Projekte (Abgeschlossen)
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The state project bwIPv6@Academia has the task to analyse the state of IPv6 capability together with the participating institutions, to identify problems and tasks and to accompany the implementation.


The project V-FOR-WaTer - Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Wasser- und terrestrische Umweltforschung im Rahmen des Netzwerks Wasserforschung Baden-Württemberg - aims to create a virtual research environment (VRE), which will combine research data gathered in universities, research centres and from continuous monitoring of state offices in Baden-Württemberg into one comprehensive system. Facilitating access to all these different data sources in one system greatly reduces pre-processing time of complex analyses and enables the study of this extensive dataset towards the develop­ment a unified environmental system theory. The project is a co-operation between the SCC and the IWG.


The GÉANT Project has grown during its iterations (GN1, GN2, GN3, GN3plus, GN4-1 and GN4-2) to incorporate not just the award-winning 500Gbps pan-European network, but also a catalogue of advanced, user-focused services, and a successful programme of innovation that is pushing the boundaries of networking technology to deliver real impact to over 50 million users.


The EU-Project AARC aims to develop and pilot an integrated cross-discipline authentication and authorisation framework, built on existing AAIs and on production federated infrastructures.


The DHDC project investigates how to support compute-intensive applications that require high-performance computing (HPC) and graphics processors (GPUs) with the help of cloud services.


The Baden-Württemberg Cloud provides teaching and research institutions in the state with virtual machines that can be used like corresponding offerings from commercial providers without a lengthy application process. (See also the ALWR website corresponding to bwCloud)


In the PolyEnergyNet project, resilient local grids are being researched and implemented as examples. In addition to the electricity grid as the "control grid," heat and gas grids with different types of generators, storage facilities and consumers also interact.


Im Rahmen des Projekts ASTOR entwickelt das SCC ein auf Cloud-Technologien basierendes Online-Portal. Über dieses Portal können Anwender für ihre Untersuchungen über Virtuelle Maschinen bereitgestellte Analyse-Applikationen auf OpenGL-Basis  flexibel und standortunabhängig nutzen.


Among other things, EOSC-hub wants to create easy access to high-quality digital services offered by the pan-European partners in an open service catalogue.
