 2016.
In our Data Life Cycle Labs (DLCLs), data experts performed joint R&D together with scientific communities to optimise data management and analysis tools, processes and methods. Complementing the activities in the DLCLs, the Data Services Integration Team (DSIT) focused on the development of generic tools and solutions, which are applied by several scientific communities. munities. Examples are authentication, authorisation, identity management, archiving or metadata. Overall 78 scientists – among them 21 PhD researchers – were working in LSDMA and have achieved very interesting results ranging from communityspecific solutions, e.g. in energy or climate/environmental research, to generic tools and methods, e.g. for meta-data handling or federated AAI. This book gives an overview on these fascinating R&D.
Figure 2: The LSDMA All-Hands Meeting 2016
In addition, LSDMA organised several annual events: the international symposium on “The Challenge of Big Data in Science”, community forums, technical forums and PhD meetings – all these events promoted the enabling of
data-intensive science, brought together LSDMA consortium partners with the scientific communities and fostered the spreading and uptake of LSDMA solutions.
New projects originate from the new connections among people in LSDMA and their scientific results, e.g. the DFG-funded MASi project focusses on metadata management for applied sciences and the EC-funded project INDIGO-DataCloud aims at developing a data/compute platform for dataintensive scientific communities provisioned over hybrid einfrastructures. Much of the work of LSDMA is meanwhile carried forward in the third round of the Helmholtz programme-oriented funding (PoF-3). Internationally several LSDMA scientists are actively participating in the Research Data Alliance (RDA) through participating and/or leading working and interest groups as well as severing as elected members in RDA boards such as the Technical Advisory Board (TAB).
I want to express our gratitude to the German Helmholtz Association and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for funding the LSDMA portfolio theme.
Have a nice time reading the book.
Dr. Christopher Jung, Dr. Jörg Meyer, Prof. Dr. Achim Streit Lead-PI of the LSDMA Helmholtz Portfolio Theme
Achim Grindler

Several changes are planned to improve the Wi-Fi service at KIT. Please note the adaptations of the network names (SSID) provided in the future.
The SCC would like to provide a fast and reliable Wifi experience on Campus. Therefore, a change of wireless network names leading to a more efficient use of our limited wireless spectrum is mandatory.
We are also introducing new authentication servers yielding improved performance for the ever-increasing wifi usage.
Additionally, the root certificate of Deutsche Telekom currently used by our authentication servers will expire and must be replaced.
We would like to make these necessary transitions as easy as possible for you, therefore we summarized the most important changes below.
08.09.2017: Introduction of KIT“& KA-WLAN“ everywhere on campus
15.09.2017: Shutdown of vpn/web/belwue“. Replacement: KIT und KA-WLAN (see below)
20.09./21.09.17: eduroam certificate change to T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
29.09.2017: Shutdown of wkit-802.1x“und wifi2vlan“. Replacement: KIT (see below)
The following Wifi Networks will be broadcast in the future:
KIT: (802.1X) for members of KIT and guest accounts
eduroam: (802.1X) for guests of KIT from higher education organizations participating in eduroam
KA-WLAN: (unsecured) for guests. This network is operated in cooperation with INKA e.V. and the city of Karlsruhe. It can be used without prior registration.
KA-sWLAN: (802.1X) for guests. This network is for registered users of KA-WLAN. Registration is available for free using the open KA-WLAN.
Wifi Configuration in the future:
Username: (For example Students: / Employees and partners:
Root-Certificate: T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
WLAN KIT“(wifi2vlan functionality)
Username (old): KIT-account@vlan-name
Username (new):
Root-Certificate: T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
If the open KA-WLAN“ is not an option, registered guests can connect to the SSID KIT as well as to the wired LTA.
Old: Guestaccount[at]gast
New: Guestaccount[at]
Detailled instructions for common operating systems will be published on the SCC Website.
We would like to remind you that installing your own APs is not permitted on KIT campus.
Those rouge APs reduce the quality of out official wifi. If you have trouble receiving
official KIT wifi please contact the wifi team.

The KIT has brought the multifunctional online office package ONLYOFFICE in productive operation for the nationwide online storage service bwSync&Share - which is based on the sync and share solution PowerFolder from dal33t GmbH, Düsseldorf.
Nach einem einjährigen umfangreichen Probetrieb hat das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) das Online-Office-Paket ONLYOFFICE für den landesweiten Dienst bwSync&Share in den Produktivbetrieb überführt. Mit dem neuen integrierten Editor können nun alle Studierende und Mitarbeiter der Hochschuleinrichtungen in Baden-Württemberg sowie der Uni Rostock Dokumente direkt in der Cloud bearbeiten. Dazu müssen sie nur das betreffende Dokument, Spreadsheet oder die Präsentation anklicken und es wird in einem neuen Browser-Tab mit ONLYOFFICE geöffnet; eine Office-Installation auf dem Nutzergerät ist nicht notwendig. Es können auch mehrere Nutzer gleichzeitig von verschiedenen Orten aus online ein Dokument editieren. Durch die unterschiedliche Farbgebung der Änderungen ist immer ersichtlich, von wem sie stammt. Die integrierte Kommentar- und Chatfunktion erleichtert die Zusammenarbeit (Siehe Bild).
Das KIT hatte bwSync&Share am 1. Januar 2014 in Betrieb genommen. Der Online-Speicherdienst setzt auf die bewährte File Sync&Share-Lösung PowerFolder und wurde zusammen mit der Düsseldorfer dal33t GmbH entwickelt. Die dal33t GmbH hatte ONLYOFFICE bereits im Frühjahr 2016 in PowerFolder integriert. Die Entscheidung für die Software des lettischen Entwicklers Ascensio System SIA war nach einer mehrstufigen Evaluierung aufgrund der großen Kompatibilität zu bestehenden Office-Produkten gefallen. Das KIT hat sich nun nach eigenen Tests angeschlossen.
Weitere Informationen:
Kurzanleitung zu ONLYOFFICE
Nutzerdokumentation bwSync&Share
ONLYOFFICE ist ein multifunktionales Online-Office-Paket für die geschäftliche Zusammenarbeit, Dokumenten- und Projektverwaltung. Es enthält unter anderem eine Online-Office-Anwendung für die Arbeit im Browser. Darüber können Texte, Tabellen und Präsentationen in Echtzeit bearbeitet und kommentiert werden. Sämtliche gängigen Dateiformate werden unterstützt. Die Ergebnisse der Bearbeitungen sind kompatibel mit den Microsoft Office-Dateiformaten. Weitere Bestandteile neben der Online-Office-Anwendung sind ein CRM-Modul, ein Projekt-Management-Toolset und ein E-Mail-Client. ONLYOFFICE ist 2009 erschienen und wurde mittlerweile in 21 Sprachen übersetzt.
Achim Grindler

