Research and Innovation
SCC stands for internationally visible research, development and innovation in the fields of high performance computing (HPC), data intensive computing (DIC), and secure IT federations. As part of these activities SCC cooperates with partners from science and industry in Europe and beyond. SCC’s research focuses on scientific computing, modelling and simulation, large scale data management & analysis, grids, and cloud computing. Other priorities are cluster computing, innovative network technologies, IT security, and virtualisation.
The SCC is also involved in two programs of the Helmholtz Association: In the Engineering Digital Futures program of the Helmholtz Research Field Information, the SCC is strongly involved in the field of Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering with its Simulation and Data Life Cycle Labs, numerous generic research and development activities, and the Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF). In the research area Matter and as part of the Matter and Universe program, the SCC operates the LK-II Large Scale Research Facility GridKa as the German Tier1 data and analysis center for elementary and astroparticle physics, is thus a cornerstone of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), and serves the 4 LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb, as well as continuing to operate the Belle-II, Pierre-Auger, and IceCube experiments.
In addition, the SCC is very involved in the Helmholtz Incubator Information & Data Science, among others, through a strong participation in the platforms Helmholtz AI / HAICU (artificial intelligence), HMC (metadata) and HIFIS (federated IT services) as well as in numerous pilot projects.
- Computational Science and Engineering
- Computational Science and Mathematical Methods
- Computational and Mathematical Modeling Program
- Fixed-Point Methods for Numerics at Exascale
- High Performance Computing
- Methods for Big Data
- National High Performance Computing (NHR)
- Quantum Computing
- Simulation and Data Life Cycle Labs
- Software Sustainability and Performance Engineering
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Projects
- Computational Science and Mathematical Methods
- Dynamic IT Infrastructures