Projects (terminated)
title short description contact enddate

EOSC-Pillar will coordinate national Open Science efforts across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, and ensure their contribution and readiness for the implementation of the EOSC.


Research data management forms the basis for applying, for example, modern artificial intelligence methods to research questions. Therefore, research data management is an important component of the KIT Climate and Environment Center. In the SmaRD-AI project (short for Smart Research Data Management to facilitate Artificial Intelligence in Climate and Environmental Sciences), the IWG, IMK, GIK, and SCC at KIT are working closely together not only to make the treasure trove of climate and environmental data available at KIT accessible, but also to be able to analyze it in a structured way using tools.

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Dr. Marcus Strobl


The EOSC Synergy project aims to expand the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). A team of 25 engineers and scientists will work on the expansion of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by integrating National and Scientific Infrastructures.


Die Helmholtz-Data Federation (HDF) ist eine strategische Initiative der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, die sich einer der großen Herausforderungen des nächsten Jahrzehnts annimmt: Die Bewältigung der Datenflut in der Wissenschaft, insbesondere aus den großen Forschungsinfrastrukturen der Helmholtz-Zentren.


SCC is a prominent partner in the, supporting governance for EOSC while working with communities towards an all-encompassing European Open Science Cloud.

Netranet Haile Gebreyesus


Among other things, EOSC-hub wants to create easy access to high-quality digital services offered by the pan-European partners in an open service catalogue.


The bwCard project is carried out by the universities of the state of Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to create a federation that enables the participating institutions to reliably integrate chip cards from the other institution into their own digital processes and services.


The Helmholtz Analytics Framework (HAF) pilot project will strengthen the development of data sciences in the Helmholtz Association. Together with four other Helmholtz Centres, a co-design approach between domain scientists and data analysis experts investigates challenging application problems from the respective Helmholtz Centres. Specifically, these are questions on earth system modelling, structural biology, aerospace, neurosciences and medical imaging.


By developing a decentralized electronic laboratory book, researchers and scientists at KIT will in the future also use many advantages of digitization in laboratory documentation.

Jan Potthoff


In this project, a generic metadata management for scientific data is to be established, based on an application-oriented metadata description. The implementation is accompanied by users from different and heterogeneous application areas.


The EU-Project AARC aims to develop and pilot an integrated cross-discipline authentication and authorisation framework, built on existing AAIs and on production federated infrastructures.


Future exascale HPC systems require efficient data management methods. The locality of data and the efficient access during a simulation are of great importance.


The Scientific Computing Center operates the research platform Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) at KIT. SDIL creates the conditions for cutting-edge research in the field of Big Data. More...

Martin Heck


The state project bwDataInMotion (bwDIM) supports scientists at universities in Baden-Württemberg in research data management. Its goal is to simplify the flow of data between the different systems.

Felix Bach


EUDAT - the collaborative Pan-European infrastructure providing research data services, training and consultancy for Researchers Research Communities Research Infrastructures & Data Centres


In the bwITsec project, a state-wide framework concept for IT security and a federative IT security structure are being drafted. The project is also developing a plan for implementing a CERT structure for the state universities.


Im Rahmen dieses Projekts wird das SCC als Archiv-Standort für Baden-Württemberg seine technische Infrastruktur für die langfristige Archivierung von Forschungs- und Bibliotheksdaten ausbauen.

Jos van Wezel


The state service bwSync&Share is an online storage service for employees and students of universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg.


The CollabFuL: Secure Social Collaboration in Research and Education project aims to create an open, unified, flexible, and privacy-friendly environment for secure social academic information sharing ...

Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein


Im Projekt RADAR wird ein entsprechender Service aufgebaut, der in erster Linie Forschenden, Institutionen und Verlagen eine Infrastruktur für die Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten bietet.


A reliable and sustainable access to scientific publications is a key requirement for research. Publications are normally accessed by retrieving a digital copy directly from the publisher’s or content provider’s homepages. This access can be disrupted due to several reasons such as a temporary failure of the publisher’s infrastructure, ceased operation of the publisher or simply cancellation of the subscription by the library. The project “National Hosting of Electronic Resources” develops a concept to ensure access to publications in these cases.