In addition to lectures on Big Data use-cases, data analysis and platforms as well as tutorials and trainings, the conference offers discussion sessions with industry representatives of the Data Innovation Communities of the Smart Data Innovation Lab.
The Big Data All Hands Meeting provides an opportunity for any research project related to Big Data which is funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) to present their obtained results and to reconcile their future orientations. All of the researchers from the Big Data-Competence Centers [1], about 20 Big Data projects, representatives of the associated research and the chosen representatives of the German industry are invited for this event.
KIT as one of the three German Big Data competence centers organizes the second meeting of this kind and thus fulfills its outstanding role in Germany’s Big Data research. The schedule of the second Big Data All Hands Meeting includes 25 presentations on data analytics, use-cases and Big Data platforms as well as some tutorials and hands-on trainings. In addition, discussion sessions between the industry representatives of the Data Innovation Communities of the KIT’s Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) complete this event.
Further information:
Contact: Dr. Parinaz Ameri
[1] BMBF Big Data Kompetenzzentren
Achim Grindler

The new SCC News amongst others with these topics: German data center price - first place for energy efficiency, simulation of turbulent combustion, new self-service - release of personal data.
Dear reader,
The summer in Karlsruhe once again granted us with temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius. Perhaps this year again there will be a heat record put up in our region. In regards to heat: With this kind of weather, it is hard to imagine that the SCC powered high performance computer is being cooled with hot water. Amongst other things due to its sophisticated cooling concept the new building of the HPC system ForHLR II receives at the end of April the first place with the German Data Centre Prize in the category "newly-built energy and resource efficient data centres" (page 28). The title page of this issue features a part of the cooling technology of the ForHLR II. Professor Rudolf Lohner (to the right of the picture) proudly displays the prize.
It also heats up in a research work to simulate turbulent combustion processes. Not only do the temperatures play a role in this but especially the noises, the so-called combustion noise. Through the use of appropriate computer simulation one can find out how to significantly reduce this noise. The calculations for that are so complex that it calls for the use of a Supercomputer like the ForHLR at KIT (page 18).
In regards to the protection of personal data there are always some heated discussions and cooler heads are needed for the development of appropriate IT solutions and services. These have to justify the demands for collaboration within an international environment, do not hinder internal workflow and beyond that does not lose sight of the individual desires of the KIT employees. With a new IT-Self-Service, the SCC makes a central contribution (page 09).
Enjoy reading.
Bernhard Neumair, Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

Ab sofort steht der neue OpenVPN-Dienst allen Nutzern mit VPN-Zugangsberechtigung zur Verfügung und wird ab 2018 als alleiniger VPN-Dienst am KIT angeboten. Mit dem erneuerten OpenVPN-Dienst wird nun IPv6 vollständig unterstützt.
Die bisherigen VPN-Zugangsmöglichkeiten am KIT erfüllen nicht mehr die notwendigen Anforderungen. Das SCC erweitert den Remote Access (VPN) Dienst durch den Ausbau des OpenVPN-Zugangs.
Durch diese Erweiterung wird beispielsweise jetzt auch IPv6 vollständig unterstützt.
Der neue OpenVPN-Dienst steht ab sofort allen KIT-Angehörigen mit VPN-Zugangsberechtigung zur Verfügung und wird zukünftig, ab 01.01.2018, als alleiniger VPN-Dienst am KIT angeboten.
Bitte beachten Sie daher folgende Hinweise:
Ab dem 01.01.2018 werden die bisher angebotenen VPN-Zugangsmöglichkeiten nicht mehr unterstützt. Diese sind:
OpenVPN-Dienste mit Verbindung zur IP-Adresse
Juniper VPN / Pulse Secure / Junos Pulse / Network Connect ( und alle Unterseiten
Falls Sie OpenVPN bisher nicht genutzt haben, müssen Sie den OpenVPN-Client (Version >= 2.3.3) auf Ihrem Rechner installieren. Alle Informationen und Konfigurationsdateien für Ihr Betriebssystem finden Sie in der OpenVPN-Servicebeschreibung.
Wenn Sie OpenVPN bereits nutzen, müssen Sie die aktualisierte Konfigurationsdatei kit.ovpn einbinden.
Mit dem neuen OpenVPN-Service unterstützen wir nur noch OpenVPN-Clients ab Version 2.3.3, daher empfehlen wir eine Aktualisierung Ihres OpenVPN-Clients (aktuelle Version ist derzeit 2.4.3).
Achtung: Für die Nutzung von VPN2VLAN (VPN-Zugang ins Institutsnetz) benötigen Sie jetzt eine gesonderte Konfigurationsdatei: kit-vpn2vlan.ovpn. Diese finden Sie ebenfalls in den Anleitungen zu den einzelnen Betriebssystemen.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das VPN-Team unter
_ _ _
Remote Access (VPN)
Neuer OpenVPN-Service
Juniper VPN
Ihr VPN-Team

Im April 2017 wurde ein neues Onlinespeichersystem mit einer Kapazität von 20 Petabyte in Betrieb genommen. GridKa erhält damit zusätzlich eine Leistungssteigerung sowie eine einfache Erweiterbarkeit für zukünftig wachsende Anforderungen.
Im April 2017 wurde ein neues 20 Petabyte Onlinespeichersystem am deutschen Tier-1 Datenzentrum GridKa des Worldwide LHC Computing Grid am KIT in Betrieb genommen. Das von der Firma NEC gelieferte GxFS System besteht aus 14 Speichersystemen mit 3500 Festplatten und Solid State Disks, welche über zwei redundante Infiniband-Fabrics mit 44 Fileservern verbunden sind. Die Anbindung der Fileserver an den GridKa Netzwerk-Backbone ist mit 40Gbit/s Ethernetverbindungen realisiert, die in mehreren 100 Gbit/s Uplinks gebündelt werden.
Insgesamt erreicht das System einen kombinierten Schreib-Lese-Durchsatz von 70 GByte/s. IBM Spectrum Scale™ wird als Software-Defined-Storage-Layer genutzt, um eine transparente Skalierbarkeit von Kapazität und Leistung zu ermöglichen. Zurzeit werden 13,5 Petabyte Daten der vier LHC-Experimente ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb sowie weiterer Teilchen- und Astroteilchenexperimente wie Belle II, Compass und Auger, ohne Betriebsunterbrechung innerhalb von GridKa auf das neue Speichersystem migriert.
Mit dieser Kapazitäts- und Leistungssteigerung sowie der einfachen Erweiterbarkeit des neuen Onlinespeichersystems, können auch die weiter wachsenden Anforderungen, insbesondere der LHC–Experimente, in den kommenden Jahren erfüllt werden. Erweiterungen von insgesamt ca. 8 Petabyte sind schon bis zum Ende des Jahres 2017 vorgesehen.
Andreas Petzold
The Institute Cluster II (IC2) will be shut down as of April 30, 2017. The bwUniCluster and the high-performance computer ForHLR are available as alternatives.
Wir beabsichtigen den InstitutsCluster II (IC2) Ende April 2017 abzuschalten. Die Maschine wurde im Oktober 2012 in Betrieb genommen. Ein Weiterbetrieb ist weder aus wirtschaftlichen noch aus ökologischen Gründen (hoher Stromverbrauch im Verhältnis zur Rechenleistung sowie hohe Wartungskosten) sinnvoll. Der Abschalttermin ist durch das Auslaufen der Softwarelizenzen für die Betriebssoftware vorgegeben.
Als Alternativen stehen am SCC der bwUniCluster als Grundversorgungssystem und die beiden Ausbaustufen des Hochleistungsrechners ForHLR (I und II) zur Verfügung. Wir raten dringend, wenn immer möglich, eine Nutzung des ForHLR I bzw. II anzustreben. Des Weiteren möchten wir darauf hinweisen, das im Land weitere HPC-Cluster (bwForCluster) für spezielle Forschungsprogrammatiken nutzbar sind.
Weitergehende Informationen zu diesen Systemen und Zugangsmöglichkeiten sind unter zu finden. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Herr Häfner unterstützt gerne beim Erstellen bzw. Ausfüllen der jeweiligen Anträge.
Durch eine Erweiterung des bwUniClusters wurde die Rechenleistung des bwUniClusters um ca. 250 TF/s erhöht und somit mehr als verdoppelt. Vergleicht man diese Erweiterung mit der IC2, so erkennt man, wie ineffektiv ein Weiterbetrieb der IC2 wäre: Die IC2 hat bei einer Leistung von ca. 150 TF/s einen Stromverbrauch von etwa 160 KW, die bwUniCluster-Erweiterung benötigt für ca. 250 TF/s etwa 130 KW.
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High Performance Computing (HPC) und Clustercomputing
Institutscluster II (IC2)

