Modern Applied and Computational Mathematics (MACM) Seminar

Prof. Martin Frank, TT-Prof. Sebastian Krumscheid, Dr. Leonid Chaichenets, Dr. Jasmin Hörter

Winter Term 2024/25

The seminar usually takes place in Building 20.20, Room 367 and occasionally online, on Thursdays, from 11:30 until 12:30 (“Europe/Berlin” timezone).

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
24.10.2024 Jonas Kusch (NMBU) Dynamical low-rank approximation: From radiation therapy to neural networks alternative location: Room 267


We are starting a new weekly seminar series covering topics across the interfaces of modern applied mathematics, computational mathematics, and high-performance computing. One of our visions for this seminar series is to build bridges across working groups at the department of mathematics and the SCC, establishing a platform for promoting knowledge transfer and cross-disciplinary collaborations.

The seminar builds upon the tradition of the “Sciences - Computing - Data - Mathematics (SCDM)” seminar and is also known as the Oberseminar “Computational Science and Mathematical Methods”.


Summer Term 2024

The seminar usually took place in Building 20.30, Room 2.058 and occasionally online, on Wednesdays, from 11:30 until 12:30 (“Europe/Berlin” timezone).

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
18.09.2024 SueHaeng Sung (FU Berlin) Investigating Deep Learning Frameworks for Enhanced Classification of ECG Data alternative time: 12:30 - 13:30
04.09.2024 Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali (HW) Efficient Risk Estimation for the Credit Valuation Adjustment alternative location and time: Building 20.20, Room 367, 11:00 - 12:00
29.08.2024 Yahya Saleh (CFEL) Augmenting Spectral Methods with Normalizing Flows and Application to solving Schrödinger Equations alternative day: Thursday
28.08.2024 Elisa Iacomini (Unife) Uncertainty quantification in traffic flow models  
26.07.2024 Henning Struchtrup (UVic) Thermodynamically admissible 13-moment equations alternative location and day: Building 20.20, Room 367, Friday
03.07.2024 Benjamin Seibold (Temple) Swarm-Performance of Multi-Agent Systems and Connections to Equity  
29.05.2024 Hesam Tofighian (KIT) Enhancing turbulent velocity fields for particle-laden flow simulations: A conditional deep learning super-resolution model with consideration of subgrid-scale information  
17.04.2024 Pavel Zwerschke (KIT) On the predictive capabilities of Taylor Networks master’s thesis defence

Winter Term 2023/24

The seminar usually took place in Building 20.30, Room 2.066 and occasionally online, on Wednesdays, from 11:30 until 12:30 (“Europe/Berlin” timezone).

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
27.03.2024 Steffen Schotthöfer (ORNL) Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation for Kinetic Equations and Neural Networks  
14.02.2024 Dawit Hailu (Hereon) ForwardNet: Generative approach to solve inverse problems  
07.02.2024 Jakob Zech (Heidelberg) Neural and spectral operator surrogates  
31.01.2024 Philipp Hennig (Tübingen) The Probabilistic Perspective on Computation  
17.01.2024 Maximilian Steffen (KIT) Statistical guarantees for stochastic Metropolis-Hastings  
10.01.2024 Rabiat Ibrahim (Tlemcen) Effect of uniform stress on Chalcogenid-based solar energy materials ZrS2 and ZrS3  
20.12.2023 Johannes Krotz (UTK) A Hybrid Monte Carlo, Discontinuous Galerkin method for linear kinetic transport equations alternative time: 12:00 - 13:00
06.12.2023 Yizhou Zhou (RWTH) Boundary conditions for first-order hyperbolic relaxation systems alternative location and time: Building 20.21, Room 314, 14:00 - 15:00
" Manoj Mangipudi (KIT) Predicting of hazardous emissions from experimental data with Feed-Forward NN  
22.11.2023 Thu Thao Huynh (UGA) Adaptive analysis of Large dependent datasets, in particular with Matérn-type Autocorrelation remote speaker
15.11.2023 Yijia Tang (KIT) Random batch particle methods for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck, Poisson-Boltzmann and Fokker-Planck-Landau equations  
25.10.2023 Erik Eitel (KIT) Piecewise Objective Functions for Uncertainty-Aware IMRT Dose Optimization bachelor’s thesis defence
" Dirk Kuhn (KIT) Analyse von PGNAA-Spektren mit Neuronalen Netzen bachelor’s thesis defence

Summer Term 2023

The seminar usually took place in Building 20.30, Room 1.067, on Wednesdays, from 11:30 until 12:30 (“Europe/Berlin” timezone).

