The service descriptions are being translated at the moment
If there´s no English information available please use the German counterpart. We are working on the English translations right now and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Web services offered at KIT
- Internet-/Intranet-Websites for KIT-facilities
A central content management system is available for the presentation of the KIT facilities. These pages are accessible under the URl www.<oe> and must correspond to the corporate web design of KIT. - Virtual Webserver
Virtual servers for special purposes with URLs likeabc.<oe>
can be set up and operated on the web server cluster of the SCC. - Development/Testserver
The stage servers, which are available to each KIT facility with the use of the central content management system, can be used. Access to these servers can be set up by EDV-officers.
Alternatively, complete virtual systems (Windows / Linux) can be set up. - File Exchange Services
Services to exchange large files and data.
Personal Homepages in the current form
are no longer supported (please refer Abkündigung der bisherigen persönlichen Homepages)