Science Cloud enters a new phase - successful proposals are announced. In February, consortia from industry representatives from 10 leading European research organizations presented design proposals for hybrid cloud models.
On the 3 April 2017 14:30 CEST, the awards ceremony for the successful contractors moving to the Prototype Phase of the Helix Nebula Science Cloud Pre-Commercial Procurement is taking place at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland.
In November 2016, 4 Consortia won the €5.3 million joint HNSciCloud Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tender and started to develop the designs for the European hybrid cloud platform that will support high-performance, data-intensive scientific use-cases. At the beginning of February 2017, the four consortia met at CERN to present their proposals to the buyers. After the submission of their designs, the consortia were asked to prepare their bids for the prototyping phase.
In early April the winners of the bids to build prototypes will be announced at CERN during the “Launching the Helix Nebula Science Cloud Prototype Phase” webcast event. The award ceremony and the presentations of the solutions moving into the prototyping phase will be the focus of the webcast.
For more information see: newsletter of
Contact at Scientific Computing Center: Andreas Petzold
Achim Grindler

Researchers from the KIT / SCC predicted protein structures independently of complex experiments on the basis of statistical analyzes. With high-performance computers of the SCC and available data sets, nearly 2000 proteins could be examined.
Ohne Proteine geht im Körper nichts – sie sind die molekularen Alleskönner in unseren Zellen. Arbeiten sie nicht richtig, kann das schwere Krankheiten auslösen wie etwa Alzheimer. Um Methoden zu entwickeln, nicht funktionierende Proteine zu reparieren, muss man deren Struktur kennen.
Mit einem Big-Data-Ansatz haben Forscher des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) am Scientific Computing Center eine Methode entwickelt, mit der sie Proteinstrukturen vorhersagen können. Auf Basis statistischer Analysen konnten so auch komplizierteste Proteinstrukturen unabhängig vom Experiment vorhergesagt werden. Diese experimentell zu bestimmen wäre dagegen sehr aufwändig und der Erfolg nicht garantiert.
Die Studie wurde in der renommierten Zeitschrift Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) veröffentlicht (zum Artikel).
Weitere Informationen: Presseinformation des KIT
Forschungsgruppe Multiscale Biomelecular Simulation am SCC
Kontakt am SCC: Dr. Alexander Schug
Bild 1: Homodimere sind identische Paare von Eiweißketten (Proteine, grün und blau), die aneinanderbinden. Die statistische Analyse der Proteinsequenzen sucht nach Mutationen, die auf eine räumliche Nähe von Proteinteilen hindeuten, sowohl innerhalb des gleichen Proteins (orange) wie auch mit dem Partnerprotein (rot). Diese Information ermöglicht es, die Proteinstruktur des Homodimers vorherzusagen. (Foto: KIT)

Wegen der Abkündigung der Education Master Suite 2015 empfiehlt das SCC den Umstieg auf das Nachfolgeprogramm Autodesk Education Community. Hierfür sind ausreichend Netzwerklizenzen verfügbar.
Im April 2015 wurde die Education Master Suite 2015 seitens Autodesk abgekündigt. Die damalige Verlängerung der Subscription durch das SCC endet am 11.11.2017, sodass installierte Netzwerkversionen nur noch bis zum 11.11.2017 nutzbar sein werden.
Einzelplatzlizenzen werden auch nach dem 11.11.2017 weiterlaufen.
Bitte wechseln Sie frühzeitig auf eine Einzelplatzversion, sofern unbedingt notwendig. Nach Aussage von Autodesk wird die Aktivierung einer Einzelplatzlizenz nach dem 11.11.2017 nicht mehr möglich sein. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass zum 11.11.2017 jeglicher Support zur Autodesk Education Master Suite entfällt.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen deshalb, möglichst bald auf das Nachfolgeprogramm die "Autodesk Education Community" umzusteigen. Hierzu stellt das SCC auch weiterhin ausreichend Netzwerklizenzen zur Verfügung.

Im Programm HPC II werden fünf Projekte aus vier Forschungseinrichtungen mit ca. 4 Mio. Euro finanziert. Am 7.2. wurden die Projekte bei einem Auftakttreffen vorgestellt.
Im aktuellen Programm High Performance Computing II der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung werden fünf Projekte mit Partnern aus vier verschiedenen Forschungseinrichtungen mit einem Gesamtvolumen von ca. 4 Mio. Euro finanziert.
Durch die interdisziplinären Forschungsansätze der Vorhaben kann Hochleistungsrechnen als Schlüsseltechnologie für die Bereiche Gesundheit, Energie und Umwelt sowie Mobilität weiter vorangebracht werden. Thematisiert werden Simulationen und Modellierungen wie sie bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Lärm in Strömungen an Fahrzeugkarosserien notwendig sind oder für ein vertieftes Verständnis des neuromuskulären Systems. Weitere Projektthemen sind der Einfluss von Turbulenz auf die Ausbreitung von Mikroorganismen in Gewässern, die Multi-Skalen-Modellierung von Materialien und Bauelementen für die Energieumwandlung und -speicherung sowie die Entwicklung HPC-gestützter Verfahren zur Verifikation von Software für Kraftfahrzeuge.
Die Vorhaben wurden aus ca. 20 Einreichungen durch unabhängige Gutachter ausgewählt und werden von HLRS und SCC intensiv betreut. Dank der Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg kann die effiziente Nutzung der HPC-Systeme für diese Forschungen an den beiden HPC-Zentren durch spezielle Ansprechpartner unterstützt werden. Am 7. Februar wurden alle fünf Projekte bei einem Auftakttreffen vorgestellt.
Weitere Informationen:
Kontakt am SCC: Dr. Olaf Schneider
Kontakt am HLRS: Jing Zhang,
Achim Grindler

