IAMIT Workshop 2023

Implementation of Advanced Mathematics In Teaching

The workshop will take place on March 21 – 24, 2023, in Karlsruhe, Germany.


The idea of the workshop is to bring together techniques and experiences from the teaching and learning in the field of applied mathematics. A particular focus will be on the implementation of mathematical modeling in schools and at university level. Especially, advanced mathematics and long-term projects will be discussed. Due to the application-oriented focus of this workshop, interdisciplinary STEM projects will also be highlighted.

High-school student during a mathematical modeling week

In particular, we plan to discuss the following seven topics:

  • Implementation of mathematical modeling in high-schools
  • Practical elements in active learning environments 
  • Product orientation in modeling tasks
  • Taxonomy in project based learning
  • Interdisciplinary education
  • Mathematical Modeling in digital environments
  • Mathematics education in the era of AI and Data Science

The topics are chosen broad in order to allow many possible connections between the different participants. One goal of the workshop is to explore topics for international collaboration and joint research projects in advanced applied mathematics.


See www.scc.kit.edu/forschung/IAMIT2023.php


The workshop will take place at:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Englerstraße 2, 76131 Karlsruhe
Room 0.014, Building 20.30 (see Google Maps)


Sarah Schönbrodt, Martin Bracke, Martin Frank, Luis Ramón Siero González


The abstracts of all talks can be downloaded here.


The workshop will take place at:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Englerstraße 2, 76131 Karlsruhe
Room 0.014, Building 20.30 (see Google Maps)


Sarah Schönbrodt, Martin BrackeMartin Frank, Luis Ramón Siero González