
Conducting oral examinations via video conference

The SCC provides the web application Jitsi Meet for conducting oral examinations via video conference. In conjunction with an examination administration system, a virtual examination room is made available to examiners on the examination date.

Oral examinations at KIT with Jitsi Meet

KIT recommends the use of this service for conducting oral examinations via video conference.

The service description at www.scc.kit.edu/dienste/vc-exam provides examiners and students with a quick start and information on the course of an examination as well as on the technical and organizational requirements.

In addition, a test environment is provided to test the functionality of camera and microphone in advance. Furthermore, it is possible to test the screen-sharing function with other persons or additional devices.

The service is based on Jitsi (https://jitsi.org), an open-source video conferencing system, in conjunction with a examine management system developed by SCC. Authorised examiners receive a URL for the exam room via this exam management system, specifying an exam date, in order to be able to pass it on to the participants of the exam.

Basic technical and organizational information regarding oral video conferencing exams is provided by ZML at www.zml.kit.edu/corona-muendliche-pruefung.php. These must be observed!

Birgit Junker