The already running KIT Proxies have moved to production by activating the host for the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol; hosts within automatically contact it to get the Proxy Auto-Config.
The already running KIT-Proxies have moved to production by activating the host for the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD); hosts within automatically contact it to get the Proxy Auto-Config (PAC). By default, they get taught not to use a proxy - you have to manually configure a PAC to actually use a proxy; see the page Web-Proxy for a service description and instructions to configure your browser.
At the same time, leagcy WPAD entries, and have been made aliases for; they now deliver the same configuration. Previously they announced a proxy for targets outside their respective domain; they no longer do! If you wish to further use a proxy (due to network access, to benefit from caching or to conceal your IP addess for increased privacy in the internet), you have to configure a PAC manually as advised above. Please point that out to your users.
Andreas Ley

Ende November wurde in bwSync&Share das Online Editing im Probebetrieb aktiviert und damit die Bearbeitung von Office-Dokumenten mit OnlyOffice bereitgestellt.
Ende November wurde in bwSync&Share das Online Editing im Probebetrieb aktiviert und damit die Bearbeitung von Office-Dokumenten mit OnlyOffice bereitgestellt.
Nutzung der Weboberfläche
Das Verhalten beim Öffnen einer Office-Datei über die Webseite verändert sich.
Das Öffnen einer Office-Datei über Klicken auf den Dateinamens (und damit das Aufrufen des Links) führt dazu, dass die Datei im Browser mit OnlyOffice geöffnet wird statt wie bisher mit dem lokal installierten Office-Programm.
Wenn Sie die Datei aus dem Browser heraus wie bisher mit ihrem lokalen Programm öffnen möchten, so müssen Sie die Datei herunterladen, indem Sie auf der Webseite rechts vom Dateinamen auf den Pfeil nach unten klicken. Damit können Sie die Datei wie bisher mit Ihrem lokalen Office-Programm bearbeiten und anschließend wieder hochladen. Dieses Verhalten ändert sich durch die Aktivierung des Online Editing nicht.
Nutzung des bwSync&Share-Clients:
Jede Office-Datei wird wie bisher sowohl aus dem Client als auch aus dem Datei-Explorer heraus mit dem entsprechenden lokal installierten Office-Programm geöffnet. Nach dem Bearbeiten und Speichern wird sie mit Hilfe des Clients mit dem bwSync&Share Server synchronisiert.
Neu ist: Sollte eine Datei von einem anderen Nutzer gleichzeitig über die Webseite mit OnlyOffice bearbeitet werden, erhält der Client-Nutzer eine entsprechende Warnmeldung. Arbeitet er trotzdem mit seinem lokalen Office-Programm weiter und schließt die Datei, werden durch die automatische Synchronisation des Clients die Änderungen der OnlyOffice Session überschrieben. Die Arbeit mit OnlyOffice sollte deshalb Vorrang haben, bzw. stimmen Sie sich bei der Bearbeitung mit den anderen Nutzern ab. Sie können sich vom Client aus der OnlyOffice Session anschließen, indem Sie im Client rechts oben auf „Web“ klicken und damit auf die Webseite wechseln. Von dort aus wird das Dokument mit OnlyOffice geöffnet (s.o.).
Gemeinsames Bearbeiten von Dateien:
Die Datei kann durch den Einsatz von OnlyOffice von mehreren Benutzern über die Webseite gleichzeitig geöffnet und bearbeitet werden. Die Änderungen eines Benutzers werden gleichzeitig automatisch bei den anderen Benutzern angezeigt und aktualisiert. Nach jeder Änderung wird automatisch eine Speicherung durchgeführt, damit kann am Ende der Bearbeitung der Browser einfach geschlossen werden. Ein manuelles Speichern ist nicht notwendig.
Weitere Informationen:
Wir empfehlen zur Nutzung der Webseite die Verwendung der Webbrowser Mozilla Firefox oder Google Chrome.
Weitere Informationen zum Bearbeiten von Dokumenten mit OnlyOffice finden Sie auf der Webseite unter „Document Editor“.
SCC Service Team

Zur Langzeitspeicherung von Daten, die in der Wissenschaft anfallen und für 10 Jahre oder mehr aufbewahrt bzw zugänglich sein müssen, bietet das SCC ab sofort den neuen Archivierungsdienst bwDataArchiv an.
Zur Langzeitspeicherung von Daten, die in der Wissenschaft anfallen und für 10 Jahre oder mehr aufbewahrt bzw zugänglich sein müssen, bietet das SCC ab sofort den neuen Archivierungsdienst bwDataArchiv an.
Dieser Service löst den bisher angebotenenen Archivierungsdienst basierend auf TSM ab.
Weitere Informationen zu dem neuen Dienst werden unter Research Data Archiv (RDA) bereitgestellt.
SCC Service Team

Pricing for the provisioning of virtualized server systems has been adjusted. The systems can now be offered with a reduced price.
Pricing for the provisioning of virtualized server systems has been adjusted. The systems can now be offered with a reduced price.
You'll find further information in the description of the SCC service "Bereitstellung von Serversystemen"
To calculate the costs you will find there the price calculators for the two offered service variants:
1. Preiskalkulator für Root-Server
2. Preiskalkulator für Ressourcenpool in der Virtaulisierungsumgebung
SCC Service Team

As of January 31, 2017, the HPC cluster XC3000 (HC3) will be shut down. The users of the bwUniCluster and the high-performance computer ForHLR are available as alternatives.
Wir beabsichtigen den HPC-Cluster HP XC3000 (HC3) Anfang kommenden Jahres abzuschalten (geplant ist der 31.1.17). Die Maschine wird zu diesem Zeitpunkt 7 Jahre alt sein. Ein Weiterbetrieb ist weder aus wirtschaftlichen noch ökologischen Gründen (sehr hoher Stromverbrauch im Verhältnis zur Rechenleistung sowie hohe Wartungskosten) sinnvoll noch vertretbar; auch ist die Ersatzteilversorgung für einige Komponenten nicht mehr gesichert.
Als Alternativen stehen ihnen am SCC der bwUniCluster als Grundversorgungssystem und die beiden Ausbaustufen des Hochleistungsrechners ForHLR (I und II) zur Verfügung. Wir raten dringend, wenn immer möglich, eine Nutzung des ForHLR I bzw. II anzustreben. Des Weiteren möchten wir Sie darauf hinweisen, das im Land weitere HPC-Cluster (bwForCluster) für spezielle Forschungsprogrammatiken für Sie nutzbar sind.
Weitergehende Informationen zu diesen Systemen sowie zu der Frage, wie Sie Zugang zu diesen Systeme bekommen, finden Sie auf der SCC-Webseite unter Falls Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Er hilft und berät Sie auch gerne beim Erstellen bzw. Ausfüllen der jeweiligen Anträge.
Anfang nächsten Jahres werden wir eine Erweiterung des bwUniClusters in Betrieb nehmen. Diese wird die Rechenleistung des Cluster um ca. 250 TF/s erhöhen und somit mehr als verdoppeln. Vergleicht man diese Erweiterung mit der HC3, so erkennt man, wie ineffektiv ein Weiterbetrieb des HC3 wäre: Die HC3 hat bei einer Leistung von ca. 30 TF/s einen Stromverbrauch von etwa 100 KW, die bwUniCluster-Erweiterung benötigt für ca. 250 TF/s etwa 130 KW.
_ _ _
High Performance Computing (HPC) und Clustercomputing
KIT-Rechner HP XC3000

