Data services - selection according to specifications

Select one of the four use cases below to get an initial selection of data services. You can use the function filters to select further specifications to find the service that is then right for you. Pure databases are a special case here, as it always depends on the application used how your data can be handled.

Storing and editing data

Store and edit currently required data securely as well as centrally. Depending on the service, data can also be shared with others and edited together.

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Backup data

Create one or more versions as a copy of current and still needed data, for example for a backup in case of loss.

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Archive data

Storing Data in an archive that will not change again or must no longer change,for a long time (if necessary, in a verifiable manner.

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Manage data

Store and manage data via an application in a database. The determining element here is the application.

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Storage capacity

Data privacy

Value at loss

Versions of file

Access patterns

Access group

Access speed

Access mode

Mode of change

Storage period

filesize and count




Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB), huge (>= 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data
Versions of file: exactly 1
Access patterns: rarely (archive, desaster recovery) (cold)
Access group: single user
Access speed: slowly
Access mode: Command line, via GUI
Mode of change: no modifications permitted
Storage period: Month, Years, 10 years and more
filesize and count: many medium files, many large files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees, Users

bwDataArchive is a service providing long-term data archiving of research data for members of academia and public scientific institutions in Baden-Württemberg, the Helmholtz association and European data infrastructures.

to service description


Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB), huge (>= 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data
Versions of file: exactly 1
Access patterns: rarely (archive, desaster recovery) (cold)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally
Access speed: slowly
Access mode: Command line, via GUI
Mode of change: no modifications permitted, Changing data for a certain time, then freezing it
Storage period: Month, Years, 10 years and more
filesize and count: many medium files, many large files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: Project or research group

RADAR4KIT enables KIT researchers to manage, archive, share in project teams, and publish their research data in a repository.

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Server Backup

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB), huge (>= 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data, Project or team data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: up to 3
Access patterns: rarely (archive, desaster recovery) (cold)
Access group: single user, working group
Access speed: slowly
Access mode: Command line, via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files, many large files, very large amount of data > 600 GB
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees

The backup service IBM SP (Spectrum Protect) provides KIT employees with the possibility of regular, automatic backup of Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers.

to service description

Desktop Backup

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data, Project or team data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: up to 3
Access patterns: rarely (archive, desaster recovery) (cold)
Access group: single user
Access speed: slowly
Access mode: Command line, via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files, many large files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: Users

The backup service IBM SP (Spectrum Protect) provides KIT employees with the possibility of regular, automatic backup of Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers.

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Mass storage for scientific data (LSDF online storage)

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB), huge (>= 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data, Project or team data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: more than 3
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: Command line, Mount point, via GUI, Connection to SCC HPC Cluster
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files, many large files, very large amount of data > 600 GB
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: Project or research group

The service "LSDF Online Storage" offers users of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology access to a data storage which is intended in particular for the storage of scientific measurement data and simulation results of data-intensive scientific disciplines.

to service description

KIT data storage (personal directory)

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB)
Data privacy: personal data, private data
Value at loss: very high -> requiring verification, non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: more than 3
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally
Access speed: fast
Access mode: via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package
Commissioning: Users

The personal directory is a highly available and central data storage for personal data and documents. The repository is available to all KIT employees, but cannot be shared with other users.

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KIT data storage (OU directory)

Storage capacity: medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB), huge (>= 1 PB)
Data privacy: Project or team data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: very high -> requiring verification, non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: more than 3
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally
Access speed: fast
Access mode: via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files, many large files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees

The OU directory is a centrally broad-based, highly available data repository for OU-specific data for an organizational unit (OU) of KIT.

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File exchange and online storage for desktop data (bwSync&Share)

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB)
Data privacy: Project or team data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: bearable loss
Versions of file: more than 3
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: via GUI, Online editing
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: Users

The state service bwSync&Share is an online storage service for employees and students of universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg which enables users to synchronize or exchange their data between different computers, mobile devices, and users.

to service description

S3 Storage

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: very high -> requiring verification, non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Versions of file: exactly 1
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: only via client application (protocol)
Mode of change: Modifications possible, Changing data for a certain time, then freezing it
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files
Costs: fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees

The S3 Storage represents a pure storage infrastructure that can be used as a backup storage in connection with an appropriate backup client on the end-user device.

KIT Team sites (SharePoint)

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB)
Data privacy: research data, Project or team data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: bearable loss
Versions of file: more than 3
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: Mount point, via GUI, Online editing
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package, fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees, Project or research group

This IT service provides a central web-based platform for collaboration and communication of teams at KIT (organizational units, working and project groups).

MS Teams

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB)
Data privacy: Project or team data
Value at loss: bearable loss
Versions of file: exactly 1
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: working group
Access speed: fast, medium
Access mode: via GUI, Online editing
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years
filesize and count: many small files, many medium files
Costs: Basic contingent in KIT basic package
Commissioning: Users

With MS Teams, workgroups can not only communicate, but also store, share, and collaboratively edit data online or offline.

to service description

MS SQL databases

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB), medium (> 10 TB < 1 PB)
Data privacy: research data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: only via client application (protocol), via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years, 10 years and more
Costs: fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees, Project or research group

Hosting of datenbases for applicatios on the basis of Microsoft SQL Servers.

MySQL databases

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB)
Data privacy: personal data, private data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: only via client application (protocol), via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years, 10 years and more
Costs: fee required
Commissioning: Users, Project or research group

MySQL is a popular open source database system, especially in the web environment. KIT employees and students can create and set up their own MySQL database at SCC using their KIT account.

PostgreSQL databases

Storage capacity: low (< 10 TB)
Data privacy: research data, personal data, private data
Value at loss: non-repeatable measuring data, bearable loss
Access patterns: frequently regularly (hot), now and again (warm)
Access group: single user, working group, KIT internally , worldwide
Access speed: fast
Access mode: only via client application (protocol), via GUI
Mode of change: Modifications possible
Storage period: Days, Month, Years, 10 years and more
Costs: fee required
Commissioning: IT appointees, Project or research group

PostgreSQL is a widely used, object-relational database management system (DBMS). The SCC operates the open source product on its own server systems and offers KIT employees the possibility to use PostgreSQL databases for official purposes.