• SAS is a software package focused on the analysis and graphical representation of statistical data (statistical software).

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    SAS Education Analytical Suite

    License at KIT

    KIT has licensed SAS Education Analytical Suite for individual professorships according to the surveyed need. If you want to use SAS software, please contact your IT representative or the SCC service desk (technical-scientific applications group).

    Offers for students

    There are free offers from the manufacturer, which should be especially interesting for students:

    Overview of SAS

    SAS is a software package focusing on the analysis and graphical presentation of statistical data. The name initially stood as an abbreviation for Statistical Analysis System. In the course of time it was (and is) SAS was (and is) continuously extended, so that SAS is now much more than a pure statistical package. For this reason, the original abbreviation has become a product name in its own right. SAS today calls itself an Information Delivery System.

    There are modules for operations research and statistical quality control, for interactive analysis and visualization of data, for developing a management information system and for creating menu interfaces.

    An important advantage of SAS lies in its ability to graphically display evaluations in a wide variety of forms, as well as in its SAS-own interactive interface for the development and testing of SAS-programs, which - just like the programming language SAS - is identical on all supported computers (as far as the terminals allow it). The programs can be executed both under this interface and independently of it.

    SAS is a higher programming language with file managing, statistical, mathematical and graphical functions. The evaluation of data is done with the help of predefined procedures. By its extensive procedure library can be used SAS can be used for the most diverse tasks and problems. Data can be read from a file or from the SAS-program can be read. Masks for data input can also be created under the interactive interface.

    The output of generated graphics is possible on a large number of terminals, printers and plotters and can also be redirected to files. This also allows the generation of standard graphic formats such as CGM or PostScript, which can be further processed or printed with other programs if necessary.


    • SAS-AH: SAS-Anwenderhandbuch im Netz - an online manual on SAS the WWW.
    • SAS. Introduction to the Statistical Analysis System. RRZN Hannover. Available from student services.
    • R.P. Cody, J.K. Smith: Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language. North-Holland, New York, 1991 (3rd edition).
    • F.C. DiIorio: SAS Applications Programming: A Gentle Introduction. PSW Kent, Boston, 1991.
    • B. Flury, H. Riedwyl: Applied Multivariate Statistics. Stuttgart / New York 1983.