Under the leadership of KIT/SCC, the Helmholtz Association has begun the realization of the Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF), a federated research data infrastructure.
Unter Federführung des KIT/SCC hat die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft mit der Realisierung der föderierten Forschungsdateninfrastruktur Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) begonnen. Der sichere Zusammenschluss und der Ausbau multi-thematischer Datenzentren im Rahmen dieser Föderation ermöglicht es, datenintensiven Wissenschafts-Communities, wissenschaftliche Daten zu finden, unter Beibehaltung der Datenhoheit zu teilen, über Disziplingrenzen hinweg zu nutzen und zuverlässig zu archivieren. Die Föderation basiert auf den drei Kernelementen innovative Software für das Forschungsdatenmanagement, exzellente Benutzerunterstützung und topaktuelle Speicher- und Analyse-Hardware. Partner in der ersten Phase sind sechs Helmholtz-Zentren aus fünf Forschungsbereichen: AWI (Erde und Umwelt), DESY und GSI (beide Materie), DKFZ (Gesundheit), FZJ und KIT (beide Energie, Schlüsseltechnologien, Materie, Erde und Umwelt). Als Keimzelle für eine wissenschaftsorganisationsübergreifende nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) ist die HDF offen für Nutzer im gesamten deutschen Wissenschaftssystem und wird durch internationale Verbindungen kompatibel mit der zukünftigen European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) sein.
Further information:
KIT-Presseinformation vom 13.10.2016
Contact: Achim Streit

With this upgrade to Exchange 2013, SCC offers all employees and students a stable, secure and comfortable e-mail service featuring up-to-date technology.
The email infrastructure at KIT has been upgraded. Mailboxes are now hosted on Exchange 2013 servers. In the course of this upgrade, the design of the exchange system has been modernised. The servers are running on virtual machines in two clusters at both Campus Nord and Campus Süd. The databases are working with a geographical active/passive failover between the campuses. This setup enables on-line maintenance of the servers and a reliable stable infrastructure for our users.
Michael Willhauk

Evening lecture at GridKa School by Prof. Dr. Frank Köster (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) on Wednesday 31 August 18:30 @ KIT Campus North - FTU Aula
Automated and connected driving can be seen as a paradigm shift in the automotive domain which will change the today’s role of the human driver substantially. More and more parts of the driving task are to be taken over by technical components for different scenarios. The application areas reach from fully automated parking up to automated driving on a highway with different involvements of the driver in monitoring tasks (SAE level 2 to 5). Thus, it is essential to understand how this role change will influence the human driver and how we can support him by designing an easy to understand, safe and comfortable interaction with the automated vehicle.
Ingrid Schäffner

The International GridKa School is one of the leading summer schools for advanced computing techniques in Europe.
The International GridKa School is one of the leading summer schools for advanced computing techniques in Europe. The school provides a forum for scientists and technology leaders, experts, and novices to facilitate knowledge sharing and information exchange. The target audience is different groups like graduate and PhD students, advanced users as well as IT administrators. GridKa School is hosted by Scientific Computing Center (SCC) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It is organized by KIT and the HGF Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".
Further Information:
SCC Calendar
GridKA School Homepage
Ingrid Schäffner

The INDIGO-DataCloud project is pleased to announce the general availability of its first public software release, codenamed MidnightBlue.
In a nutshell, this first release includes 38 software products divided between Core Services and Applications. Core Services are then subdivided among Data Center Solutions, Data Solutions, Automated Solutions and User-level Solutions.
Overall, 208 RPM, DEBS and tarballs packages and about 40 Docker containers are available. All products support CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04. For what regards Cloud Management Frameworks, OpenStack Liberty and OpenNebula 4.14 are supported.
At you can find further information, documentation, installation and configuration guides for all the INDIGO MidnightBlue products.
Further information:
official announcement of the release
information, documentation, installation and configuration guides for all the INDIGO MidnightBlue products
The EU Project INDIGO develops solutions for missing components in current Grid and Cloud Middleware. At SCC, Marcus Hard's team works on components for the federated authentication and authorization (AAI) as well as on the integration of archive systems in the distributed data management.
Dr. Marcus Hardt

Bitkom-Report presents to a broad community scientific organizations, i. a. the Helmholtz programme Supercomputing & Big Data, technology provider and user with their key resarch topics, projects, products and services concerning Big Data.
Germany's Industry and Government want to promote digitization in Germany and increase Germany´s attractiveness for digital technologies. This means presenting Germany´s expertise in key technology areas internationally. Bitkom, Smart Data Forum and Germany Trade & Invest have jointly presented the report "Germany - Excellence in Big Data", which aims to do this. The report is aimed at an international audience and presents more than 30 scientific organizations - amongst these the Helmholtz programme Supercomputing & Big Data -, over 60 technology vendors and more than 40 Big Data users with their research priorities, projects and strategies or products and services . Industry overviews complete the picture. This report provides interested parties with the most comprehensive overview of the Big Data landscape in Germany.
Further Information: bitkom press release 07/22/2016
Achim Grindler

Die neue SCC-News i. a. with this topics: Power-On for one quadrillion computing operations per second; From Medieval Manuscripts to Digital Preservation; Growing Stone – Artwork for the new ForHLR building.
Dear reader,
it can execute one quadrillion computing operations per second and it is the new research supercomputer ForHLR II. With pocket calculators that would take the 24,000 students of KIT about 5000 years to accomplish. Thus with the ForHLR II begins the petaflop era at KIT. You will find a detailed report on the architecture of the computing cluster, the visualization system and the energy-efficient operation on page 8. The photo gallery in the center of this magazine shows impressions of its festive inauguration with Science Minister Theresia Bauer, Holger Hanselka, president of KIT and Peter Gumbsch, prominent advocate of the ForHLR and member of the Board of the German council of Science and Humanities.
The new supercomputer fits ”precisely in the umbrella strategy KIT 2025”, explains Holger Hanselka in his welcoming speech at the inauguration. Scientists from all over Germany can now run complex applications at new orders of magnitude. Not only researchers benefit from the “fascinating applications that are possible based on the ForHLR, as The Research University in the Helmholtz Association we want to pass on knowledge gained with the supercomputer, directly to our students”, underlines Hanselka.
Under the heading of Research and Projects we present the research and development of a new model to quantify the reliability of architectures for bit preservation. Bit preservation is a basic building block of a sustainable long-term data archive (page 18).
Modern art that accompanies research and technology is presented in this issue of SCC-News on page 28: The ”Growing Stone” by Timm Ulrichs is one of the artwork at KIT, which helps to create a special atmosphere and stimulates our imagination in research, teaching and innovation – anew, every day.
Happy reading of SCC-News
Hannes Hartenstein, Bernhard Neumair, Achim Streit
Achim Grindler