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
27.09.2023 Purusharth Saxena (Heidelberg) Statistical framework for Heterogeneous tumor invasion in Colorectal Cancer  
26.07.2023 Raphael Schoof (KIT) Numerical Methods for Chemo-Elastic-Plastically Coupled Battery Active Particles  
19.07.2023 Emil Løvbak (KU Leuven) Adjoint Monte Carlo with reversible random number generators  
" Sophia Bailer (KIT) TBA bachelor’s thesis defence
12.07.2023 Pratik Nayak (KIT) Probabilistic modelling for Asynchronous iterative methods  
05.07.2023 Sebastian Lerch (KIT) Deep learning models for post-processing ensemble weather forecasts  
21.06.2023 Christian Ali Mehmeti-Göpel (Mainz) Spreads in Effective Learning Rates: The Perils of Batch Normalization During Early Training  
14.06.2023 Stephan Simonis (KIT) Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Partial Differential Equations  
06.06.2023 Arved Bartuska (RWTH) Double-loop quasi-Monte Carlo estimator for nested integration alternative room, day and time: Room -1.017, Thuesday, 14:00 - 15:00
24.05.2023 Ralf Loritz (KIT-IWG) Revolution or just another instrument – Deep learning in hydrology  
17.05.2023 Alexandra Walter (KIT) Human rules - AI brains: Automated target volume delineation for head and neck cancers  
10.05.2023 Richard Paul (Jülich) Towards Uncertainty-Aware Live-Cell Image Analysis  
26.04.2023 Linus Seelinger (Heidelberg) Advanced Uncertainty Quantification for Challenging Models: Methods and Software  

Winter Term 2022/23

The seminar usually took place in Building 20.30, Room -1.011, on Wednesdays, from 11:30 until 12:30 (“Europe/Berlin” timezone).

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
29.03.2023 Kyrill Ho (KIT) Application of Spectral Deferred Corrections alternative room: 3.068; master’s thesis defence
15.02.2023 Jaroslav Borodavka (KIT) A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere  
08.02.2023 Ole Burghardt (RPTU) Discrete Adjoints for Multidisciplinary Problems in SU2  
01.02.2023 Max Aehle (RPTU) Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation of Compiled Programs  
25.01.2023 Kuan-Yu Ke (GFZ-Potsdam) Uncertainty quantification in 3-D seismic tomography  
18.01.2023 Niklas (KIT) TBA  
11.01.2023 Fritz Göbel (KIT) TBA  
13.12.2022 Robin (KIT) TBA alternative room, day and time: Room -1.008; Thuesday, 15:45 - 17:15
15.11.2022 Emil Løvbak (KU Leuven) TBA alternative day: Tuesday

Summer Term 2022

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
20.07.2022 Ella Steins (RWTH) Quantile Estimation for Transpiration Cooling hybrid format
13.07.2022 Elnaz Azmi (KIT-SCC-D3A) Approximation and Optimization of Environmental Simulations in High Spatio-Temporal Resolution using Machine Learning Methods hybrid format
22.06.2022 Jasmin Hörter (SCC-SCM) Harmonic Maps hybrid format
15.06.2022 Mehdi Roozmeh (SCC-SCM) Automating and Scaling task-level Parallelism of Tightly Coupled Models via code Generation  
01.06.2022 Gregor Olenik (KIT-SCC-FiNE) Accelerating OpenFOAM simulations on GPUs  
25.05.2022 Marie Houillon (KIT-IBT-CaMo) Porting the openCARP cardiac electrophysiology framework to GPU architectures  
18.05.2022 Mahfuja A. Khuda (UNC Charlotte) Numerical analysis of a developing turbulent flow and conjugate heat transfer for molten salt and liquid sodium in a solar receiver alternative time: 14:00 - 15:00
04.05.2022 Tobias Ribizel (KIT-SCC-FiNE) Composable Solvers in the Ginkgo Library  

