
Video conference system for KIT committees

SCC operates a video conferencing system based on BigBlueButton that provides secure online communication for KIT committees but will also be available for KIT institutions and faculties in general in the near future.

Empty chairs? This does not mean that important committee meetings have to be cancelled. They can be held online via secure video conferencing systems at KIT.

The SCC operates a video conferencing system based on the BigBlueButton (BBB) software, which can be used by users belonging to the KIT on local computers via web browser. This video conferencing system is initially available for committees, in the near future also for other KIT institutions and faculties.

The availability of the service is planned in three stages:

  • KIT committees from 16.11.2020

  • KIT facilities (expected from December 8, 2020)

  • Courses (probably from Summer Term 2021)

Further information in the service description