Since the beginning of May 2016 the University of Rostock uses the Online Sync and Share Service bwSync&Share within the DFN-Cloud framework and now online for all employees and students.
"Die Universität Rostock wird unter ihrem Namen „Uni Rostock BOX“ Teil der größten deutschen Hochschul-Cloud, der „bwSync&Share“. Die Einbindung erfolgt über das Deutsche Forschungsnetz (DFN), das Hosting übernimmt das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), das den Speicherdienst in Zusammenarbeit mit PowerFolder aus Meerbusch bei Düsseldorf entwickelt hat. Damit können dann auch die rund 15.000 Studierenden und 5.000 Mitarbeiter der größten Stadt von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mit der bewährten PowerFolder-Software arbeiten, die bei „bwSync&Share“ zum Einsatz kommt. Rostock ist die erste Universität, die den Dienst am KIT über die DFN-Cloud nutzen kann. Für die Nutzer in Rostock wird es aber keine umständliche Umgewöhnung geben: Die Nutzeranmeldung erfolgt weiterhin über die eigene Nutzerkennung der Uni Rostock, die technisch über SAML/Shibboleth realisiert wird."
Weitere Informationen:
Presseinformation des KIT
Pressemeldung PowerFolder
Achim Grindler

The rapid population growth along with climatic changes results in new challenges for modern agriculture. A deeper understanding of important economic plants, such as rice, is a precondition for the development of new cultivars.
The rapid population growth along with climatic changes results in new challenges for modern agriculture. A deeper understanding of important economic plants, such as rice, is a precondition for the development of new cultivars.
To find the responsible genes that make plants more resistant, Dr. Michael Riemann of the department of Molecular Cell Biology (Prof. Dr. Peter Nick) in the Botanical Institute of KIT is working with da-cons GmbH to analyze the growth of rice seedlings. Their research focuses on the crucial early stage of seedling development and therefore plants are grown in darkness while an infrared camera system is recording images of the plants every hour. To increase the efficiency of study further (semi-) automatic image processing technology is used to extract the main growth parameters for shoot, first leaf and seminal root of rice.
Fig. 2: Analyzing 14 rice seedlings
on one plate
A basic setup of the system is shown in figure 1 and via a demonstrative video-clip. This setup is enclosed in a 50cm * 50cm dark box, 20 heads of infrared LEDs provide the illumination for the camera. By this setup, the influence of visible light on the seedlings is prevented. An attached Raspberry Pi computer is capturing images every hour and allows therefore a finely grained documentation of the growth of the seedlings. The images will be automatically transferred to a server where researchers have the opportunity to examine them. Further, the images are analyzed (semi-) automatically using algorithms developed by da-cons. These algorithms calculate the length of the stem, the first leaf and the root.
An example of a rice plate with 14 seedlings is shown in fig. 2.
In the next phase of the collaboration the generated data sets will serve as reference in the pilot of an OpenData platform. The SCC plans the development an on-line OpenData platform that enables data publication for scientific communities. The data collected by RiSeGrAn (Rice Seedlings Growth Analysis) is used to determine the user requirements and for testing. da-cons GmbH will consult their partners to achieve these goals.
da-cons, a spin-off of SCC, offers visualization and archiving solutions of big imaging data.
Authors: Ting Xiao and Dr. Michael Kreim (da-cons GmbH), Dr. Michael Riemann (KIT/BOTANIK)

On April 5, 2016 the company "Additive" together with the SCC held a tutorial "Wissenstransfertag zu Mathematica". The tutorial was directed to employees and students of the KIT. Aside the talks advised exercises took place.
April 5, 2016 Mrs. Simone Szurmant of Additive (German Distributor of Mathematica) together with the SCC held a tutorial "Wissenstransfertag zu Mathematica". The tutorial was directed to employees and students of the KIT. Aside the talks advised exercises took place. The first part of the event from 9am to 1pm was directed to users with and without Mathematica experience. This part had about 25 participants.
The following themes were coverd by this part:
Mathematica Notebook and Desktop
Presentation of tools for simple operation
Numerical computations, accuracy, fitting
Symblic computations, integrals, differential equations
Function and data images in 2 and 3 dimensions
Interactivity and development of dynamical models
Import and export of files, accessing the the online knowledge database
On afternoon a second part followed from 2pm to 4pm. This part was directed to advanced Mathematica users. For the 15 participants mainly the new features of Mathematica Version 10 and the current functionality were treated.
The following topics were on the agenda:
Machine learning
Finite elements
Geometrical calculations
Analysis of time series
The Wolfram Connected Devices Project
Graphs and networks
Geographic computation
Structured datasets
Finally, Mrs. Szurmant addressed actual questions and problems in before sent to her by the paricipants.
Dr. Klaus Dieter Braune

Der Resolver-Dienst für die externe DNS-View auf den IP-Adressen und wird abgeschaltet. Die neuen Adressen für den Resolver-Dienst sind bereits produktiv, sodaß ab sofort umkonfiguriert werden kann.
Das SCC hat neue DNS-Resolver-Adressen für die externe DNS-View eingeführt. Die alten Adressen werden ab
Montag, den 2. Mai 2016
nicht mehr verfügbar sein. Die neuen Adressen sind bereits funktional. Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Endsysteme (Clients und Server) wie nachfolgend beschrieben um.
Alte Resolver-Adressen:,
Neue Resolver-Adressen:,
Hinweise und Erläuterungen:
Resolver-Adressen tragen Sie auf Endsystemen mit statischer IP-Konfiguration als DNS-Server ein.
Dies betrifft nur IPv4. Die IPv6-Resolver-Adressen bleiben erhalten.
Die alten Adressen bleiben nur in ihrer Funktionalität als autoritative DNS-Server des KIT erhalten. Die Resolver-Funktionalität wird abgeschaltet, daher dürfen die Adressen auf Ihren Endsystemen nicht mehr konfiguriert sein, da ansonsten die DNS-Auflösung nicht mehr funktionieren wird.
Bei der internen DNS-View (die alle Systeme im KIT im Normalfall nutzen) wird nichts umgestellt.
Alle aktuellen Resolver-Adressen am KIT (intern und extern) finden Sie unter "Rekursive Nameserver" in der Servicebeschreibung des Domain Name Service.

The system allows deep investigations in several research areas such as energy, environment, materials science and engineering technology. ForHLR II is housed in a dedicated building equipped with the newest highly-efficient cooling technologies.
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has celebrated the completion of the ForHLR HPC system on 4th March, 2016. The starting shot to this ceremony was given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hanselka, President of KIT, who hold an opening speech including a scientific Colloquium. Theresia Bauer (Baden-Württemberg Minister of Science, Research, and the Arts) followed with a greeting speech to all participants. The keynote lecture “Diving into recycling materials“ (“Tauchgänge in die Werkstoffe“) has been be hold by Prof. Dr. Peter Gumbsch (KIT/IAM). The central part of the ceremony has included, first, a presentation of the ForHLR II computing system by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumair, Director of the SCC, and then the start-up of the system. Additional scientific contributions given by Prof. Dr. Peter Nielaba (Uni Konstanz), Prof. Dr. Markus Uhlmann (KIT/IfH) and Dr. Rainer Koch (KIT/ITS) has concluded the event.
ForHLR II is a Petaflop-System, which is characterised by 1170 Nodes (Intel Xeon-Prozessors), 24000 Cores and 74 TByte system memory. It will allow deep investigations in several research areas such as energy, environment, materials science and engineering technology.
The whole ForHLR computing system, as well as the highly-efficient ForHLR II building (Picture), are financed by the German Federal Government and the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Additional Information:
Contact: Horst Gernert
Achim Grindler

