• bw Support Portal

  • The Baden Württemberg Support Portal is a ticket system for several services of the state of Baden Württemberg like bwCloud und bwHPC.


The bw-Supprt ticket system enables users of the state services bwCloud, bwDataAchive, bwForCluster, bwUniCluster, bwSync&Share, DACHS and the LSDF Online Storage to contact the relevant support groups. The ticket system is based on the Zammad software.

The Zammad-based ticket system will replace the XGUS-based predecessor system from February 19, 2025 on.


Organizational requirements


The service can then be accessed via the web interface bw-helpdesk.scc.kit.edu and https://bw-support.scc.kit.edu/

(Before Feb 19, 2025, the XGUS-based service can be accessed via https://bw-support.scc.kit.edu/. After that, the URL will point to the new Zammad-based service).

Employees and students at universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg can currently use this service free of charge


  • Where can I find a user manual for Zammad?

Everything needed to start with the ticket system you'll find in the Zammad user documentation.

  • How can I log in?

You can log in via the federated service bwIDM. You need a valid user account with a participating organization to be able to use federated services. Click on "bwIDM Check-in". On the bwIDM page, select your home organization and click on "Continue" or press the return key.

  • How do I create a new ticket?

Log in to the portal and click on the green "plus" symbol in the bottom left-hand area. Enter a title, add the ticket text and select the appropriate support group.

E.g. 2nd Level Support (BW) > Technical Support > bwUniCluster