Winter Term 2021/2022

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
16.03.2022 Georgii Oblapenko (DLR) Improving particle-based rarefied flow simulation methods  
09.03.2022 Sarah Schönbrodt (KIT-SCM) Optimization problems in mathematical modeling activities – Opportunities and challenges from the perspective of mathematics didactics  
02.032022 Ella Steins (RWTH) Risk Assessment for Transpiration Cooling  
23.02.2022 Sruthy Sreenivasan (KIT-SCM) Virtual Research Environment for Materials Modelling and Data Analysis  
" Mingliang Zhong (KIT-SCM) Lattice Boltzmann method and its application  
16.02.2022 Steffen Schotthöfer (KIT-SCM) Neural network-based, structure-preserving entropy closures for the Boltzmann moment system  
" Alexandra Walter (KIT-SCM) Automated CTV delineation for head and neck cancers respecting expert guidelines  
09.02.2022 Tim Ortkamp (KIT-SCM) Optimization problems in radiotherapy treatment planning  
02.02.2022 Alexander Jesser (KIT-SCM) The Manhattan Project and Neutronics Calculation Advances  
" Pia Stammer (KIT-SCM) Data-based uncertainty modeling for radiation therapy  
26.01.2022 Stephanie Hofmann (KIT-SCM) Prediction models for words - optimization of model parameters and experiences with groups of students  
19.01.2022 Hasan Kalkan (KIT-SCM) Parametrisation of the Lithium Ion Battery from the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy  
" Nikolai Pfisterer (KIT-SCM) Applying Machine Learning to the Cellular Potts Model  
12.01.2022 Tianbai Xiao (KIT-SCM) On scientific machine learning and its applications in kinetic theory and fluid dynamics  
10.12.2021 Maqsood Rajput (KIT-SCM) Uncertainty quantification for atmospheric chemistry models alternative day: Friday
08.12.2021 Emil Grigorov (TU-Sofia) Applications and examples of (droplet-based) microfluidical flows  
01.12.2021 Philipp Beyer (KIT) Entwicklung eines Workshops zum Thema Automatisierte Komposition mit Hilfe von Markov Ketten  
10.11.2021 Thorsten Zirwes (KIT-SCM) Detailed Simulation of Flame Dynamics  
22.09.2021 Annika Schütz (KIT) Tooor!!! Oder?  
" Tony Peters (KIT) First Collision Source Methods for Radiation Therapy  

Winter Term 2020/21

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
17.02.2021 Jonas Kusch (KIT-SCC-SCM) Ray-effect mitigation techniques for radiation transport  
10.02.2021 Tvrtko Dorešić (RWTH/KIT-CSMM) Global Weak Solution for the Landau-Lifshitz-Vlasov-Maxwell System  
03.02.2021 Gayatri Čaklović (Jülich/KIT-CSMM) Paralpha: a parallel-in-time and space PDE solver  
27.01.2021 Sarah Schönbrodt (KIT-SCC-SCM) Recommender Systems, the Netflix Challenge, and an interactive workshop for high-school students  
" Jannick Wolters (KIT-SCC-SCM) Sparse PGNAA measurement reconstruction  
20.01.2021 Kirsten Wohak (KIT-SCC-SCM) Interactive teaching and learning materials for the mathematics of inverse problems  
16.12.2020 Pia Stammer (KIT-SCC-SCM) Mathematics and uncertainties in particle therapy  
" Alexandra Walter (KIT-SCC-SCM) Human rules - AI brains: Automated CTV delineation for head and neck cancers  
09.12.2020 Steffen Schotthöfer (KIT-IANM-CSMM) Hybrid machine learning and numerical methods for radiative transport equations  
" Maqsood Rajput (KIT-SCC-SCM) Uncertainty quantification in climate models for ozone  
02.12.2020 Stephanie Hofmann (KIT-SCC-SCM) Using stochastic Language Models for word predictions - Workshop for pupils  
" Dr. Yun Long (KIT-SCC-SCM) Research on Hydraulics in Pumps and Future Research on Thermal Performances of Molten Salt Receivers  
25.11.2020 Alexander Jesser (KIT-SCC-SCM) Neutron Transport Simulations for Radioactive Waste Characterization  