SCC-Forschungsgruppe Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation erhält den „Google Faculty Research Award“ für einen alternativen Ansatz zur Vorhersage der Raumstruktur von Biomolekülen.
Wie funktioniert Leben auf der molekularen Ebene? Um diese Frage beantworten zu können, die für die Biologie, Pharmazie und Medizin von zentraler Bedeutung ist, muss man in einem ersten Schritt die dreidimensionale Struktur von Biomolekülen kennen. Denn Biomoleküle wie Proteine, DNS oder RNS sind die molekularen Maschinen in Zellen, die diverse Aufgaben wie Sauerstofftransport, Muskelaktivität oder das Speichern und Ausführen genetischer Information erfüllen.
Entscheidend für die Funktion dieser mikroskopisch kleinen Maschinen ist ihre räumliche Struktur. So binden etwa bestimmte Proteine ihre „Zielsubstanz“ nur deshalb so hochspezifisch, weil diese genau – wie ein Schlüssel zum Schloss – in die aktive Bindungsregion des Proteins passt.
Die Forschungsgruppe um Alexander Schug vom Scientific Computing Center (SCC) am KIT hat einen alternativen Ansatz entwickelt, der auf statistischen Analysen großer Datenmengen von Biomolekülen aus verschiedenen Organismen beruht, die experimentell sehr leicht zu gewinnen sind. Algorithmen analysieren diese Daten auf Mutationsmuster, die eine Vorhersage der räumlichen Struktur ermöglichen. Diese Arbeiten wurden nun mit dem Forschungspreis von Google ausgezeichnet.
(Auszug aus der KIT-Presseinformation 029/2016)
Further Information: Article Die Raumstruktur von Biomolekülen vorhersagen in Portal of BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH.
Contact: Alexander Schug
HS-Analysis GmbH is managed by Sergey Biniaminov and located in SCC/KIT. One of the primary goals of HS Analysis GmbH is the close collaboration in life sciences with the SCC/KIT.
Sergey Biniaminov received his degree as economist at KIT and managing now HS Analysis GmbH located in SCC/KIT. One of the primary goals of HS Analysis GmbH is the close collaboration in life sciences with the SCC/KIT.
The HS Analysis team delivers software for automatic tissue analysis to researchers and pathologists in University Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Industry. They use the software to find answers about crucial questions in diseases. New drugs can be found much more time effective and diseases can be treated more efficient with the application of image analysis modalities in the HS Analysis Software. In this way, the technology finally contributes to a better life of patients.
State of the art technology in the area of artificial intelligence allows automatic interpretation of tissue biopsies. Slide Scanners, a kind of microscope roboter, acquire digital images that are processed with Deep Learning based analysis steps. Result of the analysis is a reliable and fast quantitative answer about effects of drug candidates on the ill tissue.
HS-Analysis GmbH offers highly specialized and customized software solutions and consulting for automatic image analysis. With the environment at KIT with its fantastic infrastructure, the possibility to talk with a huge number of professors and the large pool of ambitious students, the HS Analysis team believes to be located/embedded in very good surroundings for the development of the company.
Achim Grindler

The project bwFDM-Communities should find out what new requirements, tasks or wishes regarding their research data scientists in Baden-Württemberg have.
Am 17. Juni 2015 hat bwFDM-Communities eine Übersicht über die Ergebnisse dem Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (MWK) und allen neun Landesuniversitäten sowie externen Gutachtern in Stuttgart vorgestellt. Die Poster und Präsentationen sind auf der Homepage des Projekts verfügbar gemacht. Zuletzt wurde in einer Projektverlängerung bis zum 30. September die Veröffentlichung und Visualisierung aller erhobenen Daten vorangetrieben und zusätzlich eine offene Abschlussveranstaltung organisiert. Es ist nun möglich, die gesammelten Daten intuitiv über die Projekthomepage zu durchsuchen und eine dauerhafte Archivierung bei GESIS -Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften - ist in Aussicht.
Der vollständige Abschlussbericht ist seit der öffentlichen Abschlussveranstaltung ebenfalls publiziert. Im Bericht enthalten sind neben den zwölf schon vorab bekannten Hauptthemen Rechtliche Aspekte, Informationsangebote, Datenkultur, Forschungsnahe Unterstützung, Softwaretools, Formate und Standards, Daten außeruniversitärer Einrichtungen, Digitalisierung, Kollaboration, Projekt- und Datendokumentation, Repositorien und Archivierung auch die vom Projekt behandelten Rahmenaspekte Finanzierung, IT-frastruktur, Unterstützungsdienste, Lizenzierung und Open Science.
Diesen und weitere Artikel finden Sie in den SCC-News 2015
Frank Tristram

On the 1st of October KIT hosted for the fourth time the Symposium “The Challenge of Big Data in Science”. About 90 participants from Germany, France, Spain, China and the United States of America joined the event.
The opening speech was delivered by Michael Decker, the new head of the KIT department “Informatik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft”, and the director of SCC Achim Streit.
Jarek Nabrzyski from the University of Notre Dame in USA who is also in charge of the Center for Research Computing (CRC) talked about the importance of Data and Software Preservation in Open Science. He introduced DASPOS (Data and Service Preservation for Open Science) as a solution for the lack of proper documentation in scientific publications. DASPOS will help the scientist in documenting their work for generating reproducible results.
Peter Braesicke from Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research at KIT spoke next about the data management requirements of environmental scientists and Javier Quinteros gave a report about current technical developments at the Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam.
In addition to talks from representatives of individual organisations keynote speeches on joint European initiatives were presented. One of them, INDIGO-DataCloud, an EU Horizon 2020 funded project, aims at establishing a European data cloud as a Platform as a Service. The project was introduced by Isabel Campos of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Several more keynotes from different research facilities in the field of Large Scale Data Management have been given: “Data Management challenges in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics” by Giovanni Lamanna (Asterics), “How astronomy shares and reuses scientific data” by Françoise Genova (CDS in Strasbourg), “Science SQL” by Peter Baumann (Jacobs University Bremen) and “Data Management and Data Analysis in CLARIN-D” by Erhard Hinrichs from the University of Tübingen.
Further information and materials can be found at
Uğur Çayoğlu

Recently two members of Virgo Collaboration have won a DAAD Fellowships to work as Visiting Scientist at SCC in joint R&D project with HPC experts of SimLab EA Particles.
Recently two members of Virgo Collaboration, Prof. Dr. Andrzej Krolak and PD. Dr. Michal Bejger, have won a DAAD Fellowships to work as Visiting Scientist at SCC in joint R&D project with HPC experts of SimLab EA Particles lead by Dr. Gevorg Poghosyan. The aim is to develop a new hybrid parallel version of the simulation and data analysis code for performing gravitational wave search on supercomputing systems.
Gravitational waves are the last prediction of general relativity theory of Einstein still awaiting a direct experimental verification. Observations of gravitational waves will open a new field - gravitational wave astronomy, providing unique information concerning exotic objects like binary systems of neutron stars and black holes, supernovae explosions, and the earliest stages of the evolution of our Universe. First science data from the global network of advanced gravitational wave detectors - LIGO, GE0600 and Virgo long arm interferometers, are expected soon and will be collected for several years.
Searching for sources in noisy data is algorithmically challenging, since one has to simultaneously predict and check for different possible types of signals, which is computationally formidable, due to the large parameter space over which the searches must be carried out.
Dr. Gevorg Poghosyan