Summer Term 2020

The seminar usually took place online, on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remark
22.04.2020 Heike Fliegl (KIT-INT) Innovation Platform MaterialDigital  
10.06.2020 Charlotte Wedler Parameter Optimization for Ray Effect Mitigation Techniques  

Winter Term 2019/2020

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remark
2020-03-25 Isabel Alznauer Symplectic integrators for Hamiltonian systems online
11.03.2020 Jonona Yakupova Inclusion of corrosion protection measures in an AI framework  
04.03.2020 Maqsood Rajput (KIT-CSMM) Filtered Stochastic Galerkin Method for Radiative transfer and Fluid dynamics  
19.02.2020 Mehdi Roozmeh (KIT-SCC-SCM) Scalable Computing Techniques  
12.02.2020 Pia Stammer (KIT-SCC-SCM) Uncertainty Quantification in Radiation Therapy  
31.01.2020 Julian Köllermeier (KU Leuven) Reducing the model error of moment equations using filters  
22.01.2020 Torsten Trimborn (RWTH) Kinetic Modeling of Residual Neural Networks  
16.01.2020 Nikolai Kornev (Rostock) Generation of Artificial Velocity and Scalar Fluctuations based on Divergence-Free Vortex Particles alternative place and time: Emil-Mosonyi-SR, 15:45-16:45
18.12.2019 Ryan G. McClarren (Notre Dame) Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Particle Transport Calculations: Computing Eigenvalues and Accelerating Convergence  
11.12.2019 Michael Weimer (KIT-IMK-ASF/KIT-SCC) Mountian-wave induced Polar Stratospheric Clouds in ICON-ART  
04.12.2019 Zecan Tu (KIT-SCC) Thermal analysis of the high-temperature component with composites material and the simulation of heat and mass transfer in molten salt receivers of solar tower power plants  
27.11.2019 Tillmann Mühlpfordt (KIT-IAI) Presentation of PolyChaos.jl  
02.10.2019 Samuel Braun (KIT-SCC) Presentation of the source code editor Visual Studio Code and the extension Remote Development  

Winter Term 2018/19

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remark
20.03.2019 Christoph Peters (KIT-IVD) Moment-Based Methods for Real-Time Shadows and Fast Transient Imaging  
13.03.2019 Axel von der Weth (KIT-INR) Hydrogen transport in metallic media  
06.03.2019 Nikolai Pfinsterer NAStJA MPI+GPU and Report MPI+X  
20.02.2019 Antonio Figueroa (RWTH) Nuclear Archaeology for Nuclear Arms Control  
" Bernd Schuller (Jülich) Federated Computing with UNICORE  
23.01.2019 Hasan Kalkan Quantum Order Finding Algorithm  
09.01.2019 Jan Giesselmann (TU Darmstadt) A posteriori error analysis for (random) systems of hyperbolic conservation laws  
12.12.2018 Gayatri Čaklović (Jülich) Parallel Computation of the Hyperbolic QR Factorization  
05.12.2018 Lennart Hilbert (KIT-ITG) Information retrieval and three-dimensional organization in the cell nucleus  
21.11.2018 Manuel Drehwald Parallelizing a sieve using OpenMP  
11.11.2018 Samuel Braun Die Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Methode für die Simulation von Mehrphasenströmungen  
07.11.2018 Holger Obermaier Performance tools - an overview  
31.10.2018 Matthias Vandichel (Aalto) Description of metal-oxide/metal interfaces in catalysis with kinetic modeling  
24.10.2018 Marco Berghoff An Early Preview of "Non-collective Scalable Global Network Based on Local Communications"  
17.10.2018 M. Paul Laiu (ORNL) A Constraint-Reduced MPC Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Programming, with a Modified Active Set Identification Scheme  
10.10.2018 Yohanes Pramudya (KIT-INT) High throughput screening of MOF for gas separations  
01.10.2018 Markus Uhlmann (KIT-IFH) Large-scale, fully-resolved DNS of particulate flow systems alternative date: Monday