The Scientific Computing Center of KIT presents with an own booth research work from the topics grid, high performance and data-intensive computing.
The SCC participated in the HPC exhibition at the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC'15) in Frankfurt from July 13th to 15th 2015. The ISC exhibition is the largest HPC fair in Europe. It included 160 exhibitors and had over 2600 visitors this year. Beside of the major hardware vendors, the major European computing centres and a wide variety of software vendors from the public and industrial sectors were well represented at the exhibition.
Thanks to its different wallpapers, a PowerPoint presentation and cups in a stylish Big Data design, the SCC booth attracted several hundred visitors. The exhibit of the FTIR spectrometer GLORIA attracted particular interest. GLORIA is a remote sensing instrument, which is installed on research aircrafts to measure atmospheric gases like ozone or water vapour. Conversations between visitors and SCC specialists focused on infrastructure and research in the fields of Supercomputing and Big Data.
Further information:
Keynote: To Cool or Not to Cool? Energy Efficiency from an HPC-Operator's View (Rudolf Lohner, KIT/SCC)
High Performance Computing at SCC
Achim Grindler

For her excellent master's thesis Ines Reinartz receives the Erna-Scheffler-Award. The work written at the Faculty of Physics of KIT is entitled "Simulation of FRET dyes with native structure-based models".
So-called Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments provide valuable information on the dynamics and movements of biomolecules. In FRET experiments regions of the biomolecules are labelled with special dyes and the distances between them can be measured. As a kind of atomic resolution microscope, complementary computer simulations provide an unique insight into the molecular level of life. In her master's thesis at the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) Ines Reinartz integrated FRET dyes in corresponding computer simulations. This improves the interpretation of FRET measurements with data from the simulations and allows an even more detailed view of the dynamic and the function of the biomolecule under investigation.
We are glad, that Ines Reinartz continues with her researches at Junior Research Group „Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation“, managed by Dr. Alexander Schug, and wish her good luck!
Dr. Petra Thoma, an electrical engineer from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has been rewarded and promoted as well for her excellent dissertation.
Further information:
KIT Press Release
Junior Research Group MBS at SCC
Achim Grindler

The DFN-Association organizes Cloud Services for science institutions. KIT offers for the portfolio the file-exchange and online-storage service bwSync&Share.
With the state-wide established and at KIT operated file-exchange service bwSync&Share, KIT is now one of the cloud service provider in the portfolio of the DFN-Cloud. So all institutions in the DFN-Association have the possibility to use this service with costs. A corresponding agreement has to be contracted. In addition there is an option to configure the webinterface and the various clients and apps for mobile devices to the particular Corporate Designs of the different institutions.
Thomas Brandel

Florian Jacob, Student des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie erhält Auszeichnung für Bachelorarbeit. ITK Engineering verleiht Award an die besten Studierenden technischer Fakultäten aus ganz Deutschland.
Ein Student des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) hat den ITK Student Award 2015 erhalten. Im Rahmen eines Institut-Seminars der Forschungsgruppe Dezentrale Systeme und Netzdienste, überreichten Dr. Sebastian Buck und Dr. Sebastian Labitzke von ITK Engineering am Freitag, den 26. Juni 2015, dem Studenten Florian Jacob den Preis. Der Bachelor-Absolvent überzeugte das international tätige Technologieunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Rülzheim mit seiner überragenden Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik.
Award für besondere Leistungen
Der ITK Student Award wird in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal an die besten Studierenden der Partneruniversitäten von ITK Engineering aus ganz Deutschland verliehen. Ausgezeichnet werden Studierende für besonders gute Projekt- oder Abschlussarbeiten mit Praxisbezug in technischen Studiengängen. Der Preis beinhaltet ein Treffen der Award-Gewinner mit dem ITK-Management und ein gemeinsames exklusives Fahrtraining mit professionellen Trainern.
Achim Grindler

The recent paper of SCC about organization of GridKa School presented at IEEE international conference EDUCON2015 received Best Paper Award in the category "Most Innovative Paper".
The IEEE Global Conference EDUCON is one of the most prominent conferences on engineering education in the world. During the conference, scientists and teachers from academic universities, research institutes and industrial areas present the current work and share their experiences in the field of engineering education, teaching practices and learning concepts. This year the conference took place in Tallinn, Estonia and attracted more than 300 participants.
In 2015 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology entered the list of prize winners. The awarded paper was presented by Dr. Pavel Weber. The focus of the paper was not only description of successful experience on organization of the school, but also presentation of the education model developed at SCC and applied to GridKa School. In addition, advantages of this model compared to other modern education models were described.
Details of Publication:
Melanie Ernst, Thomas Hartmann, Andreas Heiss, Christopher Jung, Joerg Meyer, Dimitri Nilsen,
Andreas Petzold, Christoph-Erdmann Pfeiler, Ingrid Schaeffner, Jie Tao, Pavel Weber
GridKa School – Teaching Information Technologies since 2003
Best Paper Award - Most Innovative Paper - Area 4
15th International IEEE Conference EDUCON2015, Tallinn, Estland, 18-20 März 2015
Achim Grindler

Researchers at the ITG and the SCC gain entirely new insights into the development of the central nervous system of vertebrates.
Researchers at the ITG and the SCC derive new insights into the development of the central nervous system of vertebrates from experimental measurements and their modelling in computer simulation. The results are published in the journal Nature Communications.
Further informations:
Press Release of KIT
Publication in Nature Communications
Junior Research Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation
European Zebrafish Resource Center
Alexander Schug

SCC and da-cons store and analyze images of growing plants at the Botanical Institute of KIT
Future agriculture needs to become more sustainable. The ability of plants to resist adverse environmental conditions is one of the most important goals of plant breeding worldwide. To find the responsible genes that make plants more resistant, it is crucial to survey plant growth accurately. Dr. Michael Riemann of the working group Molecular Cell Biology (Prof. Dr. Peter Nick) in the Botanical Institute of KIT investigates new ways of plant growth analysis together with da-cons GmbH. They observe the early stages of rice grain germination and growth of the globally most important crop for mankind. Pictures taken every hour during day and night are transferred to the Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF) of SCC. Da-cons GmbH develops and optimizes algorithms for automatic analysis of the growing seedlings. In this way it can be investigated how different gene variations support the growth of plants exposed to salt stress.
da-cons, a spin-off of SCC, offers visualization and archiving solutions of big imaging data and is funded by Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (MWK) in Baden-Württemberg and the Scientific Computing Center (SCC).
Authors: David Haumann (da-cons), Michael Riemann (KIT/BOTANIK)