Summer Term 2018

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remarks
23.08.2018 Kai Krycki (AINT GmbH) Mathematical topics at AINT alternative day: Thursday
22.08.2018 Eckhard Wehrse Scanning beam path optimization for proton therapy bachelor’s thesis defence
08.08.2018 Teddy Pichard On hyperbolic systems with stiff source terms  
" Philipp Schenkel Untersuchung von maschinellen Lernansätzen im Bereich Textverstehen bachelor’s thesis defence
01.08.2018 Robert Speck (Jülich) Parallel-in-time integration  
25.07.2018 Benjamin Seibold (Temple University) Phantom Traffic Jams and Traffic Flow Control via Autonomous Vehicles  
18.07.2018 Ivan Kondov Scalable polynomial propagators for classical molecular dynamics  
11.07.2018 Rainer Stotzka Automatische Layoutanalyse mittelalterlicher Handschriften und frühneuzeitlicher Drucke  
02.07.2018 Malte Goettsche Nuclear Archaeology: Reconstructing Past Fissile Material Production alternative day: Monday
20.06.2018 Kirsten Wohak Complex modeling: animated movies and computer tomography  
06.06.2018 Matthias Schäfer TBA  
30.05.2018 Jonas Kusch TBA  
25.05.2018 Oscar Lopez Pouso (USC) Numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation in 1D slab geometry alternative day: Friday
24.05.2018 Cory Hauck Multiscale convergence properties for spectral approximations of a model kinetic equation  
16.05.2018 Ryan G. McClarren (Notre Dame) TBA  
02.05.2018 Qian Yang (Stanford University) Big Data for Physical Science: Statistical Learning and Model Reduction of Complex Chemical Reaction Networks  

Winter Term 2017/2018

The seminar usually took place on Wednesdays.

Date Speaker (Affiliation) Title Remark
28.03.2018 Camilla Lummerzheim Ein hierarchisches Modulsystem  
21.03.2018 Michael Weimer Polar Stratospheric Clouds in ICON-ART  
14.03.2018 Jordan Denev Transient Flame Straining and Flame Response Time  
07.03.2018 Mehmet Soysal ADA-FS  
28.02.2018 Asfaw Yohannes Computational study of small negatively charged platinum clusters  
21.02.2018 Philipp Hamberger Condensation of fast pyrolysis vapors  
14.02.2018 Marouen Ben Said (KIT-IBG) Phasenfeldmodellierung – Benetzung von Flüssigkeiten auf festen Oberflächen  
07.02.2018 Morris Kurz Asynchronous Finite Difference Schemes for HPC  
05.02.2018 Jannick Wolters (RWTH) TBA alternative day: Monday
" Maike Sube (RWTH) TBA "
31.01.2018 Carlos Schmidt Muniz Optimal Control of Solar Thermal Power Plants  
24.01.2018 Marco Berghoff Vorstellung des NAStJA Frameworks: HPC für Phasenfeld, kristallines Phasenfeld und zellulärem Potts Modell  
17.02.2018 George Pitchurov (TU-Sofia) Modelling of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation  
" Maren Hattebuhr Teaching high-school students about the statistics and mathematical models of climate change  
10.01.2018 Ivan Kondov Upscaling approaches for simulation in materials science  
13.12.2017 Bruno Dubroca (Université de Bordeaux) M1 model for the irradiation of materials  
06.12.2017 Thomas Camminady Ray effect mitigation in transport simulations  
29.11.2017 Hartwig Anzt, Rudolf Lohner, Simon Raffeiner Report on SC'17  
22.11.2017 Shugo Yasuda (University of Hyogo) Synchronized molecular-dynamics simulation via macroscopic heat and momentum transports  
15.11.2017 Michail Bachijski (KIT-SCC-SimLab Energy) TBA master’s thesis defence
" Georgi Nikolov TBA master’s thesis defence
08.11.2017 Olaf Schneider Enabling Computational Science